Британская кухня — практика и традиции приготовления пищи в Великобрит перевод - Британская кухня — практика и традиции приготовления пищи в Великобрит английский как сказать

Британская кухня — практика и тради

Британская кухня — практика и традиции приготовления пищи в Великобритании. За британской кухней утвердилась репутация не слишком утонченной, но уделяющей внимание качеству ингредиентов, которые обычно местного производства. Соусы и приправы традиционной британской кулинарии также сравнительно просты и их используют чтобы подчеркнуть естественный вкус пищи, а не изменить его. В эпоху расцвета Великобритании как колониальной державы, британская кухня подверглась сильному влиянию кулинарии «заморских» стран, в первую очередь Индии. Так например англо-индийское блюдо из курицы — англ. tikka masala — считается настоящим британским «национальным блюдом». За британской кухней утвердилась стигма «лишенной воображения и тяжелой», она получила международное признание только в качестве полноценного завтрака и традиционного Рождественского обеда. Такая репутация особенно укрепилась в периоды Первой и Второй мировой войн, когда в Великобритании правительство вводило рационирование продовольствия. Традиционными британскими блюдами являются рыба и картофель фри, картофельная запеканка с мясом и пюре.

Британская кухня имеет ряд национальных и региональных вариантов, как например английская кухня, шотландская кухня, валлийская кухня, гибралтарская кухня и англо-индийская кухня, каждая из которых разработали свои собственные региональные или местные блюда, многие из которых получили названия по местам происхождения продуктов, такие как сыр Чешир, йоркширский пудинг и валлийские гренки с сыром.
Шотландия :
Хаггис (dreaded haggis)

- овечий желудок - 1 шт.
- сердце - 1 шт.
- печень - 1 шт.
- сало нутряное - 200г
- крупа овсяная - 3/4 стакана
- лук репчатый - 3 шт.
- соль - 1ч.л.
- перец черный - 1/2 ч.л.
- перец кайенский - 1/4 ч.л.
- мускатный орех - 1/2 ч.л.
- бульон - 3/4 стакана.
Желудок хорошо вымыть, натереть солью, потом еще раз промыть водой. Удалить пленки и жир. Замочить желудок в холодной воде на несколько часов, а потом вывернуть наизнанку.
Сердце и печень промыть холодной водой, положить в кастрюлю и довести до кипения. Уменьшить огонь и варить в течение получаса. Подрумянить овсяную крупу. Мелко порезать печень и сердце и смешать с овсяной крупой, резаным луком, специями и салом. Нафаршировать желудок на две трети. Зашить желудок, положить в кастрюлю и залить водой.
Варить в течение 3-х часов без крышки. В процессе варки подливать воду. Если желудок начнет раздуваться в процессе варки, нужно проткнуть его иглой. После окончания варки вынуть нитку, которой зашит желудок. Готовое содержимое подавать с вареным картофелем и турнепсом.
Каре ягнёнка под мятным соусом
Для приготовления блюда Каре ягненка с мятным соусом необходимы следующие ингредиенты:
семя кориандра: 20г;
тмин, зира: по 20г;
кайенский перец: 10г;
ребрышки ягненка: 8шт;
оливковое или подсолнечное масло: 120г;
мед: 35 г;
уксус: 10 г;
лайм: 1-2 шт;
чеснок: 2 дольки;
кинза, мята (свежая): по 50г.

Способ приготовления блюда Каре ягненка с мятным соусом: необходимо в сковородке обжарить специи, непрерывно помешивая, огонь при этом следует сделать сильный, на данную процедуру уходит примерно пара минут. После пребывания на сковородке специй, их аромат усилится, далее необходимо растолочь смесь в ступке.

Каре посолите слегка приправьте перцем, обваляйте в специи со всех боков, у вас должна получиться своеобразная панировка. На разогретую сковородку налейте масла, обжаривайте мясо жиром книзу, до появления характерного золотистого цвета. Огонь при этом должен быть умеренным. Переверните мясо и поместите в горячий духовой шкаф, прогретый до 200с.

Пока блюдо находится в духовке, займитесь соусом: смешайте при помощи блендера чесночные зубки с лаймовым соком, уксусом, оливковым или подсолнечным маслом, медом и зеленью. Масса у вас должна получиться однородной.

