Источники права – это обстоятельства, вызывающие появление права, его действие. В этом смысле «источник» – это как бы корень, из которого растет могучее дерево, называемое правом. Источником права являются объективная реальность, т. е. развивающиеся общественные отношения (способ производства, существующие формы собственности, хозяйственные, политические, культурные, социальные связи и т. п.), воля народа (в основе референдумных норм), воля государства (в основе централизованных норм), воля граждан (в основе корпоративных и договорных норм).
Форма права – это то, из чего мы черпаем знания о праве, иначе, это способ формирования, закрепления правовых норм.
Выделяют три основные формы права.
I. Правовой обычай. Это самый древний источник права, да и само право как социальное явление зародилось в значительной мере в результате приспособления обычаев, их корректировки в соответствии с интересами имущих классов. Так, первые законы античного и феодального обществ, по существу, были сводами обычного права отдельных племен (Русская Правда, Салическая Правда, Саксонская Правда и др.). Вообще обычай – правило поведения, которое сложилось в течение жизни нескольких поколений и стало обязательным в силу многократного повторения, в силу привычки.
II. Юридический прецедент (юридическая практика). Это
более распространенный источник права, чем правовой обычай. Он встречался еще в Древнем Риме, господствовал в средние века. В настоящее время играет главную роль в Англии и в странах, в которых получило развитие так называемое англосаксонское, или общее, право.
Юридический прецедент (судебный или административный) – это решение по конкретному делу (судебному или административному), ставшее образцом для рассмотрения аналогичных дел в будущем.
III. Нормативный акт. Как источник права – это наиболее позднее творение человеческого разума. Но несмотря на это, он становится все более и более распространенным даже в тех странах, где традиционно большую роль играют другие источники права (в арабских странах – религиозные /Нормативный акт – это официальный документ правотворческого органа, в котором содержатся правовые нормы.
Нормативные акты создаются в основном государственными органами, имеющими право принимать нормативные решения по тем вопросам, которые переданы им для разрешения. При этом они выражают волю государства. Отсюда проистекает их властность, официальность, авторитарность, обязательность.воззрения, в странах Британского Содружества Наций – прецедент).
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Sources of law-these are the circumstances causing the appearance of law. In this sense, the "source"-it's like a root, from which grows a mighty tree, called the law. Source of law is an objective reality, i.e. developing social relationships (the method of production, existing forms of ownership, economic, political, cultural, social ties, etc.), the will of the people (through referendumnyh), the will of the State (centralized), will citizens (through corporate and contractual norms).Form of law-this is something from which we derive knowledge about law, otherwise, it's a way of creating, consolidating legal norms.There are three basic forms of law.I. Legal custom. It is the most ancient source of law, and the law itself as a social phenomenon originated largely as a result of the fixtures customary adjustments in accordance with the interests of the propertied classes. So, the first laws of the ancient and feudal societies were essentially the arches of the customary law of the individual tribes (Russkaya Pravda, Salic truth, Saxon True etc.). Themes customize-rule of conduct that happened over several generations and has become compulsory by virtue of repetition, force of habit.II. Legal precedent (legal practice). Thisa more common source of law than legal custom. He met back in ancient Rome, prevailed in the middle ages. Currently plays a major role in England and in countries in which has developed the so-called Anglo-Saxon, or common law.Legal precedent (judicial or administrative) is a solution to a specific case (judicial or administrative), which became a model for similar cases in the future.III. Regulatory Act. As a source of law is the most recent creation of the human mind. But despite this, it is becoming more and more common, even in those countries where traditionally large role played by other sources of law (in the Arab countries-religious/normative act is an official document pravotvorčeskogo, which contained the body of legal norms.Regulations are created mainly by public bodies entitled to take regulatory decisions on those matters with which they are charged for permissions. At the same time, they express the will of the State. Hence their authoritativeness, ofitsialnost, authoritarianism, commitment. in the countries of the views of the British Commonwealth of Nations-precedent).
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Sources of law - is the circumstances giving rise to the appearance of law, its effect. In this sense, the "source" - it is like a root from which grows a mighty tree, called the law. The source of law is an objective reality, ie. E. Developing social relations (production method, the existing forms of property, economic, political, cultural, social networks and so on. P.), Will of the people (based on referendum standards) will of the state (based on centralized standards), the will of citizens (based on corporate and contractual provisions).
the right form - this is something from which we gain knowledge of the law, otherwise it is a way of formation, consolidation of legal norms.
There are three basic forms of law.
I. the Legal custom. It is the oldest source of law, and the law itself as a social phenomenon has arisen largely as a result of custom devices, adjusting them in line with the interests of the propertied classes. So, the first laws of the ancient and feudal societies were essentially normal arches of the rights of individual tribes (Russian Truth, Salic truth, True Saxon et al.). In general practice - a rule of conduct, which has developed for several generations and has become mandatory due to multiple repetition, force of habit.
II of. Legal precedent (legal practice). This is
a common source of law than legal custom. He met in ancient Rome, prevailed in the Middle Ages. Currently starring in England and in the countries in which has developed the so-called Anglo-Saxon, or common law.
Legal precedent (judicial or administrative) - a decision on a specific case (judicial or administrative), which became a model for the examination of similar cases in the future.
III. Normative act. As a source of law - this is the most the latest creation of the human mind. But despite this, it is becoming more and more common, even in those countries where traditionally large role played by other sources of law (in the Arab world - religious / Normative act -. It is the law-making body of the official document, which contains legal provisions
Legislation created . mainly by public authorities having the right to take regulatory decisions on the issues that are given to them to resolve Thus they express the will of the state it derives its authoritativeness, formality, authoritarianism, obyazatelnost.vozzreniya in British Commonwealth countries -. a precedent).
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
sources of law is the circumstance of the law, his act. in this sense, источник» is like a root, which is mightiest tree called law. the source of law is an objective reality. e. developing public relations (mode of production, the existing form of ownership, the economic, political, cultural, social communication and so on. p.), the will of the people (based on референдумных norms), the will of states (based on centralized standards), the will of citizens (based on corporate and contractual norms).form of law is something we take the knowledge on the law, otherwise, it is a way of consolidating the legal norms.from the three basic forms of law.i. the legal custom. it is the oldest source of law, and the law as a social phenomenon was largely as a result of adaptation practices, their adjustment in accordance with the interests of wealthy classes. thus, the first law of ancient and modern societies, in fact, were sets of customary law of individual tribes (russkaya pravda, salian true saxon right and others). even custom is the rule of conduct that developed over several generations and has become mandatory due to the repetition of, force of habit.ii. legal precedent (legal practice). this isthe most common source of law, the legal tradition. he was still in the ancient rome, had ruled in the middle ages. currently plays a major role in england, and in countries in which there was the development of the so-called англосаксонское, or common law.legal precedent of judicial or administrative) is a solution to a particular case (judicial or administrative), which is a model for the similar cases in the future.iii. regulatory act. as the source of law is the latest creation of the human mind. but despite this, he is a ball
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