львов этот старинный город. ему больше 700 лет. улицы моего города нас перевод - львов этот старинный город. ему больше 700 лет. улицы моего города нас английский как сказать

львов этот старинный город. ему бол

львов этот старинный город. ему больше 700 лет. улицы моего города настоящие культуррые памятки. в центре вечером невероятно красиво ,а запахи кофе шоколада и карамели помогут вам вернуться в детство
так как население планеты растет,количество жителей в моем городе увеличелось значительно. стало намного больше домов и магазинов. особенно последние два года домов стало очень много.
я думаю что самая большая проблема нашего говорода,это загзязнение воздуха выхлопными газами и качество дорог. из-за плохих дорог у нас часто случаются дорожные проишествия.
решение этих проблем большой вопрос для нашего мера. во многих районах дороги уже ремонтируют и планируют дальше продолжать ремонт. такие проблемы как загрязнение воздуха есть практически по всем мире,и люди в развитых странах переходят на електрические машины,которые существенно уменьшают вред от бензина и соляры
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Lviv this historic city. him more 700 years. the streets of my city real kul′turrye memo. in the center of the evening is incredibly beautiful and smells of coffee, chocolate and caramel will help you return to childhoodas world population grows, the number of residents in my town grows considerably. It became a lot more houses and shops. especially the last two years, the houses became very much. I think that the biggest problem of our govoroda, it zagzâznenie the air exhaust and the quality of the roads. because of the bad roads we are road trips. solving these problems is a big issue for our measure. in many parts of the road have already been repaired and plan to continue renovations. problems such as air pollution is virtually everywhere, and people in developed countries are switching to electric cars, which significantly reduce damage from gasoline and closet
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Lions this ancient city. it more than 700 years. the streets of my city real kulturrye memo. in the middle of the evening is incredibly beautiful, and the smell of coffee and chocolate candy will help you return to childhood
as the world population grows, the number of residents in my city uvelichelos significantly. It has become a lot more houses and shops. especially the last two years has been a lot of houses.
I think that the biggest problem of our govoroda is zagzyaznenie exhaust air and the quality of roads. because of the bad roads we are frequent road incident.
solution to these problems big question for our action. in many parts of the road is already repaired and plan to continue to continue the repair. problems such as air pollution has practically all the world, and people in developed countries are moving in the Electrical Power Machines, which significantly reduce the harm caused by gasoline and solarium
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
lions of this old city. he more than 700 years. the streets of my town are культуррые memo. in the evening, beautiful and smells of coffee chocolate and caramel will help you to go back to childhood.as the world population grows, the number of people in my town увеличелось significantly. it has become much more houses and shops. especially the past two years, the house was very much.
i think that the biggest problem in our говорода is загзязнение air exhaust, and the quality of roads. because of the bad roads we often happen traffic accidents.
the solution of these problems is a big issue for our measure. in many areas, the roads are under construction and planned to continue repairs. problems such as air pollution has almost all the worldpeople in developed countries are turning to електрические cars, which significantly reduce the harm of gas and соляры
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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