1. А: Здравствуйте, агентство

1. А: Здравствуйте, агентство "Конт

1. А: Здравствуйте, агентство "Континенталь". В: Здравствуйте, я ищу работу секретаря. Занимается ли ваше агентство подбором работы в этой области? А: Мы работаем только с иностранными компаниями. Вы хотите работать в российской или иностранной компании? В: Я не знаю, подойдет ли моя квалификация для работы в иностранной компании. А: Тогда вам надо поговорить с нашим консультантом. Вы не хотели бы записаться на прием к нашему консультанту? В: Спасибо, конечно. Когда я могу с ним поговорить? А: В пятницу, в 3 часа. Удобно ли для вас это время? В: Минутку, я загляну в свой деловой блокнот. Да, спасибо. Я буду у вас в пятницу в 3. До свидания. А: До свидания. Всего доброго. 2. А: Агентство "Континент". Здравствуйте. В: Здравствуйте. Я хотела бы поговорить с вашим консультантом по поводу работы няни. А: Простите, мы не занимаемся поиском работы в этой области. Наши потенциальные работодатели — промышленные предприятия города и области. В: Простите, что беспокою вас, но вы не могли бы сказать, в какое агентство я могла бы обратиться? А: Попробуйте позвонить в агентство "Алина". Они работают именно в этой области. В: Спасибо за помощь. До свидания. А: До свидания. Желаю вам удачи. 3. А: Здравствуйте, агентство "Алина". В: Здравствуйте, я ищу работу няни. Мне сказали, что вы можете предложить подобную работу. А: Да, но есть ли у вас необходимая квалификация и опыт работы? В: Да, я прошла специальные подготовительные курсы и имею опыт работы. А: Вы хотели бы работать в русской или иностранной семье? В: Я хотела бы работать в иностранной семье, но я не знаю иностранного языка. А: Тогда, к сожалению, мы можем предложить вам работу только в русской семье. Есть ли у вас рекомендации? В: Да, у меня рекомендации из двух семей, где я работала раньше. А: Прекрасно. Приходите завтра в 10 утра и захватите с собой сертификат курсов и рекомендации. В: Спасибо. Я обязательно приду завтра в 10 утра. До свидания. А: До свидания. 4. А: Здравствуйте, агентство "Прогресс" В: Здравствуйте, я прочел в газете ваше объявление, что требуется водопроводчик в гостиницу "Европа". Я хотел бы прийти и поговорить с кем-либо по поводу этой работы. А: Наш консультант проводит интервью с претендентами в понедельник в 10 часов. Есть ли у вас соответствующий опыт работы? В: Да, я работал несколько лет в госпитале. Я знаю свое дело хорошо, но я не знаю иностранный язык. А: Для этой работы это не обязательно. Могли бы встретиться с нашим консультантом в указанное время? В: Да, я приду обязательно. Нужно ли мне иметь какие-нибудь документы? А: Для этой работы необходимо составить резюме. В: Но я никогда не составлял резюме, я не знаю, как это делается. А: Приходите к Андрею Петрову в понедельник в 10 утра, он поговорит с вами и поможет вам составить резюме. В: Спасибо. Я обязательно приду в понедельник в 10. До свидания. А: До свидания.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. A: Hello agency "continental". In: Hello, I'm looking for work as a Secretary. Does your agency selection work in this area? A: we only work with foreign companies. Do you want to work in the Russian or foreign company? Q: I do not know whether my qualifications to work in a foreign company. A: Then you need to speak with our consultant. You would not want to make an appointment with our consultant? In: thank you, of course. When I talk with him? And on Friday, at 3:0. Is it convenient for you this time? In: a moment I look at my business notebook. Yes, thank you. I'll have you on Friday at 3. Good bye. A: Goodbye. All the best. 2. A: Agency "continent". Hello. In: Hello. I would like to speak with your advisor about the nanny. A: Sorry, we do not deal with finding work in this field. Our potential employers — industrial enterprises of the city and the region. Q: Sorry to bother you, but could you say what agency I could contact? A: try calling the Agency "Alina". They work in this area. In: thanks for the help. Good bye. A: Goodbye. I wish you the best of luck. 3. A: Hello, Alina Agency. In: Hello, I'm looking for work as a nanny. I was told that you can offer this type of work. A: Yes, but do you have the necessary qualifications and experience? In: Yes, I have gone through special training courses and have experience. A: would you like to work in the Russian or foreign family? Q: I would like to work in foreign family, but I do not know a foreign language. And then, unfortunately, we can only offer you a job in the Russian family. Do you have any recommendations? In: Yes, I have a recommendation from two families, where I worked before. A: Perfectly. Come tomorrow at 10 am and bring a certificate courses and recommendations. In: Thank you. I will come tomorrow at 10 am. Good bye. A: Goodbye. 4. (a): Hello, agency "Progress": Hello, I read your ad in the newspaper that require plumber to hotel "Europe". I would like to come and talk with someone about this work. A: our consultant conducts interviews with the contenders on Monday at 10:0. Do you have relevant work experience? Q: Yes, I worked several years at the hospital. I know their job well, but I do not know a foreign language. A: for this work is not necessary. Could meet with our consultant at a specified time? In: Yes, I will come for sure. Do I need any documents? A: for this to work, you have to prepare a resume. Q: but I never was a summary, I don't know how to do this. A: Come to Andrey Petrov on Monday at 10 am, he will talk with you and help you to make the resume. In: Thank you. I will come on Monday at 10. Good bye. A: Goodbye.