Моя любовь, мой муж))) Я поговорила с моей мамой, я спросила её совет о визе. Я хочу сделать визу, но только, когда мы встретимся. Пойми меня, мы на расстоянии. я не хочу, чтоб ты тратил деньги сейчас.
My love, my husband)))I talked with my mom, I asked her advice about the visa. I want to make a visa, but only when we meet. Understand me, we in the distance. I don't want you to spend money now.
My love, my husband))) I talked with my mother, I asked her advice about visas. I want to make a visa, but only when we meet. Do not misunderstand me, we are in the distance. I do not want you to spend money now.
My love, my husband))) i Golovanova with my sister, I asked her the Council on the visa. I wish to make visa, but only when we meet. I have vomited, we are at a distance. i do not wish to let you spend money now.