Бруклинский мост — это не просто соединительная магистраль между Бруклином и Манхэттеном, это одна из главных достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка, можно сказать, визитная карточка города. Это мост-рекордсмен, сооружение со своей, местами трагичной, но, тем не менее, захватывающей историей.
Идея построить мост необычной конструкции (подвесной) с применением опять-таки необычных строительных материалов (сталь, покрытую специальным сплавом, вместо тяжеловесного чугуна) пришла в голову Джону Реблингу.
Он сам разработал проект и принимал непосредственное участие в строительстве, в процессе которого получил тяжелую травму и умер от заражения крови. Тогда архитектора сменил его сын, но по роковым стечениям обстоятельств, вскоре и он положил жизнь на этом строительстве. И наконец, дело собственного мужа и сына нашла в себе мужество продолжить Эмили Реблинг. Сегодня на Бруклинском мосту есть мемориальная доска, на которой увековечены имена его создателей.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The Brooklyn Bridge is not just a connecting line between Brooklyn and Manhattan, is one of the main attractions of New York City, you might say, a visiting card of the city. This bridge-building with its record, sometimes tragic, yet fascinating history.The idea to build a bridge to the unusual constructions (overhead) using again unusual building materials (steel, covered with special alloy, instead of heavy cast iron) came up with John Reblingu.He himself designed the project and took part in the construction, which received severe trauma and died of a blood infection. Then the architect was succeeded by his son, but fatal stečeniâm circumstances, and soon he put his life on this construction. And finally, the case of your own husband and son found the courage to continue with Emily Rebling. Today on the Brooklyn Bridge has a plaque on which immortalized the names of its creators.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Brooklyn Bridge - is not just a connecting pipe between the Brooklyn and Manhattan, is one of the main attractions of New York, you might say, the business card of the city. It is a bridge-record holder, the construction with his, sometimes tragic, but nonetheless fascinating history.
The idea to build a bridge unusual design (suspended) using again unusual building materials (steel coated with special alloy instead of heavy cast iron) came to the head of John Roebling.
He developed the project and was directly involved in the construction, in the course of which was seriously injured and died from blood poisoning. Then the architect succeeded by his son, but a fateful coincidence, and soon he put life in this building. Finally, the case of her husband and son found the courage to continue to Emily Roebling. Today, on the Brooklyn Bridge has a plaque on which the names of its creators immortalized.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the brooklyn bridge is not just the connective line between brooklyn and manhattan, is one of the main attractions of new york, the calling card of the city. this bridge is a prize.construction with its, and tragic, but, nevertheless, an exciting story. "the idea to build a bridge of unusual design (overhead) using again unusual building materials (steel,covered with special alloy, instead of heavy cast iron) was the head of john реблингу.
he has developed a draft and had been directly involved in the construction.in the process of which was traumatized and died from blood poisoning. then, the architect was his son, but the fatal стечениям circumstances soon and he put the life in this construction. finally, theis my husband and son found the courage to continue to emily реблинг. today, the brooklyn bridge is a plaque, which immortalized the names of his creators.
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