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. A: Hello, the agency "Continental". Q: Hello, I am looking for a job in Secretary. Does your agency selection work in this field? A: We only work with foreign companies. Do you want to work in a Russian or foreign company? Q: I do not know whether my qualifications fit for work in a foreign company. A: Then you need to talk to our consultant. You do not want to make an appointment with our consultant? Q: Thank you, of course. When can I talk to him? A: On Friday, at 3 pm. Is it convenient for you this time? Q: Wait a minute, I look in to your business notebook. Yes thank you. I'll be with you on Friday at 3. Bye. A: Goodbye. All the best. 2. A: The agency "Continent". Hello. Q: Hello. I would like to talk to your counselor about the work of the nurse. A: Sorry, we did not look for work in this area. Our potential employers - industrial enterprises of the city and the region. Q: I'm sorry to bother you, but you could not say in which agency I could contact? A: Try calling the agency "Alina". They work in this area. Q: Thank you for your help. Bye. A: Goodbye. Wish you luck. 3. A: Hello, the agency "Alina". Q: Hello, I am looking for a job babysitting. I was told that you can offer this type of work. A: Yes, but do you have the necessary qualifications and experience? B: Yes, I went through special training courses and have experience. A: Would you like to work in Russian or foreign family? Q: I would like to work in a foreign family, but I do not know a foreign language. A: Then, unfortunately, we can only offer you a job in a Russian family. Do you have any recommendations? B: Yes, I have recommendations from two families, where I worked before. A: Great. Come back tomorrow at 10 am and bring your certificate courses and recommendations. Q: Thank you. I will come back tomorrow at 10 am. Bye. A: Goodbye. 4. A: Hello, the agency "Progress": Hello, I read in the newspaper, your ad that you want the plumber to the hotel "Europe". I would like to come and talk to someone about the job. A: Our consultant conducts interviews with applicants on Monday at 10 o'clock. Do you have relevant experience? B: Yes, I worked for several years in the hospital. I know their job well, but I do not know a foreign language. A: For this operation is not required. We could meet with our consultant at the specified time? B: Yes, I'll be sure. Do I have any documents? A: For this to work you need to create a resume. Q: But I was never resume, I do not know how it's done. A: Come to Andrei Petrov on Monday at 10 am, he will talk to you and help you create a resume. Q: Thank you. I will come on Monday at 10. Bye. A: Goodbye.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. A: Hello, the agency "voyage". A: Hello, I'm looking for a job. Is your agency selection of work in this area? A: We are only working with foreign companies.Do you want to work in the Russian or foreign company? A: I don't know, is right for you how do i know if my qualifications to work in a foreign company. A: then you should talk to our consultant.You do not wish to inscribe their names on the reception to our consultant? In: Thank you very much, of course. When I am with him talk to you? A: on Friday, 3 hours. Convenient for you this time? A: Just a minute, i загляну in their business notepad. Yes, thank you.I will come to you on Friday at 3. Good bye. A: up to say goodbye. Thank you for your attention. 2. A: The Agency "Continent". Hello. A: Hello. I would like to talk to your consultant about the work of nursing. A: I am sorry,We are not engaged in a search for work in this area. Our potential employers - industrial business area and city. A: I am sorry that a soldiers mother you, but you will not be able to say,In any agency i could ask? A: Try to call the agency "Alina". They are working in this area. In: Thank you for your assistance. Good bye. A: up to say goodbye. I wish you good luck. 3. A: Hello,The agency "Alina". A: Hello, I'm looking for a job offer. I was told that you can offer a similar work. A: Yes, but do you have the necessary qualifications and experience of work? A: Yes,I was special preparatory courses and i have work experience. A: You would like to work in the Russian or foreign family? A: I would like to work in a foreign family, but I don't know a foreign language. A: At that time,Unfortunately, we are able to offer you work only in the Russian family. Do you have recommendations? A: Yes, I have the recommendations of the two families, where I worked before. A: Excellent.Come back tomorrow at 10 a.m. , and bring a certificate courses and recommendations. In: Thank you very much. I am sure you'll come tomorrow at 10 am. Good bye. A: up to say goodbye. 4. A: Hello, the agency "progress" in: Hello,I have read in the newspaper your announcement that you want beautification at the hotel "Europe". I would like to come and talk with anyone about this work. A:Our consultant is conducting interviews with applicants on Monday in 10 hours. Do you have relevant work experience? A: Yes, I worked a few years in the hospital. I know their case well, but I don't know a foreign language. A:For this work, this is not required. Could meet with our consultant in the specified time? A: Yes, I am going to be. Whether or not you want me to have any documents? A: for this operation, it is necessary to draw up a summary. In:But I never was a summary, I do not know, as this is done. A: come to the World-wide on Monday at 10 am, he Fralou could with you and will help you to make a summary of. In: Thank you very much. I am sure you'll come in on Monday at 10.Good bye. A: up to say goodbye.
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