Столица моего города Кемерово . Кемерово расположен на юго-востоке Западной Сибири в центре Кузнецкой котловины, в северной части Кузнецкого угольного бассейна.Расположен на обоих берегах реки Томь в среднем её течении, при впадении в неё реки Искитим. По численности населения 31 месте из 1100 городов Российской Федерации.
Кемерово — второй по размеру город области.
Национальный состав
Преобладающим населением являются русские — 94,6 %, а также татары — 1,3 %, украинцы — 0,7 %,армяне — 0,6 %, немцы — 0,5 %, другие — 2,3 %.
В кемерово много красивых зданий. Много фонтанов и памятников . Есть замечательный Музей-заповедник "Томская Писаница" . Кемерово по достопремечательностям не отличается от других крупных городов .
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My capital city of Kemerovo. Kemerovo is located in the southeast of West Siberia in the middle of the Kuznetsk basin, in the North of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin is located on both banks of the river Tom on average it reaches, at the confluence of the Iskitim River. Population 31 place of 1100 cities in the Russian Federation.Kemerovo is the second largest city of the area.The national composition of theThe predominant population is 94.6%, Russians and Tatars-1.3%,-0.7% Ukrainians, Armenians-0.6%, Germans-0.5%, other 2.3%.There are many beautiful buildings in Kemerovo. Many fountains and monuments. There is a wonderful Museum-reserve "Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum". Kemerovo on the sites actually no different from other major cities.disadvantages
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My capital city of Kemerovo. Kemerovo is located in the southeast of Western Siberia in the center of the Kuznetsk Basin, in the northern part of Kuznetsk coal basseyna.Raspolozhen on both banks of the Tom River in its middle reaches, at the confluence of the rivers Iskitim. The population of 31 seats over 1100 cities of the Russian Federation. Kemerovo - the second largest city in the region. The national composition of the population are the predominant Russian - 94.6%, as well as Tatars - 1.3%, Ukrainians - 0.7%, Armenians - 0 , 6%, the Germans - 0.5%, other - 2.3%. In the Kemerovo many beautiful buildings. Many fountains and monuments. There is a wonderful Museum "Tomsk Pisanitsa." Kemerovo recreation is no different from other major cities. Disadvantages
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The capital city my city of Kemerovo. Kemerovo Oblast is located in the south-east Western Siberia in the center Кузнецкои Tierra del Fuego, in the northern part of the ancient settlement Bozok has unique value coal basin.Located on both sides of the river Nikolai Tokarev, on average its currents, navigation all in the river Искитим. On the basis of population 31 place from 1100 cities in the Russian Federation.lord Kemerovo - second in size city area.
The national composition of the
Predominant population are Russians - 94.6 %, as well as tatars - 1.3 %, Ukrainians - 0.7 % ,Armenians - 0.6 %, Germans 0,5 %, other - 2.3 % .lord in Kemerovo many beautiful buildings. Many fountains and monuments.There is a wonderful museum-reserve "Tomsk Писаница" . The Kemerovo достопремечательностям is not different from the other major cities .
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