а) ТЭА – триэтилалюминий,
б) ПГ-1 - смесь триэтилалюминия и триметилалюминия
(ТЭА : ТМА = 3:1) ;
в) ТЭБ – триэтилбор,
г) ПГ-2 - смесь триэтилбора и триэтилалюминия (87% ТЭБ и 13% ТЭА).
Пусковое горючее ТЭА, ПГ-1 и ТЭБ было опробовано при испытаниях двигателей 11Д58 и 11Д58М п/я В-2572.
Необходимо отметить, что эксплуатационные характеристики ТЭБ выгодно отличаются от характеристик ТЭА и ПГ-1 - существенно меньшая температура кристаллизации-(90-96°С), значительно меньшое количество осадков в газовых трактах (при этом осадки В2, О3 легко удаляются водой) и токсичность в раза ниже, чем у ТЭА и ПГ-1.
Предприятием п/я Р-6521 были проведены специальные исследования по определению особенностей пусковых горючих ТЭБ и ПГ-2 в широком диапазоне внешних условий.
Испытания проводились на установке 1УКУ.
Анализ результатов огневых испытаний показывает, что для рулевого двигателя (аналогично маршевому) наиболее целесообразно использовать пусковое горючее ПГ-2, обеспечивающее безударное воспламенение в эксплуатационном диапазоне температур компонентов топлива и конструкции. Кроме того, применение однообразных типов используемых на носителе 11К77 компонентов улучшает эксплуатационные характеристики носителя.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
a) TEAS-triethylaluminium,b) PG-1 is a mixture of triethylaluminum and trimetilalûminiâ(TEAS: TMA = 3:1);TEB-triètilbor),g) PG-2 is a mixture of triètilbora and triethylaluminum (87% of TEB and 13% TEA).Starter fuel TEAS, PG-1 and FIELDING was tested when testing engines 11D58 and 11D58M p/I in-2572.It should be noted that the performance characteristics of TEB favorably differ from the characteristics of the TEAS and PG-1-significantly lower crystallization temperature-(90-96° c) significantly men′šoe precipitation in gas tracts (at the same precipitation B2, O3 are easily removed with water) and toxicity in the times below, than TEAS and PG-1.Enterprise p/I p-6521 special studies have been carried out on the definition of the characteristics of launch TEB burnable and PG-2 in a wide range of external conditions.The tests were carried out on the installation 1UKU.Analysis of the results of the firing tests showed that the Steering engine (similar to marševomu) most appropriate to use starter fuel PG-2, providing nonimpact ignite in the operating temperature range of the fuel components and designs. In addition, the application of uniform types used on the media 11 k 77-improves performance characteristics of media.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
a) TEA - triethyl,
b) PG-1 - a mixture of triethylaluminum and trimethylaluminum
(TEA: TMA = 3: 1);
c) TEB - triethylboron,
d) PG-2 - mixture of triethylboron and triethylaluminum (87% FEB and 13% TEA .)
Starting fuel TEA, PG-1 and FEB has been tested at the engine test 11D58 and 11D58M p / B-2572.
it should be noted that the performance of the fuel and energy balance compares favorably to the performance of TEA and PG-1 - significantly lower temperature kristallizatsii- (90 -96 ° C) is much less rainfall in the gas path (the B2 rainfall, O3 can be easily removed with water) and toxicity in times lower than that of TEA and SG-1.
The enterprise p / P-6521 were conducted special studies on Certain features of the starting fuel TEB and PG-2 in a wide range of external conditions.
The tests were conducted at the facility 1UKU.
Analysis of the fire tests results shows that the steering motor (similar Marching) most appropriate to use the starter fuel NG-2, providing bumpless inflammation in the operating range temperature and fuel component designs. Furthermore, the use of uniform carrier types used on 11K77 components improves vehicle performance.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
(a) teas, triethylaluminium,(b) pg 1 - a mixture of триэтилалюминия and триметилалюминия(teas: tma = 3: 1).the tab is триэтилбор,mr.) ng 2 - a mixture of триэтилбора and триэтилалюминия (87% of tab and 13% of tea).пусковое fuel teas, ng 1 and tab was tested with the testing of engines 11д58 and 11д58м p / i - 2572.it should be noted that the performance tab favourably with the characteristics of tea and pg 1 - significantly lower crystallization temperature (90 96°с), significantly меньшое precipitation in gas трактах (with precipitation b2 o3 easily removed water) and toxicity of the times lower than teas and pg 1.enterprise p / i r - furnished specific studies were carried out on the characterization of launch for tab and ng 2 in a wide range of external conditions.the tests were conducted at the 1уку.analysis of the results of fire tests shows that the steering engine (similar to маршевому) is most appropriate to use пусковое fuel ng 2, which безударное granuloma in the operational temperatures of fuel and construction. in addition, the use of ordinary types used on the recording medium 11к77 components improves the operating characteristics of the host.
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