Во второй главе книги Jared Diamond, Collapse, рассматривается история перевод - Во второй главе книги Jared Diamond, Collapse, рассматривается история английский как сказать

Во второй главе книги Jared Diamond

Во второй главе книги Jared Diamond, Collapse, рассматривается история жизни коренных жителей (аборигенов) острова Пасхи. Главным вопросом статьи является, что изменило жизнь коренных жителей на острове, и что случилось с жителями острова? Из-за определенных географических особенностей острова Пасхи, на самом острове было мало лесов. Местное население занималось вырубкой деревьев, для создания каноэ, жилища и т.д. Все это привело к полному обезлесению острова. Остров Пасхи представляет собой самый яркий пример истребления лесов в Океании. В следствие этому перестали добываться дикорастущие съедобные растения, упала урожайность культурных злаков, произошло исчезновение сырья. Кроме того, это привело к экологическим проблемам на острове (эрозия). Существует мнение, что исчезновение лесов на острове произошло не только из-за вырубки леса жителями острова, но и из-за изменения климатических условий в данном регионе. В результате, все эти проблемы привели к снижению численности населения.
Кроме того, на изменение жизни коренных жителей острова Пасхи повлиял приход европейцев. Европейцы принесли на остров несколько эпидемий оспы и других европейских болезней, от которых погибло много аборигенов, не имевших естественных защитных барьеров от этих инфекций. Европейцы брали аборигенов в рабство (1862-1863 гг.). Вследствие исчезновения лесов, природных ресурсов, захват в рабство и эпидемии - численность коренного населения уменьшилась. Катастрофа на острове Пасхи произошла из-за интенсивного воздействия человека на окружающую среду (вырубка лесов, уничтожение популяции птиц), и невозможность при неблагоприятном развитии событий покинуть остров из-за его огромной удаленности. В результате, европейцы заявили о своих правах на владение островом Пасхи (в 1888 г. чилийское правительство аннексировало остров Пасхи) и захваченное коренное население острова стало гражданами Чили, утратив свою самобытность.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the second chapter of the book jared diamond, collapse, explores the history of the indigenous inhabitants (aborigines) of Easter Island. The main issue is the article that changed the lives of indigenous people on the island,and what happened to the inhabitants of the island? Due to certain geographical features of Easter Island, on the island was a little forest. The local population was engaged in cutting trees to build canoes, houses, etc.All this led to the complete deforestation of the island. Easter Island is the most striking example of deforestation in Oceania. In consequence of this stop producing wild edible plantsdecreased productivity of the cultivated cereals, raw disappearance occurred. In addition, it has led to environmental problems on the island (erosion). There is a perceptionthat deforestation on the island was not only due to deforestation of the island residents, but also due to changes in climatic conditions in the region. As a result,All these problems have led to a decrease in the population.
In addition, the change of the indigenous inhabitants of Easter Island influenced the arrival of Europeans.Europeans brought to the island several epidemics of smallpox and other European diseases that killed many natives who had no natural protective barriers from these infections.Europeans took the natives into slavery (1862-1863 gg.). Due to deforestation, natural resources, capture slaves and epidemics - the indigenous population decreased.The disaster occurred on Easter Island because of intense human impact on the environment (deforestation, destruction of bird populations)and the impossibility under unfavorable circumstances to leave the island because of its huge distance. As a result, Europeans have declared their rights to own Easter Island (in 1888Chilean government annexed Easter Island) and captured the native population of the island became citizens of Chile, losing their identity.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the second chapter of the book by Jared Diamond, Collapse, discusses the story of the life of indigenous (Aboriginal) of Easter Island. The main issue is that the article has changed the life of the indigenous inhabitants on the island, and what happened to the inhabitants of the island? Because of certain geographical features of Easter Island, the island was a little forest. The local population was engaged in cutting down trees to build canoes, dwellings, etc. All of this led to a complete deforestation of the island. Easter Island is the most striking example of decimation of forests in Oceania. In consequence of this ceased to be produced from wild edible plants, decreased yields of cereals has been the disappearance of cultural materials. In addition, it has led to environmental problems on the island (erosion). There is a perception that the disappearance of forests on the island happened not only because of the deforestation of the island residents, but also due to the change of climatic conditions in the region. As a result, all these problems have led to a decrease in the population.
The changing life of the indigenous inhabitants of Easter Island was affected by the arrival of Europeans. The Europeans brought to the island several epidemics of smallpox and other European diseases from which many aborigines had no natural protective barriers from these infections. The Europeans were natives into slavery (1862-1863). As a consequence of the disappearance of forests, natural resources, the capture of slaves and the epidemic-the indigenous population has decreased. The catastrophe occurred on Easter Island due to intensive human impact on the environment (deforestation, destruction of bird populations), and when adverse developments off the island because of its great distance. As a result, Europeans claimed their rights to own Easter Island (in 1888. the Chilean Government annexed Easter Island) and the indigenous population of the island was captured by the citizens of Chile, having lost their identity.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In the second chapter books into shared diamond, collapse, is the history of life of indigenous people (aboriginal) Easter Island. The main issue of article is that has changed lives of indigenous inhabitants on the island,And what happened to the residents islands? Because of the certain geographical characteristics of Easter Island, the island was little forests. The local population has been engaged in uprooting of trees, for the establishment of a canoe, dwellings, etc..All of this led to the complete deforestation islands. Easter Island is the most vivid example extermination forests in Oceania. As a consequence the Court makes no longer derived from wild plants,Dropped yields cultural grains, there has been the disappearance raw materials. In addition, it has led to environmental problems on the island (erosion). There is a view,The disappearance forests on the island was not only because of the logging of islanders, but also by the changes in climatic conditions in the region. As a result,All of these problems have led to a decrease in population.
In addition, the change in the lives of the inhabitants of the island had been affected by the parish Easter Europeans.Europeans have brought to the island a few epidemic smallpox and other European diseases, from which many aboriginal people, do not have natural protective barriers from these infections.Europeans take aboriginal people in slavery (1862-1863 gg. ). As a consequence of the disappearance forests, natural resources, capture in slavery and epidemics - the size of the indigenous population has decreased.Catastrophe on Easter Island has occurred as a result of intensive human impact on the environment (deforestation, destruction of bird populations),And the inability to when disadvantaged groups development of events to leave the island because of its great distance. As a result, the Europeans have stated on their rights to ownership of Easter Island (in 1888.Chilean government reneged Easter Island) and captured indigenous population of the island has become nationals of Chile, without losing its identity.
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