Когда каре будет готово, выньте его из духового шкафа, в течение пяти минут дайте остыть, нарежьте, разделив на ребрышки, полейте соусом и наслаждайтесь удивительно вкусным деликатесом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
British cuisine is the cooking traditions and practices in the uk. For British cuisine has established a reputation is not too sophisticated, but giving attention to quality ingredients, which are usually local production. Sauces and seasonings of traditional British cooking is also relatively simple and use them to highlight the natural flavor of food, rather than change it. In the heyday of Great Britain as a colonial power, British cuisine has undergone strong culinary influence overseas countries, primarily India. So for example the Anglo-Indian dish of chicken-engl. tikka masala — is considered a real British national dish ". For British cuisine established stigma "devoid of imagination and hard, she received international recognition only as a hearty breakfast and a traditional Christmas dinner. Such a reputation especially strengthened during periods of the first and second world wars, when the uk Government has introduced rationing of food. Traditional British dishes are fish and chips, Shepherd's pie and mash.British cuisine has several national and regional variants such as the English kitchen, Scottish cuisine, Welsh cuisine, cuisine of Gibraltar and Anglo-Indian cuisine, which each have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which have received the names of places of origin of foods such as Cheshire Cheese, the Yorkshire Pudding and Welsh toasts with cheese.For example:Scotland:Haggis (dreaded haggis)-sheep stomach-1 PCs. -heart-1 PCs. -liver-1 PCs. -suet-200 g -oat groats-3/4 cups -onions-3 PCs. -salt-1 h. l. -black pepper-1/2 tsp -Cayenne Pepper-1/4 TSP -nutmeg 1/2 tsp -broth-3/4 cups.The stomach wash, rub with salt, then rinsed again with water. Remove foil and grease. Soak the stomach in cold water for several hours, and then turn inside out.Heart and liver wash with cold water, put in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for half an hour. Brown oat groats. Chopped liver and heart and mix with oatmeal cereal, cutted onion, spices and fat. Lovable objects are stomach by two thirds. Sew the stomach, put in a saucepan and cover with water.Cook for 3 hours without the lid. In the process of cooking pour the water. If your stomach starts to swell during the cooking process, you need to Pierce it with a needle. After the end of cooking, remove the thread, which burned his stomach. Turnkey content serve with boiled potatoes and turnepsom.Wales:Rack of lamb under mint sauceFor cooking a rack of Lamb with mint sauce, you need the following ingredients: coriander seed: 20 g; caraway, cumin: of 20 g; Cayenne Pepper: 10 g; lamb ribs: 8; olive or sunflower oil: 120 g; Honey: 35 g; vinegar: 10 g; Lime: 1-2 pieces; Garlic: 2 wedges; cilantro, mint (fresh): 50 g.Way of cooking a rack of Lamb with mint sauce: fry the spices should be in a skillet, stirring constantly, fire be made strong, this procedure takes about a couple of minutes. After a stint in a skillet of spices, their flavor will intensify, the next step is to mince the mixture in the mortar.Kara salt lightly season with pepper, toss in spices from all sides, you should now have a kind of Breading. On the preheated frying pan pour oil, fry the meat with the fat down, before the appearance of the characteristic golden colour. The fire should be moderate. Turn the meat and place in a hot oven, warmed up to 200 c.While the dish is in the oven, sauce: mix together using the Blender garlic teeth with lime juice, vinegar, olive oil or sunflower oil, honey and herbs. You should now have a mass of homogeneous.When Kara is ready, remove it from the oven, let cool for five minutes, slice, divided into ribs, pour the sauce and enjoy amazingly delicious delicacy.England:
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
British cuisine - the practice and tradition of cooking in the UK. For British cuisine established a reputation not too subtle, but pay attention to the quality of the ingredients, which are usually produced locally. Sauces and condiments traditional British cuisine and relatively simple, and they are used to accentuate the natural flavor of the food, and not change it. In the heyday of the UK as a colonial power, British cuisine was heavily influenced by cooking "foreign" countries, primarily India. For example Anglo-Indian dish Chicken - English. tikka masala - is a real British "national dish." For British cuisine has established itself stigma "unimaginative and heavy," she only received international recognition as a full breakfast and a traditional Christmas dinner. This reputation is especially strengthened during the First and Second World Wars, when the UK government introduced rationing of food. Traditional British dishes include fish, french fries, potato casserole with meat and mashed potatoes. British cuisine has several national and regional variations, such as English cuisine Scottish cuisine, Welsh cuisine, Gibraltar kitchen and Anglo-Indian cuisine, each of which developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which have received the names of the places of origin of the products, such as cheese, Cheshire, Yorkshire pudding and Welsh rarebit. For example: Scotland Haggis (dreaded haggis) - sheep's stomach - 1 pc. - Heart - 1 pc. - liver - 1 pc. - Interior fat - 200g - oat groats - 3/4 cup - onions - 3 pieces. - Salt - 1ch.l. - black pepper - 1/2 tsp - cayenne pepper - 1 / 4 tsp - nutmeg - 1/2 tsp - broth - 3/4 cup. Stomach good wash, rub with salt, then rinse again with water. Remove the film and fat. Soak the stomach in cold water for several hours, then turn inside out. Heart and liver rinse with cold water, put in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour. Oats browned. Finely chop the liver and heart and mixed with oatmeal, chopped onion, spices and lard. Stuff the stomach by two thirds. Sew up the stomach, put in a pot and cover with water. Cook for 3 hours without a lid. During cooking, add water. If your stomach starts to swell during cooking, you need to pierce it with a needle. After the end of cooking, remove the thread, which is sewn into the stomach. Ready contents serve with boiled potatoes and turnips. Wales: Rack of lamb with mint sauce for cooking rack of lamb with mint sauce, the following ingredients: coriander seed: 20g, caraway, cumin: 20g; cayenne pepper: 10 g; lamb ribs: 8 pieces; olive or sunflower oil: 120g, honey 35 g vinegar 10 g lime: 1-2 pieces, garlic 2 cloves, coriander, mint (fresh) of 50g. The method of cooking rack of lamb with mint sauce: necessary pan fry the spices, stirring constantly, fire in this case should be made ​​strong for the procedure takes about a couple of minutes. After staying in a skillet spices intensify their flavor, then you need to crush the mixture into a mortar. Kare lightly season with salt pepper, roll in spices from all sides, you should have a kind of breading. In a heated pan, pour oil, fry the meat fat from top to bottom, until the characteristic golden color. The fire at the same time should be moderate. Turn the meat and place in a hot oven, preheated to 200C. As long as the dish is in the oven, get the sauce: mix using the blender with garlic chives lime juice, vinegar, olive or sunflower oil, honey and herbs. The weight you should have a uniform. When the square is ready, remove it from the oven for five minutes, let cool, cut, dividing by the ribs, pour the sauce and enjoy a surprisingly tasty delicacy. England:

