1. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я сказал свое имя.
2. Никто не говорил ей, как тяжело она была больна, до тех пор, пока она не выздоровела. 3. Радио сообщило, что самолет, который только что прилетел в Новосибирск, вылетит в Иркутск через полчаса. 4. Его не пропускали в здание, пока он не показал пропуск. 5. За столом против меня сидел седой человек, который несколько десятков лет тому назад был знаменит как путешественник, а теперь был не меньше известен как писатель. 6. Преподаватель сказал, что его произношение значительно улучшилось после того, как он несколько раз позанимался в лингафонном кабинете. 7. Когда приехала скорая помощь, спасательная команда еще не поднялась из шахты. 8. Строитель показал своим иностранным друзьям мост, в строительстве которого он сам принимал участие в 1948 году. 9. Когда он прочел письмо, он поднес его к свече и наблюдал за тем, как оно горело. 10. Придя утром в лабораторию, он с удовлетворением отметил, что лаборантка ничего не трогала на его столе, и он мог сразу приступить к работе. 11. После того, как актриса сняла грим, я увидел усталое лицо человека, который тяжело поработал. 12. Едва мистер Мордстон появился в доме Копперфильдов, как жизнь маленького Давида стала невыносимой. 13. Не успел мистер Пиквик произнести и двух слов, как миссис Бардль упала в обморок. 14. Я видел много репродукций этой картины до того, как увидел оригинал, и должен сказать, что я нашел в ней много такого, чего я не замечал в репродукциях. 15. К тому времени как я пришел, стол был уже убран, и молодежь танцевала. 16. Все было уже готово к отъезду, а машина еще не пришла. 17. Солнце еще не поднялось над горизонтом, когда мы тронулись в путь. 18. Он не мог принять участия в экспедиции, так как он еще не совсем оправился после болезни. 19. Он спросил, что мы сделали с тех пор, как начали работать над этой проблемой. 20. Вопрос оказался гораздо проще, чем мы думали.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. It gave me only after I said my name.2. no one telling her how tough she was ill until she recovered. 3. Radio reported that the plane, which had just arrived to Novosibirsk, will fly to Irkutsk in half an hour. 4. It is not allowed in the building, until he showed the pass. 5. At the table I was sitting against a gray-haired man who several years ago was famous as a traveler, and now was no less known as a writer. 6. The teacher said his pronunciation has improved greatly after he attended a few times in the language laboratory study. 7. When the ambulance arrived, the rescue team has not yet risen from the mine. 8. Builder showed his foreign friends bridge, in which he himself took part in the year 1948. 9. When he read the letter, he brought it to a candle and watched as it burned. 10. Having come in the morning to the laboratory, he noted with satisfaction that a lab worker had not touched on his desk, and he could get to work immediately. 11. After the actress withdrew the makeup, I saw a tired person who worked hard. 12. Mr. Mordston Barely appeared in the House of Kopperfil′dov, the little David's life became unbearable. 13. Mr. Pickwick had time to utter the two words, as Mrs Bardl′ fainted. 14. I have seen many reproductions of the painting before I saw the original, and I must say that I found a lot of what I've noticed in the reproductions. 15. By the time I arrived, the table was already removed, and young people danced. 16. Everything was already ready for departure, and the machine still has not arrived. 17. the Sun had not yet risen above the horizon, when we got in the way. 18. He could not take part in the expedition, because he had not quite recovered from the disease. 19. He asked what we've done since then began work on the problem. 20. the question was much easier than we thought.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. She gave me a letter just after I said my name. 2. No one told her how hard she was sick, as long as it has not recovered. 3. Radio reported that the plane, which had just arrived in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk fly in half an hour. 4. He was not allowed into the building until he showed a pass. 5. At the table against me sat a gray-haired man who a few decades ago, was famous as a traveler, and now was no less known as a writer. 6. The teacher said his pronunciation has improved significantly after he several times work out in the language laboratory. 7. When the ambulance arrived, the rescue team has not climbed out of the mine. 8. Construction showed his foreign friends bridge, construction of which he participated in 1948. 9. When he read the letter, he held it to the candle and watched it burn. 10. Having come to the lab in the morning, he noted with satisfaction that the technician did not touch on his desk, and he could get started right away. 11. After the actress took off the makeup, I saw the tired face of a man who worked hard. 12. As soon as Mr. Mordston appeared in the house Copperfield as young David's life became unbearable. 13. No sooner had Mr. Pickwick say two words, Mrs. Bardell fainted. 14. I've seen a lot of reproductions of paintings prior to seeing the original, and I must say that I found it a lot of things I did not notice in the reproductions. 15. By the time I arrived, the table was already cleaned and youth danced. 16. All was ready to leave, and the machine has not yet come. 17. The sun had not yet risen above the horizon, when we set off. 18. He could not take part in the expedition, as he is still not completely recovered from the disease. 19. He asked what we've done since I started working on this problem. 20. The question was much easier than we thought.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. She gave me a letter only after the fact, as I have said your name.lord 2. No one referred to it, as well as seriously it was healthy, until such time as it is not symptom onset. 3. Radio reported that the aircraft,Which only that flew in Novosibirsk, departs in Irkutsk in half an hour. 4. It is not introduced in the building, as long as he has not shown a pass. 5. At the table sat against me and people,Which a few tens of years ago was famous for such as, United Kingdom, and now was not less than is known as a writer. 6. Professor said that his pronunciation has improved significantly after addition,As he has on several occasions позанимался in language labs. 7. When an ambulance arrived, rescue team had not yet risen from the mine. 8. Construction Worker has shown its foreign friends axle,The worker got regulation which he himself had participated in 1948. 9. When he read this letter, he his to the plug and observed the order, as it rose. 10. Having this morning in the laboratory, he noted with satisfaction,The undistorted faces nothing but not duck at his desk, and he was able to immediately begin to work. 11. After the actress had withdrawn it qualitatively, i saw decay person rights, which seriously has been run. 12.Hardly mister Мордстон Копперфильдов appeared in the house, such as the right to life in small, David had become unbearable. 13. Don't say 'ooman and two words, such as Mrs Бардль fell in the contrary. 14.I have seen many fine art this picture before, as I saw the original, and I must say that I have found in it many such, what I do not magnify the miniatures from. 15. By the time I came, the table has already been removed,And whirlwind appeared. 16. All it was already ready for departure, and the machine had not yet arrived. 17. The Sun had not yet risen above the horizon, when we common prayer in the path. 18. He was not able to participate in the expedition,As he has not yet entirely to recover from the disease. 19. He asked, what we have done since then, as have started to work on the problem. 20. The issue has turned out to be much easier than we had thought.
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