1. Он не такой усталый, как она. 2. Упражнение 2 такое же трудное, как и упражнение 3. 3. Она думает, что бокс такой же опасный вид спорта, как и борьба. 4. Этот дом такой же высокий, как тот. 5. Сегодня вода в реке не такая теплая, как вчера. 6. Ты не такой умный, как папа. 7. Индия не такая большая, как Китай. 8. Темза такая же красивая, как Нева. 9. Его бабушка не такая старая, как дедушка. 10. Яблоки такие же вкусные, как сливы, но не такие вкусные, как груши. 11. Русский музей такой же богатый, как Эрмитаж? 12. Державин не такой знаменитый, как Пушкин. 13. Днепр не такой длинный, как Волга. 14. В прошлом году август был такой же жаркий, как июль. 15. Он не такой старый, как я. 16. Она такая же щедрая, как ее бабушка. 17. Его машина такая же удобная
, как твоя. 18. Экзамен был не таким трудным, как мы ожидали. 19. Он такой же сильный, как его брат. 20. Этот компьютер не такой дорогой, как я ожидал. 21. Ее сын такой же вежливый, как и она. 22. Эта работа такая же интересная, как и твоя.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. He's not as tired as she did. 2. exercise 2 the same hard as exercise 3. 3. She thinks boxing the same dangerous sport like wrestling. 4. This House is as tall as he. 5. today, the water in the river is not as warm as yesterday. 6. you're not as smart as Dad. 7. India is not as big as China. 8. The Thames is the same beautiful as Neva. 9. His grandmother not so old, like his grandfather. 10. Apples the same tasty, like plums, but not as tasty as the pears. 11. Russian Museum the same rich Hermitage? 12. Derzhavin not such famous Pushkin. 13. The Dnieper is not as long as the Volga. 14. in the past year, August was the same hot as July. 15. He's not as old as I. 16. It is as generous as her grandmother. 17. His car is the same convenientas yours. 18. the exam was not as difficult as we expected. 19. It is as strong as his brother. 20. This machine is not as expensive as I expected. 21. Her son the same polite as she. 22. The work of the same interesting, like yours.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. It is not as tired as she was. 2. Exercise 2 is as difficult as the activity 3. 3. She thinks that boxing is a dangerous sport like wrestling. 4. This house is as tall as he. 5. Today, the river water is not as warm as yesterday. 6. You're not as smart as Dad. 7. India is not as big as China. 8. The Thames is as beautiful as the Neva. 9. His grandmother is not as old as my grandfather. 10. Apples are the same delicious, like plums, but not as tasty as the pear. 11. Russian Museum as rich as the Hermitage? 12. Derzhavin not as famous as Pushkin. 13. Dnepr not as long as the Volga. 14. In August last year, was as hot as July. 15. It is not as old as I am. 16. It is as generous as her grandmother. 17. His car is as comfortable
as yours. 18. The exam was not so difficult as we expected. 19. He is as strong as his brother. 20. This computer is not as expensive as I expected. 21. Her son, a polite, as she did. 22. This work is as interesting as yours.
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