После окончания Второй мировой войны и разрушения колониальной системы перевод - После окончания Второй мировой войны и разрушения колониальной системы английский как сказать

После окончания Второй мировой войн

После окончания Второй мировой войны и разрушения колониальной системы, страны Юго-Восточной Азии (ЮВА) оказались зависимы от внерегиональных акторов. В условиях «холодной войны» среди государств ЮВА наблюдались проамериканская, просоветская и прокитайская ориентации.
С начала 1960 годов, на материке и в островной части ЮВА, КНР пытается усилить свои позиции. С середины 1970-х гг. США и СССР в целом доминировали в регионе, но после распада СССР, США сталкивается с вызовом Китая, усилившим свои международные позиции.
В настоящее время регион активно привлекает к себе внимание со стороны КНР, которая является ведущим внешним игроком в ЮВА. Китай ориентирован на усиление своего влияние в регионе, который обладает значительными объёмами углеводородных и иных природных ресурсов, и через который проходят важнейшие линии международного транзита.
В данный период, одним из основных направлений внешней политики Китая является развитие интеграционного взаимодействия с соседними странами. Поставив перед собой задачу: увеличить темпы роста своей экономики и завоевать мировые рынки, КНР проводит активную интеграционную политику в Юго-Восточной Азии. В немалой степени это связано с тем, что страны этого региона объединены в одну из наиболее успешных региональных организаций в мире — Ассоциацию стран Юго-Восточной Азии (АСЕАН). В настоящий момент, сотрудничество между Китаем и АСЕАН находятся на новом историческом этапе. Китай стал крупнейшим торговым партнером АСЕАН, АСЕАН – третьим торговым партнером Китая.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
After the end of the second world war and the destruction of the colonial system, countries of South-East Asia (SOUTHEAST ASIA) were addicted to extra-regional actors. In the context of the cold war among SOUTHEAST ASIA observed proamerikanskaâ, pro-Soviet and pro-China orientation. Since the early 1960 's, on the Mainland and island parts of SOUTHEAST ASIA, China is trying to strengthen its position. Since the mid 1970 's. United States and the Soviet Union dominated the region in General, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States faces the challenge of China, usilivšim its international position.Currently, the region has actively attracted attention from CHINA, which is the leading foreign player in SOUTHEAST ASIA. China has focused on strengthening its influence in the region, which has significant amounts of hydrocarbons and other natural resources, and through which the major international transit lines. During this period, one of the main directions of China's foreign policy is to develop integration cooperation with neighbouring countries. Putting a goal: increase the rate of growth of their economies and to conquer world markets, China pursues an active integration policy in Southeast Asia. To a large extent this is due to the fact that the countries of the region are combined into one of the most successful regional organizations in the world, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). At present, cooperation between China and ASEAN are in a new historical stage. China has become the largest trading partner of ASEAN, ASEAN is the third trade partner of China.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After the end of World War II and the destruction of the colonial system, the countries of South-East Asia (SEA) appeared dependent on extra-regional actors. In the context of the "cold war" among Southeast Asian countries observed pro-American, pro-Soviet and pro-Chinese orientation.
Since the beginning of 1960, the mainland and the island part of Southeast Asia, China is trying to strengthen its position. Since the mid-1970s. The United States and the Soviet Union dominated the whole of the region, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States faces the challenge of China, to strengthen its international position.
The region now actively attracting attention from China, which is the leading foreign players in Southeast Asia. China has focused on strengthening its influence in the region, which has a significant amount of hydrocarbon and other natural resources, and through which the major international transit line.
In this period, one of the main directions of China's foreign policy is the development of integration cooperation with neighboring countries. Set a goal: to increase the growth rate of the economy and win the world markets, China has an active integration policy in Southeast Asia. This is largely due to the fact that the countries of the region merged into one of the most successful regional organizations in the world - the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). At present, cooperation between China and ASEAN are at a new historical stage. China has become the largest trading partner of ASEAN, ASEAN - the third trade partner of China.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
after the second world war and the destruction of the colonial system, the countries of southeast asia (sea) were dependent on внерегиональных appears.in the context of the cold war among the states проамериканская juva were observed, просоветская and прокитайская orientation. "since the beginning of 1960s, the mainland and the island of the sea, china is trying to strengthen its position.since the mid 1970s. the united states and the soviet union dominated the region as a whole, but after the collapse of the soviet union, the united states faces the challenge of china усилившим its international position.currently, the region has attracted attention from the people's republic of china, which is the leading foreign player in the sea. china is strengthening its influence in the region.which has substantial amounts of hydrocarbon and other natural resources, and through which pass the main line international transit.
in this period.one of the main pillars of the foreign policy of china is the development of the integration of interaction with neighbouring countries. with a challenge:to increase the rate of growth of its economy and to world markets, china pursues an active policy of integration in southeast asia. to a large extent this is due to the factthat the countries of the region into one of the most successful organizations in the world - the association of south east asian nations (asean). at the present time.the cooperation between china and asean are at a new historical stage. china has become the largest trading partner of asean, asean is the third trade partner of china.
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