16. Я пытаюсь читать. (to try)
17. Мне не хотелось оставлять его одного в горе, и я предложил отвезти его к себе домой. (to want, to offer)
18. Я отложил письмо к нему на завтра. (to put off)
19. Я не мог вынести, чтобы со мной обращались так холодно. (to endure)
20. Она никогда не возражала против того, чтобы быть одной в коттедже. (to mind)
21. Я всерьез принялся писать короткие рассказы. (to set about)
22. Он был рад, что она потрудилась написать ему. (to take the trouble)
23. Ты помнишь, как ты доставлял виноградный сок в этот дом в то утро? (to remember)
24. Ты не забыл послать деньги в Лидс? (to remember)
25. Я решил не беспокоить Роджера этим делом. (to decide)
26. О, я думаю, вам понравится жить здесь, когда наступит лето. (to enjoy)
27. Он пробовал выращивать там картошку. (to try)
28. Я знал, что он старается накопить денег. (to try)
29. Мы не собираемся проситься пойти с вами. (to ask)
30. Я устал притворяться, что я пишу или читаю. (to pretend)
31. Мне не хотелось шутить. (to feel like)
32. Я отказываюсь принять ответственность за твои действия. (to refuse)
33. Он старался избежать встречи с кем-нибудь, кого он знал. (to avoid)
34. Несмотря на дождь, мы продолжали ждать. (to go on)
35. В эти дни он не мог позволить себе опаздывать. (cannot afford)
36. Хью прочитал в одной американской газете рецензию на эту книгу и предложил купить ее для их библиотеки. (to suggest)
37. Когда я вернулся в дом, я не забыл открыть окно. (to remember)
38. Я помню, что как-то говорил тебе об этом, Льюис. (to remember)
39. Возможно, что Молли пожалела, что она так много болтала, (to regret)
40. Она все больше и больше страшилась остаться одной с детьми. (to dread)
41. Остальные, без суеты, согласились принять участие. (to agree)
42. Ее друзья обещали прислать ей работу. (to promise)
43. Она села у камина и приготовилась рассказывать свои новости. (to prepare)
44. Смиты все уладили, чтобы взять на себя заботу о детях. (to arrange)
45. Он продолжал упорно звонить в гостиницу, спрашивая, нет ли для него каких-либо сообщений. (to keep)
46. Вы хотите взглянуть на него? (to care)
47. Он не позаботился о том, чтобы ответить. (to trouble)
48. Утром он начал переезжать в комнату внизу. (to start)
49. Жильцы этого дома предпочитали не интересоваться чужими делами. (to prefer)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
16. I'm trying to read. (to try) 17. I didn't want to leave him alone in the mountain, and I offered to take him to his home. (to want to offer) 18. I postponed the letter tomorrow. (to put off) 19. I could not make that appealed to me so cold. (to endure) 20. She never objected to be one in the cottage. (to mind) 21. I seriously began to write short stories. (to set about) 22. He was glad that she worked hard to write it. (to take the trouble) 23. Do you remember how you brought the grape juice in this House that morning? (to remember) 24. you forgot to send money in Leeds? (to remember) 25. I decided not to bother with Roger. (to decide) 26. Oh, I think you'll like to live here, when it's summer. (to enjoy) 27. He tried to grow potatoes there. (to try) 28. I knew he was trying to save some money. (to try) 29. We are not going to beg to go with you. (to ask) 30. I'm tired of pretending I write or read. (pretend to) 31. I don't like to make jokes. (to feel like) 32. I refuse to take responsibility for your actions. (to refuse) 33. He tried to avoid meeting someone whom he knew. (to avoid) 34. Despite the rain, we continued to wait. (to go on) 35. These days he could not afford to be late. (cant for the Roma community) 36. Hugh read in one American newspaper review on this book and offered to buy it for their libraries. (to suggest) 37. When I got to the House, I forgot to open the window. (to remember) 38. I remember that somehow told you about it, Lewis. (to remember) 39. It is possible that Molly was sorry that she was babbling, so much (to regret) 40. She more and more apprehensive about remain the same with children. (to dread) 41. the other, without fuss, agreed to participate. (to agree) 42. Her friends promised to send her work. (to promise) 43. She sat by the fireplace and prepared to tell her the news. (to prepare) 44. The Smiths all settled to take care of the children. (to arrange) 45. He continued stubbornly calls to the hotel, asking whether for any messages. (to keep) 46. you want to take a look at it? (to care) 47. He was not bothered about how to respond. (to trouble) 48. In the morning he started to move into the room below. (to start) 49. The occupants of this House preferred not being interested in Foreign Affairs. (to prefer)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
