Парламент Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии  перевод - Парламент Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии  английский как сказать

Парламент Соединённого Королевства

Парламент Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии -
является высшим законодательным органом в Соединённом Королевстве и Королевских заморских территориях. Его не возглавляет Британский монарх, но он является его частью. Парламент двухпалатный, включает в себя верхнюю палату, называемую Палата лордов, и нижнюю палату, называемую Палата общин. Палата лордов не выбирается, она включает в себя лордов духовных (высшее духовенство англиканской церкви), лордов светских (пэры) и лордов по апелляциям (англ. List of Lords of Appeal), многие из которых наследовали свою власть. Палата лордов не выбирается, она включает в себя лордов духовных (высшее духовенство англиканской церкви), лордов светских (пэры) и лордов по апелляциям (англ. List of Lords of Appeal), многие из которых наследовали свою власть.
Парламент эволюционировал из древнего королевского совета. В теории, власть исходит не от Парламента, но от «Королевы-в-Парламенте» («англ. the Crown in Parliament» — дословно — «Корона в Парламенте»). Часто говорится, что только Королева-в-Парламенте является верховной властью, хотя это довольно спорное утверждение. В настоящее время власть исходит также и от демократически избранной Палаты общин; в обществе считается, что Монарх действует как представительская фигура, и власть Палаты лордов существенно ограничена.
Британский Парламент часто в народе называют «матерью всех парламентов», так как законодательные органы многих стран, а особенно стран-членов Британского Содружества созданы по его образцу. Но Британский Парламент не является самым старым, уступая, как минимум, Парламенту Исландии.
В средние века на Британских островах существовало три королевства: Англия, Шотландия и Ирландия, каждое со своим собственным парламентом. Согласно Акту об Унии 1707 года, Англия и Шотландия были объединены под управлением Парламента Великобритании, а Акт об Унии 1800 года включил представителей Ирландии в парламент Соединённого Королевства.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandis the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom and the Royal Overseas Territories. It is not headed by the British monarch, but he is part of it. The bicameral Parliament, includes the upper House, called the House of Lords, and the lower House called the House of Commons. The House of Lords is not selected, it includes the Lords Spiritual (the higher clergy of the Church of England), the Lords of the secular (peers) and Lords of appeal (Engl. List of Lords of Appeal), many of whom inherited his power. The House of Lords is not selected, it includes the Lords Spiritual (the higher clergy of the Church of England), the Lords of the secular (peers) and Lords of appeal (Engl. List of Lords of Appeal), many of whom inherited his power.Parliament evolved from the ancient Royal Council. In theory, the power does not come from Parliament but from "Queen-in-Parliament" (Engl. the Crown in Parliament "— literally — the Crown in Parliament"). It is often said that only the Queen-in-Parliament is the Supreme authority, though it is a rather controversial assertion. Currently, power comes from a democratically elected House of Commons; in society it is considered that the monarch acts as a representative figure, and the power of the House of Lords drastically limited.The British Parliament is often popularly called the ' mother of all parliaments ", as the legislature of many countries, especially member countries of the British Commonwealth created in his sample. But the British Parliament is not the oldest, yielding at least, the Parliament of Iceland.In the middle ages in the British Isles there were three kingdoms: England, Scotland, and Ireland, each with its own Parliament. According to the Act of Union 1707 year, England and Scotland were United under control of the British Parliament, and the Act of Union 1800 year included representatives of Ireland in the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -
is the highest legislative body in the United Kingdom and the Royal Overseas Territories. He was not led by the British monarch, but he is part of it. Bicameral Parliament includes the upper house, called the House of Lords, and a lower house, called the House of Commons. The House of Lords is not selected, it includes the Lords Spiritual (the higher clergy of the Anglican Church), the secular lords (peers) and Lords of Appeal (Eng. List of Lords of Appeal), many of whom have inherited their power. The House of Lords is not selected, it includes the Lords Spiritual (the higher clergy of the Anglican Church), Lords of secular (peers) and Lords of Appeal (Eng. List of Lords of Appeal), many of whom have inherited their power.
The parliament has evolved from an ancient royal council . In theory, the power does not come from Parliament but from the "Queen-in-Parliament" ( "born the Crown in Parliament.» - Literally - "Crown in Parliament"). It is often said that only the Queen-in-Parliament is the supreme authority, though it is quite a controversial statement. Currently, the power comes also from the democratically elected House of Commons; in society it is believed that the monarch acts as a representative figure, and the power of the House of Lords is severely limited.
The British Parliament is often popularly referred to as "the mother of all parliaments" as legislatures in many countries, and especially the British Commonwealth member countries created by its sample. But the British Parliament is not the oldest, second, as a minimum, the Parliament of Iceland.
In the Middle Ages, the British Isles, there were three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, each with its own parliament. According to the Act of Union in 1707, England and Scotland were united under the control of the UK Parliament, and the Act of Union in 1800 included representatives from Ireland to the United Kingdom Parliament.
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