Инженерный и архитектурный шедеврМачу-Пикчу удивительно вписывается в  перевод - Инженерный и архитектурный шедеврМачу-Пикчу удивительно вписывается в  английский как сказать

Инженерный и архитектурный шедеврМа

Инженерный и архитектурный шедевр

Мачу-Пикчу удивительно вписывается в окружающий ландшафт, поэтому его часто называют «город в небесах» или «город среди облаков». Треугольные крыши его зданий кажутся частью пейзажа. Это инженерный и архитектурный шедевр: для постройки такого города строители должны были обладать обширными знаниями топографии, геологии, астрономии и экологии: при строительстве использовались естественные склоны, а техника строительства обеспечивала устойчивость зданий даже в случае наклона скалы на 40* или на случай землетрясения. Сегодня постройка Мачу-Пикчу представляется невероятной - камни перевозили с удаленных каменоломень: спускали по мокрым глиняным склонам, волокли по бревнам, а затем их шлифовали так идеально, что даже сейчас в щели стыков невозможно просунуть лезвие ножа!

С 1983 года Мачу-Пикчу входит в список Памятников наследия человечества Юнеско, а с 2007 года - в список Новых Чудес Света.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Engineering and architectural masterpieceMachu Picchu surprisingly fits into the surrounding landscape, so it is often called the "city in the sky" or "city among the clouds. Triangular roofs of his buildings seem like part of the landscape. This is an engineering and architectural masterpiece: for construction of such City builders had to possess extensive knowledge of the topography, geology, astronomy and ecology: the construction used natural slopes, and construction techniques ensure the sustainability of buildings, even in the case of slope rocks at 40 * or in case of an earthquake. Today the construction of Machu Picchu seems incredible stones transported from remote kamenolomen′: descended on wet clay slopes, dragged through the logs, then polished them so perfect that even now in the gap joints cannot put a knife blade!With the year 1983 Machu Picchu is included in the list of monuments of the UNESCO World Heritage site, and since 2007 year-New list of wonders of the world.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Engineering and architectural masterpiece

Machu Picchu surprisingly fit into the surrounding landscape, so it is often called a "city in the sky" or "city in the clouds." Triangular roofs of its buildings seem to be part of the landscape. It is an engineering and architectural masterpiece: for the construction of the city's builders had to have extensive knowledge of the topography, geology, astronomy and ecology: under construction used natural slopes, and construction technique ensures stability even in the case of buildings tilt rock on * 40 or the case of an earthquake. Today, the construction of Machu Picchu seems incredible - the stones were transported from remote quarries: Get down on the wet clay slopes, dragged on logs, and then they are polished so perfectly that even now in the gap junctions is not possible to push the knife blade!

Since 1983, Machu Picchu is part of UNESCO list of heritage of humanity by UNESCO, and since 2007 - in the list of the New Wonders of the World.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
engineering and architectural masterpiecemachu picchu is fit into the surrounding landscape, so it is often called the "city" or "city of небесах» cloud around. triangular roofs of its buildings are part of the landscape. this is an engineering and architectural masterpiece, for the construction of such a city builders should have a wide knowledge of topography, geology, astronomy, and ecology, the construction used natural slopes and the technique of construction ensures the sustainability of buildings, even in the case of the rocks at 40 * or in case of an earthquake. today the machu picchu is incredible - the stones were transported to the remote каменоломень: pull on wet глиняным slopes, dragged on logs, and then it"s been sanded so perfectly, even now in the slot joints cannot be put in the blade of the knife.since 1983, machu picchu is included in the list of monuments of the unesco heritage of mankind, and in 2007 a new wonder of the world.
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