Есть такая творческая работа — парикмахер. Для меня это человек, который преображает не только вашу внешность, но и ваш внутренний мир. Поэтому очень важно, к какому парикмахеру вы ходите. Многие считают, что в этой профессии нет ничего сложного, на самом деле, это большая ответственность — подстригать людей, менять их взгляды на себя и на жизнь. Если бы не было парикмахеров, мир бы был другим, все ходили бы с длинными волосами, возможно, даже без каких-либо красивых причесок, многие были бы похожи друг на друга — косматые и не бритые, как говорится.
Парикмахер — создает индивидуальный образ, помогает раскрыть вашу душу, открыться миру. Что же включает в себя работа парикмахера? Первое — это профессиональное образование, человек, который выбирает эту деятельность, должен быть заинтересован и вдохновлен ею, для того чтобы развиваться в данной отрасли и видеть свои перспективы.
В процессе обучения парикмахер раскрывает свои собственные таланты, преподаватели дают ему представление о профессии, о психологии людей, о той продукции, на которой ему предстоит работать, а также дают знания обо всем комплексе услуг индустрии красоты (так как профессионал — тот, кто умеет создавать весь образ целиком). После обучения человек, выбравший профессию парикмахера, определяется в своем пути, если этот путь — его, он желает найти себе творческую работу в хорошем коллективе.
Многих интересует вопрос, парикмахерами рождаются или становятся, думаю, что ответ таков: люди с творческим мышлением могут быть хорошими мастерами-парикмахерами, главное желание. Если человек заинтересован делом и чувствует удовольствие от своей работы, то он сможет стать первоклассным специалистом! А профессиональное образование поможет систематизировать свои творческие интересы и направить их в русло любимой профессии. Так как хороший парикмахер — тот, кто любит свое дело. В процессе общения клиента и парикмахера, клиент чувствует, насколько мастер опытен, образован и насколько он доволен своей работой.
Самые успешные парикмахеры — те, которые любят свою работу и передают это ощущение своим клиентам. Поэтому в работе парикмахера помимо профессионального образования и опыта, важно умение общаться с людьми, в идеале знать психологию людей. Зачастую к парикмахеру приходят не для смены внешнего имиджа, а для смены внутреннего состояния. Ведь не внешний образ заставляет нас идти в парикмахерскую, а то внутреннее ощущение, которое мы испытываем глядя на внешний образ.
Парикмахер — специалист по внешнему и внутреннему. Важно принять клиента душевно, выслушать его пожелания, принять их своей улыбкой и пониманием, но накрыть их своим профессионализмом и опытом. А дальше, как говорится, руки творят образ, а душа и разум слушают душу клиента, пытаясь понять его натуру, принимая его целиком, слушая, давая советы, если нужно, исцеляя его.
Вот какая творческая и многогранная работа парикмахера.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
There is such a creative work is a Hairdresser. For me this is a man who transforms not only your appearance but also your internal world. It is therefore very important to a Hairdresser you want. Many believe that this profession is no big deal, really, it is a big responsibility — trim your people change their views on themselves and on life. If it weren't for the hairdressers, the world would have been different, everyone went with long hair, perhaps even without any beautiful hairstyles, many would look alike — shaggy and not shaved, as the saying goes.Hairdresser — creates individual image, helps to open your soul open to the world. That also includes the work of hairdresser? The first is a professional education, a person who chooses this activity should be interested and inspired by it, in order to develop this sector and see their prospects.In the process of learning the hairdresser opens its own talents, teachers give him insight into the profession, about the psychology of the people, the products, on which it will work, but also provide knowledge about the full range of services of the beauty industry (as a professional is someone who can create the whole image). After learning a man who has a profession of hairdresser, defined in its path, if it is him, he wants to find a creative job in a good team.Many wondered, hairdressers are born or made, think the answer is: people with creative thinking can be good masters-hair stylists, the main desire. If a man is interested and feels the pleasure from his work, he will become a first-class specialist! And professional education will help systematize their creative interests and send them into favorite profession. So like a good hairdresser is someone who loves his job. In the process of communication of the client and hairdresser, the client feels how master skilled, educated and how he is happy with his work.The most successful hairdressers — those who love their work and transmit that feeling to its clients. Therefore, the work of a Hairdresser in addition to professional education and experience, it is important that the ability to communicate with people, ideally know the psychology of the people. To the hairdresser often don't come to change the external image, and to change the internal state. It is not the external image makes us go to the hairdresser and the inner feeling, that we are looking at an external image.Hairdresser-external and internal specialist. It is important to take the client mentally, to listen to his wishes, take them with her smile and understanding, but to cover them with their professionalism and experience. And then, as the saying goes, hands create image and soul and mind listening to the soul of the customer, trying to understand its nature, taking it as a whole, listening, giving tips, if you want to heal it.That's the kind of creative and multi-faceted work hairdresser.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
There is a creative work - a hairdresser. For me, a person who transforms not only your appearance but also your inner world. It is therefore essential to any hairdresser you go. Many believe that this profession is no big deal, in fact, it is a great responsibility - to cut people to change their view of themselves and of life. If there were no barbers, the world would have been different, everything would go with long hair, perhaps even without beautiful hairstyles, many would be similar to each other -. Shaggy and shaved, as they say
Hairdresser - creates an individual image, It helps to open your heart, open to the world. That also includes the work of the hairdresser? First - this is vocational education, a person who chooses this activity, should be interested and inspired by it, in order to develop in this sector and see their perspective.
In the process of learning the barber opens his own talents, teachers give him an idea of the profession of psychology people of that product, on which he will work as well as provide knowledge about the complex services of the beauty industry (since professional - someone who knows how to build the image of the whole). After the training, the person who chose the barber profession, determined in his way if this way - it, he wants to find a creative work in a good team.
Many people wonder, barbers are born or made, I think the answer is that people with creative thinking can be good hairdresser masters, the main desire. If a person is interested in the case and feel the pleasure from his work, he can become a first-class specialist! A vocational education will help organize their creative interests and send them into the mainstream of the beloved profession. So as a good barber - one who loves his job. In the process of customer communication and the barber, the client feels as master of skilled, educated, and how he was pleased with his work.
The most successful hairdressers - those who love their work and convey this feeling to its customers. Therefore, in addition to a hairdresser professional education and experience, it is important to the ability to communicate with people, ideally know the psychology of people. Often to the hairdresser did not come to change the external image, and to change the internal state. It is not an external image forces us to go to the hairdresser, and the inner sense that we are looking at the external image.
The barber - a specialist in internal and external. It is important to the customer sincerely, to listen to his wishes, to take them with her smile and understanding, but cover them with their professionalism and experience. And then, as they say, create the image of the hand and the soul and mind listening to the customer soul, trying to understand its nature, taking it as a whole, listening, giving advice, if needed, and healed him.
That's what a creative and multi-faceted work of the hairdresser.
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