Здравствуйте. Товар не пришел,верните,пожалуйста деньги за товар.Если не получится выслать деньги,то вышлите какой-нибудь другой товар на эту сумму. Я так расстроена,что не пришел товар.
Hello. This product does not come back, please money for goods. If you fail to send the money then send any other item for this amount. I am so upset that did not come good.
Hello. This product does not come, please go back money for tovar.Esli not work to send money, send some other items on that amount. I'm so upset that did not come commodity.
hello. the goods do not come, please return the money to товар.если fail to send money, send some other stuff on it. i'm so frustrated that no has the goods.