Усилия реставраторов направлены прежде всего на сохранение свойств стр перевод - Усилия реставраторов направлены прежде всего на сохранение свойств стр английский как сказать

Усилия реставраторов направлены пре

Усилия реставраторов направлены прежде всего на сохранение свойств строительной древесины в древних бревенчатых постройках.
3. Усилия реставраторов направлены прежде всего на сохранение свойств строительной древесины в древних бревенчатых постройках.
4. Ухудшение финансового положения страны непосредственно сказывается на снижении уровня жизни населения.
5. Все попытки восстановить в стране тоталитарный режим, тем более нечистоплотными методами, морально и социально обречены на провал.
6. Свободу нельзя получить в подарок: за нее нужно сражаться, ее нужно отстаивать, она требует силы и уверенности,
7. Сосредоточив в своих руках неограниченную власть, они без малейшего колебания разделались бы со свободой слова.
8. Дело художника - творить. Не тратить драгоценное время на сражения с бюрократами и командирами от искусства.
9. Он взялся за дело с воодушевлением и энергией, присущими ему во всем.
10. Русская литература, начиная с Пушкина, всегда обращала взоры к самому передовому и честному, что было в обществе.
11. Большинство дискуссий в русском изобразительном искусстве XIX века были связаны с общественной ролью художника.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Efforts of restorers focus primarily on preserving properties of construction timber in ancient log buildings.3. the efforts of restorers focus primarily on preserving properties of construction timber in ancient log buildings.4. the deterioration of the financial situation of the country has a direct impact on reducing the standard of living of the population.5. all attempts to restore the country's totalitarian regime, the more dirty methods, morally and socially self-defeating.6. Freedom cannot be obtained as a gift for her: you want to fight, you have to defend, it requires strength and confidence,7. Concentrating unlimited power in their hands, they are without the slightest hesitation would have freedom of speech.8. the case of artist-created. Don't waste precious time on battles with bureaucrats and commanders from the art.9. He got down to business with enthusiasm and energy inherent in all.10. Russian literature, starting with the Pushkin, always paying attention to the most advanced and honest, that was in the society.11. most discussions in Russian art of the 19th century were associated with the public role of the artist.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The efforts of the restorers are primarily aimed at the preservation of the properties of wood construction in the ancient timbered buildings.
3. The efforts of the restorers are primarily aimed at the preservation of the properties of wood construction in the ancient timbered buildings.
4. The deterioration of the financial situation of the country has a direct impact on the decline in living standards.
5. All attempts to restore the country's totalitarian regime, the more unscrupulous methods, morally and socially doomed to failure.
6. Freedom can not be obtained as a gift: for it is necessary to fight, it is necessary to defend it requires strength and confidence
7. Concentrated in the hands unlimited power, they would have no hesitation to cut the freedom of speech.
8. The matter of the artist - to create. Do not waste your precious time on the battle with the bureaucrats and commanders of art.
9. He set to work with enthusiasm and energy, inherent in all things.
10. Russian literature since Pushkin, always looked to the most advanced and honest, that was in society.
11. Most of the discussion in the Russian art of the XIX century have been associated with the public role of the artist.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
efforts focused on maintaining the restorers of the construction of wood in ancient бревенчатых buildings.3. efforts focused on maintaining the restorers of the construction of wood in ancient бревенчатых buildings.4. the deterioration of the financial situation of the countries directly affected the decline in the living standards of the population.5. all attempts to restore the country"s totalitarian regime, especially impure methods, morally and socially are doomed to failure.6. freedom cannot receive the gift, for her to have to fight to defend, it requires strength and confidence7. by focusing on their hands unlimited power, without the slightest hesitation got "with freedom of speech.8. this artist"s work. don"t waste your precious time on the battle with the bureaucrats and warlords of the art.9. he took a job with enthusiasm and energy, the same in all.10. russian literature from pushkin, always pay attention to the very good and honest, what was in the society.11. most discussions of russian fine arts of the nineteenth century were related to the social role of the artist.
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