Те, кто выбирает профессию учителя, должны понимать, что эта работа не перевод - Те, кто выбирает профессию учителя, должны понимать, что эта работа не английский как сказать

Те, кто выбирает профессию учителя,

Те, кто выбирает профессию учителя, должны понимать, что эта работа нелегка. Каждый день перед учителем стоят новые цели и задачи и каждый день он должен выполнить их по максимуму. Если вы имеете способности к преподаванию, вы преданны своей работе, вы любите детей, это не будет для вас слишком тяжело. Но есть еще одна важная вещь,у детей должно быть стремление к знаниям, иначе все ваши труды напрасны. В фильме Джона Смита "Опасные умы" главная героиня, молодая учительница ЛуЭнн приходит работать в школу. И с первого дня её работы ей приходится работать с трудными подростками. Привлечь их внимание достаточно трудно. Им нет никакого дела до учебы и они любят доводить преподавателей до нервного срыва. Но она решила тоже действовать решительно. Я считаю,она выбрала правильный путь. Во-первых она их мотивировала( поставила всем хорошую оценку, за правильный ответ давала шоколадку,сводила в парк и т.д.). Во-вторых она дала им право выбора, что их очень удивило. В-третьих, она была не просто их учителем, она стала их другом, помощником, наставником. Если бы она учила их только поэзии, они получали бы свои шоколадки и не старались преуспеть.
ЛуЭнн очень предана своей работе. Она соединила в ней все свои способности, таланты и навыки. Она не упустила ни одну делать и справилась со всеми проблемами. Хотя это было очень рискованно, потому что один неверный шаг мог разрушить все в один момент. Она шла по краю пропасти и дошла до финиша.
Если человек готов служить людям, отдавать всю свои заботу детям,искренне переживать за свои успехи и за успехи детей, то его призвание быть учителем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Those who choose the profession, teachers need to understand that this work is not easy. Every day before a teacher is facing new tasks and goals, and every day he has to perform to their maximum. If you have the ability to teach, you are committed to their work, you love children, this won't be too hard for you. But there is another important thing in children should be the pursuit of knowledge, otherwise all your works vain. John Smith in the movie "dangerous minds," the main character, a young teacher Louann comes to work at the school. And from the first day of her work she has to work with difficult adolescents. It is difficult to get their attention. They don't have any cases to study and they love to bring teachers up to a nervous breakdown. But she decided to also act decisively. I believe she has chosen the right path. Firstly it motivated them (put all good assessment for the correct answer gave chocolate, whittling the Park, etc.). Secondly, it gave them the right to choose that they are very surprised. Thirdly, it was not just a teacher, she became their friend, Assistant, mentor. If she taught them only poetry, they would receive their chocolates and try to succeed. Louann is very committed to their work. She joined all their abilities, talents, and skills. She did not lose any make and coped with all the problems. Although it was very risky because one wrong move could destroy everything in a moment. She walked along the edge of the abyss and reaches the finish line. If a person is ready to serve the people, to give all their children when sincerely care for their successes and achievements for children, his vocation to be a teacher.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Those who choose the teaching profession should be aware that this work is not easy. Every day the teacher is facing new goals and objectives, and every day he has to perform them to the maximum. If you have the ability to teach, you are committed to your work, you love children, it will not be too hard for you. But there is another important thing in children should be striving for knowledge, otherwise all your work in vain. In the film, John Smith "Dangerous Minds," the main character, a young teacher comes to work in Luena school. And from the first day of her work she has to work with difficult teenagers. Their attention is hard enough. They do not care about learning and they love to bring teachers to a nervous breakdown. But she, too, has decided to act decisively. I think she chose the right path. Firstly, it motivated them (put all good estimate of the correct answer gave a chocolate bar, drove to the park, etc.). Secondly, it gave them the right to choose, they are very surprised. Third, it was not just their teacher, she became their friend, helper, mentor. If she only taught them poetry, they would receive their chocolate and did not try to succeed.
Luena very devoted to their work. She joined her in their abilities, talents and skills. She does not miss any make and deal with all the problems. Although it was very risky, because one wrong move can destroy everything in a moment. She was on the brink of the abyss, and reached the finish line.
If a person is ready to serve the people, to give all their children cared sincerely worry for their success and for the success of children is his calling to be a teacher.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Those, who selects the teachers, must understand that this work is not an easy one. Every day before a teacher is confronted with new goals and objectives and each day, he must perform to their maximum.If you have the ability to teach, you are faithful its work, you love children, this would not be too difficult for you. But there is another important thing,the children should be the desire to knowledge,Otherwise all of your writings in vain. In the film, John Smith "Dangerous minds" the main hero, the young teacher ЛуЭнн comes to work in school. And on the first day of its work it had to work with difficult adolescents.
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