16. I'm trying to read. (to try)
17. I did not want to leave him alone in the mountain, and I offered to take him home. (to want, to offer)
18. I put the letter to him tomorrow. (to put off)
19. I could not bear to be treated so cold with me. (to endure)
20. She never objected to being alone in the cottage. (to mind)
21. I began seriously to write short stories. (to set about)
22. He was glad that she bothered to write him. (to take the trouble)
23. Do you remember how you delivered the grape juice in the house in the morning? (to remember)
24. You did not forget to send money to Leeds? (to remember)
25. I decided not to bother Roger in this business. (to decide)
26. Oh, I think you'll like living here, when it's summer. (to enjoy)
27. He tried to grow potatoes there. (to try)
28. I knew he was trying to save money. (to try)
29. We're not going to ask to go with you. (to ask)
30. I'm tired of pretending that I write or read. (to pretend)
31. I do not want to joke. (to feel like)
32. I refuse to accept responsibility for your actions. (to refuse)
33. He tried to avoid a meeting with someone whom he knew. (to avoid)
34. Despite the rain, we continued to wait. (to go on)
35. These days, he could not afford to be late. (can not afford)
36. Hugh read in an American newspaper review of this book and offered to buy it for their libraries. (to suggest)
37. When I returned to the house, I did not forget to open the window. (to remember)
38. I remember that I once told you about this, Lewis. (to remember)
39. It is possible that Molly was sorry that she is so much chatter, (to regret)
40. It is more and more afraid of being left alone with children. (to dread)
41. The rest, no fuss, agreed to participate. (to agree)
42. Her friends promised to send her a job. (to promise)
43. She sat by the fire and prepared to tell their news. (to prepare)
44. The Smiths all settled, to take care of children. (to arrange)
45. He stubbornly continued to call to the hotel, asking if there was for him any messages. (to keep)
46. You want to look at it? (to care)
47. He did not bother to answer. (to trouble)
48. In the morning he began to move into the room below. (to start)
49. Residents of this house chose not interested in other people's affairs. (to prefer)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
16. i"m trying to read. (to try)17. i didn"t want to leave him alone in the mountain, and i offered to drive him home. (to want, to offer)18. i put the letter to him tomorrow. (put off)19. i couldn"t bear to have treated me so cold. (to endure)20. she never object to be alone in the cottage. (to the mind)21. i really began to write short stories. (set about)22. he was glad she took the trouble to write to him. (to take the trouble)23. do you remember how you delivered the grape juice in the house in the morning? (to remember)24. did you remember to send money in leeds? (to remember)25. i decided not to bother roger this case. (to decide)26. oh, i think you"ll enjoy living here when summer comes. (to enjoy)27. he tried to grow up potatoes. (to try)28. i knew he was trying to save money. (to try)29. we"re not asking to go with you. (to ask)30. i"m tired of pretending that i write or read. (pretend)31. i don"t like jokes. (feel like)32. i refuse to take responsibility for your actions. (refuse)33. he tried to avoid meeting with someone he knew. (to avoid)34. despite the rain, we had to continue to wait. (go on)35. these days, he couldn"t afford to be late. (cannot afford)36. hugh read in an american newspaper review on this book and offered to buy it for their libraries. (turn)37. when i returned home, i forget to open the window. (to remember)38. i remember i once told you, lewis. (to remember)39. it is possible that molly felt sorry for what she talked a lot, to regret)40. it is more and more страшилась stay alone with the kids. (to dread)41. the other, without fuss, agreed to participate. (agree)42. her friends promised to send her a job. (promise)43. she sat by the fire, and prepared to tell her the news. (to prepare)44. смиты settled to take care of the children. (arrange)45. he has persisted in calling the hotel, asking if there are any messages for him. (to keep)46. you want to take a look at it? (to go)47. he doesn"t care enough to answer. (in trouble)48. in the morning, he began to move into the room downstairs. (to start)49. the residents of this house were not interested in other people"s affairs. (other)
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