В японском меморандуме выдвигались предварительные условия восстановле перевод - В японском меморандуме выдвигались предварительные условия восстановле английский как сказать

В японском меморандуме выдвигались

В японском меморандуме выдвигались предварительные условия восстановления отношений между обеими странами: удовлетворение территориальных притязаний правящих кругов Японии, включающих передачу Японии Курильских островов и Южного Сахалина, возвращение осужденных в Советском Союзе японских военных преступников и положительное разрешение вопросов, связанных с японским рыболовством в северо-западной части Тихого океана, а также допуск Японии в ООН и др. Сам факт выдвижения японской стороной предварительных условий, содержавшихся в меморандуме, не способствовал целям создания необходимой атмосферы реалистического и конструктивного подхода к переговорам. Одновременно с текстом речи Сигемицу в парламенте и меморандумом японской делегации Мацумото передал Малику текст парламентского запроса депутата от либеральной партии Охаси в связи с переговорами в Лондоне и ответ на этот запрос премьер-министра Хатояма. В запросе депутат утверждал, что "согласованные действия между государствами западного мира окажут величайшее влияние на результаты настоящих переговоров". Передавая эти материалы, Мацумото недвусмысленно давал понять, что стремление Японии пересмотреть статью Сан-Францисского мирного договора, где констатируется отказ Японии от всех прав, правооснований и претензий на Курильские острова и Южный Сахалин, будет поддержано западными державами, и, в первую очередь, США, поскольку Япония имеет в отношении этих стран определенные обязательства.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the Japanese recovery prerequisites were memorandum of relations between the two countries: addressing the territorial claims of the ruling circles of Japan, including the transfer of Japan's Kuril Islands and Southern Sakhalin, the return of convicted in the Soviet Union of Japanese war criminals and a positive resolution of the Japanese rybolovsside in the Pacific Northwest, as well as the admission of Japan to the United Nations and others. The very fact of the Japanese side conditions contained in the memorandum did not contribute to the objectives of creating the necessary atmosphere of a realistic and constructive approach to the negotiations. At the same time with text to speech Sigemicu in Parliament and the Japanese delegation memorandum Matsumoto gave Malik text query MPs from the parliamentary Liberal Party Ohashi in connection with negotiations in London and the response to the request of Prime Minister Hatoyama. The mp claimed that "concerted action among States in the Western world would have the greatest impact on the results of these negotiations." Transferring these materials, Matsumoto made clear that Japan's willingness to revise article San Francisco Peace Treaty, which States that Japan's refusal of all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands and southern Sakhalin, will be supported by Western powers, and, above all, the United States, because Japan is in respect of these countries certain obligations.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In Japanese, the memorandum put forward preconditions to restore relations between the two countries: the satisfaction of the territorial claims of the ruling circles of Japan, including the transfer of Japan's Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin, the return of prisoners in the Soviet Union Japanese war criminals and positive resolution of issues related to the Japanese fisheries in the north-western part of Pacific, as well as the admission of Japan to the United Nations, and others. The fact of the nomination by the Japanese side prerequisites contained in the memorandum did not contribute to the objectives of creating the necessary atmosphere realistic and constructive approach to the negotiations. Simultaneously with text to speech Shigemitsu in parliament and the memorandum of the Japanese delegation Matsumoto gave Malik text parliamentary inquiry deputy from the Liberal Party Ohashi in connection with the negotiations in London and the response to the request of Prime Minister Hatoyama. The request MP claimed that "concerted action between the states of the Western world will have the greatest impact on the results of these negotiations." By submitting these materials, Matsumoto unequivocally made it clear that Japan's desire to revise the article of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which stated that Japan had renounced all right, title and claim to the Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin, will be supported by the Western powers, and, above all, the United States This is because Japan has in relation to these countries of certain liabilities.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In the Japanese memorandum there have been preliminary conditions for recovery between the two countries: the territorial claims ruling circles Japan,Including transfer Japan Kurile islands and Southern Sakhalin, the return of the prisoners in the Soviet Union Japanese war criminals and a positive resolution issues,Related to the Japanese fisheries in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as tolerance Japan in the UN and others. The fact that extend Japanese party pre-conditions, as contained in the memorandum,Do not contribute to the goals of creating the necessary atmosphere of a realistic and constructive approach to the negotiations.Simultaneously with the text Сигемицу speech in the parliament and the memorandum Japanese delegation Matsumoto handed Malik text parliamentary request mps from the liberal party Senba-zuru (in connection with the negotiations in London andTo this request the prime minister has been working very hard.In the request for a deputy claimed that "concerted action between member states the western world will have greatest impact on the results these negotiations". Transferring these materials,Matsumoto clearly gave to understand that Japan's intention to revise article San Francisco peace treaty, which stated the failure of Japan all rights,And unwarranted claims to the islands and Southern Sakhalin, will be supported by Western powers, and, first and foremost, the United States, since Japan has in relation to these countries certain obligations.

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