Очень сложно сказать, что я считаю приемлемым. Наверное, все то, что не считаю неприемлемым (например, я терпеть не могу тонкие черные колготки, но от них никуда не деться)
Черный - это классика, уместная везде и всегда. Главное, правильно подобрать аксессуары)Люди не прекратят носить черный, даже если его законодательно запретят
Ну да, приглушенные тона цвета не прибавят. Хотя все зависит от целей
Очень сложно отвечать на вопросы, на которые нечего прибавить.
Я никогда не буду копировать кого-то в своей одежде. Зачем? Не вижу смысла. Симпатии это не прибавит, особенно, если босс - женщина. А уж если мужчина, то это просто смешно.
Детали всегда важны, как бы ты не хотел выглядеть. Если, конечно, есть желание на этом акцентировать свое внимание.
ДаниэльМ абсолютно прав. Мне нечего добавить.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It is very difficult to say that I find acceptable. Probably all that don't find unacceptable (for example, I can not stand the thin black tights, but there is no escaping from them)Black is classic, appropriate everywhere and always. Important to choose the right accessories) people did not stop wearing black, even if it is to be bannedWell, Yes, the muted tones of color do not give. Although everything depends on the objectives of theIt is very difficult to answer the questions that have nothing to add. I will never copy someone in their clothes. Why? Don't see the point. This does not add sympathies, especially if the boss is a woman. And if a man, it's just funny.Details are always important, how would you like the look. Unless, of course, there is a desire for this focus.Danièl′M is absolutely right. I have nothing to add.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It is very difficult to say what I think is acceptable. Perhaps all that I do not consider unacceptable (for example, I can not stand the thin black tights, but they can not escape) Black - it's a classic, it is appropriate everywhere and always. The main thing is to choose the right accessories) People do not stop wearing black, even if it is legally banned Well, muted color tones will not add. While all depends on the goals is very difficult to answer the questions that have nothing to add. I will never copy someone in their clothes. Why? Do not see the point. Sympathy is not increased, especially if the boss - a woman. And if a man, it's just ridiculous. Details are always important, as if you did not want to look like. Unless, of course, there is a desire for this to focus their attention. DanielM absolutely right. I have nothing to add.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
It is very difficult to say that I believe it is acceptable. I think, all that does not believe it is unacceptable (for example, I can't thin black tights, but they cannot be avoided)lord Black - this is a classic, garnered everywhere and always.The main, to match the right accessories)people will not cease to be black, even if the statutory ban
yes, muted colors color is not stress. Although it all depends on the goals
is very difficult to answer the questions,There's not much we can add to that. Lord I will never i copy someone in their clothes. Why should I? Do not make sense. Sympathy is not able, especially if boss is a woman. And if a man, it is just ridiculous.
Parts are always important, how would you have not wanted to look like. If, of course, there is a desire for this focus.lord ДаниэльМ is absolutely right. I have nothing to add.
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