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
British cuisine - practices and traditions cooking in Great Britain. The British cuisine established reputation is not too subtle, but an adversarial approach to quality ingredients,Which is usually local production. Sauces and seasonings traditional British cooking also are relatively easy and their use to emphasize natural flavor of the food, and not to change it.In the era of great Britain to flourish as the colonial power, british cuisine was heavily polluted by impact cooking "overseas" countries, primarily India. For example an english Indian dish of chicken - imp.Tikkа"; - is considered to be the British "national dish". The British cuisine established stigma "lacks imagination and heavy",She has received international recognition as a full breakfast buffet and traditional Christmas lunch. Such a reputation in particular has been strengthened during the periods the First and Second world wars,When in the UK the government imposed credit rationing food. Traditional British dishes are fish and fries, potato gratin with meat and puree.

British cuisine has a number of national and regional options, such as for example the english kitchen, Scottish cuisine, the Welsh cuisine, the Gibraltarian cuisine and an English-the Indian kitchen,Each of which have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which have received the names of places of origin of products, such as cheese Cheshire,Saffron buns валлииские pudding and cheese or sausages with cheese.
For Example:
Scotland :
Haggis ( 'funk'. hаggis)Lord - sheep stomach - 1 used
- the heart - 1 used
- liver - 1 used
- salo нутряное - 200g
- krupa g - 3/4 cup
- onion - 3 used.
- salt - 1h.l.
- pepper black - 1-1/2 hours.l.
- Pepper strengthens resistibility - 1-1/4 hours.l.
- Nutmeg - 1/2 h.l.
- Salt - 3/4 cup.
stomach well wash, hazelnuts, then again flush with water. Are you sure you want to delete film and fat.
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