10. Мы вышли из сакли... Погода прояснилась. (Лермонтов) 11. Она между тем кончила письмо и запечатала его. (Чехов) 12. Когда поручик Вулич подошел к столу, то все замолчали. (Лермонтов) 13....едва я вошел в ее комнату, как кто-то прибежал с сообщением о том, что приехал Есенин. (Шнейдер) 14. Стемнело, когда они вышли из землянки. (Чаковский) 15. Настало утро; оба они поднялись. (Тургенев) 16. Утром, едва я перешагнул порог школы, как почувствовал: что-то изменилось. (Тендряков) 17. Я сел за стол, положил перед собой рукопись, закурил... (Тендряков) 18. Я стоял, пока машина не свернула за угол. (Тендряков) 19. Берсенев еще никогда не говорил с нею, как в тот вечер. (Тургенев) 20. После ужина, когда гости уехали, он пошел к себе. (Ч-ехов) 21. Варвара Павловна пошла ей навстречу, как только увидала ее. (Тургенев) 22. Уже было поздно и темно, когда я снова отворил окно. (Лермонтов) 23. Уже совсем стемнело... когда Берсенев... подошел к двери своего приятеля. (Тургенев) 24. Аркадий подождал, пока Федот... запряг лошадей. (Тургенев) 25. Марианна еще не появилась, как Соломин уже вошел в комнату Нежданова. (Тургенев) 26. Едва лишь закрылась за ним дверь, как аудитория зашумела. (Тендряков) 27. Елена Емельяновна долго еще сидела в классе, после того как ушел самый плохой и самый любимый ученик Маврикий Толлин. (Пермяк)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
10. My vyshli iz sakli ... The weather cleared up. (Lermontov) 11. She meanwhile had finished the letter and seal it. (Czechs) 12. When Lieutenant Vulić, came to the table, all fell silent. (Lermontov) 13 ... I barely entered her room like someone ran with the message that arrived Yesenin. (Schneider) 14. After dark, when they came out of the dugout. (Chakovskiy) 15. It is morning; They both climbed. (Turgenev) 16. In the morning, I hardly crossed the threshold of the school, as he felt that something had changed. (Tendrjakov) 17. I sat down at the table, put before a manuscript, lit. (Tendrjakov) 18. I stood, until the machine has not turned the corner. (Tendrjakov) 19. Bersenev has never spoken to her, as in the evening. (Turgenev) 20. After dinner, when the guests left, he went to his. (H-ehov) 21. Varvara Pavlovna went to meet her, once saw it. (Turgenev) 22. It was already late and dark when I opened the window again. (Lermontov) 23. Already quite dark ... When Bersenev. his friend came to the door. (Turgenev) 24. Arkadij waited until Fedot. harnessed horses. (Turgenev) 25. Marianne has not yet appeared as Solomin has already entered the room Nezhdanova. (Turgenev) 26. Barely closed the door behind him, as the audience zashumela. (Tendrjakov) 27. Elena Emelyanovna long sat in the classroom, once left the worst and most beloved disciple Mauritius Tollin. (Permyak)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
10. We came out of the hut ... The weather cleared up. (Lermontov) 11. It is meanwhile finished the letter and sealed it. (Chekhov) 12. When Lieutenant Vulic went to the table, then all fell silent. (Lermontov) 13 .... as soon as I entered her room, someone came running with a message that Yesenin arrived. (Schneider) 14. It was dark when they came out of the dugout. (Chakovsky) 15. It's morning; they both rose. (Turgenev) 16. In the morning, as soon as I crossed the threshold of the school, he felt that something had changed. (Tendriakov) 17. I sat at the table, put the manuscript in front of him, lit ... (Tendriakov) 18. I stood until the car turned the corner. (Tendriakov) 19. Bersenev had never spoken to her like that night. (Turgenev) 20. After dinner, when the guests had left, he went to his room. (H-Jehovih) 21. Varvara Pavlovna went to meet her as soon as she saw her. (Turgenev) 22. It was already late and dark when I opened the window again. (Lermontov) 23. It was quite dark when Bersenev ... ... went to the door of his friend. (Turgenev) 24. Arkady waited till Fedot ... harnessed the horses. (Turgenev) 25. Marianna has not yet appeared as Solomin already entered the room Nezhdanoff. (Turgenev) 26. No sooner had the door closed behind him, the audience rustled. (Tendriakov) 27. Elena Emelyanovna a long time sitting in the classroom, after left the worst and most beloved disciple Mauritius Tollin. (Permyak)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
10. we walked out of the сакли... the weather cleared. (lermontov) 11. she, however, came a letter and have sealed it. (chekhov) 12. when lieutenant вулич walked up to the table, all silent. (lermontov) 13....едва i went into her room, someone came running up with the message that came jesenin. (schneider) 14. it was dark when they came out of the dugouts. (чаковский) 15. the morning; and they both went up. (turgenev) 16. in the morning, when i walk into the school, i felt something was different. (тендряков) 17. i sat at the desk, put in front of a manuscript, lit a cigarette. (тендряков) 18. i stood there until the car turned the corner. (тендряков) 19. берсенев has never talked to her, like in the evening. (turgenev) 20. after dinner when the guests left, he went home. (h - ехов) 21. varvara pavlovna went towards her, once saw her. (turgenev) 22. it was late and dark when i again opened the latter window. (lermontov) 23. already quite dark. when берсенев... came to the door of his friend. (turgenev) 24. arkady waited for fedot... harness the horses. (turgenev) 25. marianne had not appeared as solomin has already walked into the room, нежданова. (turgenev) 26. barely closed the door on it, as the audience has rattled. (тендряков) 27. elena емельяновна long sat in the classroom, after left the bad and favorite student of mauritius толлин. (пермяк)
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