Мой любимый вид транспорта это велосипед. На нем можно очень легко и быстро добраться куда угодно. Ты едешь без толпы и ты не зависишь от маршрута.Он не засоряет окружающую среду. Я люблю этот вид транспорта
My favorite mode of transportation is a bicycle. It can be very easy and fast to get anywhere. You're going without the crowds and you do not depend on marshruta.On does not contaminate the environment. I love this type of transport
My favorite mode of transport is the bike. It is very easy and fast to get anywhere. You go without a crowd and you don't depend on the route. I love this mode of transport
My favorite mode of transportation is bicycle. It can be easy, it can go anywhere soon. It will not pollute the environment. I like this mode of transportation.<br>