Входите, пожалуйста. Не обращайте внимания на беспорядок. Я как раз уб перевод - Входите, пожалуйста. Не обращайте внимания на беспорядок. Я как раз уб английский как сказать

Входите, пожалуйста. Не обращайте в

Входите, пожалуйста. Не обращайте внимания на беспорядок. Я как раз убираю в комнате.кто готовит в вашей семье?- конечно, мама.- Где ты обычно обедаешь?- я обычно обедаю дома , но иногда в столовой при заводе.Я обычно хожу в кино в субботу или в воскресенье, так как в остальные дни недели я очень занят.Вы не возражаете если я закурю?- нет, нисколько. Хотите папиросу? - благодарю Вас, я не курю. Сколько вам нужно времени, чтобы приготовить утром завтрак?- я не готовлю завтрак утром, так как у меня всегда мало времени. Я выпиваю чашку чая или кофе и съедаю бутерброд. Я предпочитаю плотно пообедать днем в нашей столовой. Как правило, утром мне некогда подметать пол, вытирать пыль и мыть посуду. Я только убираю постель и открываю окно, чтобы проветрить комнату. Кто помогает вашей маме по хозяйству?- мы все помогаем ей как можем, но, конечно, мама сама ходит в магазин и готовит, так как мы днем работаем. Когда вы выходите утром из дома?- ровно без четверти восемь. Я живу совсем рядом с заводом. Поэтому я в любую погоду хожу на работу пешком. У нас мало времени. Поезд прибывает на московский вокзал через полчаса.- не волнуйтесь. У нас еще достаточно времени. Где Ваша библиотека? - недалеко отсюда, как раз за углом. Я хожу туда два раза в месяц. Не задавай мне вопросов. Я не могу писать и разговаривать одновременно. У меня нет ни одной свободной минуты. Вы не возражаете , если я включу радио?- пожалуй, возражаю
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Come in, please. Ignore the mess. I just tidy up the room. who cooks in your family?-of course mom.-Where do you usually have dinner?-I usually eat lunch at home, but sometimes in the dining room when the factory. I usually go to the cinema on Saturday or Sunday, as on other days of the week I am very busy. Do you mind if I smoke? "-no, not at all. Want a cigarette? -Thank you, I don't smoke. How much you need time to prepare breakfast in the morning?-I don't make breakfast in the morning, because I have always pressed for time. I drink a cup of tea or coffee and take a sandwich. I prefer a substantial meal during the day in our dining room. As a rule, morning I once sweeping floors, dusting and washing dishes. I only remove bed and open the window to ventilate the room. Who helps your mom around the House?-we all help it can, but, of course, mom herself walks into a store and prepares, since we work during the day. When you go out in the morning from home?-exactly a quarter to eight. I live close to the plant. So I in any weather go to work on foot. We have little time. The train arrives at Moskovsky railway station in half an hour.-don't worry. We still have enough time. Where is your library? -not far from here, just around the corner. I go there twice a month. Do not ask me questions. I can't write and talk at the same time. I don't have any free minute. Do you mind if I turn on the radio?-perhaps mind
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Come in please. Ignore the mess. I just put away in komnate.kto preparing your family? - Of course, mama.- Where do you usually dine? - I usually have dinner at home, but sometimes in the dining room at zavode.Ya usually go to the movies on Saturday or Sunday, as in the rest of the week I am very zanyat.Vy do not mind if I smoke? - No, not at all. Want a cigarette? - Thank you, I do not smoke. How much time you need to cook breakfast in the morning? - I do not cook breakfast in the morning, as I have always pressed for time. I drink a cup of tea or coffee and eat a sandwich. I prefer tightly afternoon lunch in our dining room. As a rule, in the morning I had no time to sweep the floor, dust and wash the dishes. I just make the bed and open the window to ventilate the room. Who helps your mother with the housework? - We all help her as best we can, but of course, my mother she goes to shop and cook, since we work during the day. When you leave the house this morning? - Exactly a quarter to eight. I live very close to the plant. Therefore, in any weather, I go to work on foot. We have little time. The train arrives to Moscow railway station through polchasa.- not worry. We still have plenty of time. Where is your library? - Not far from here, just around the corner. I go there twice a month. Do not ask me questions. I can not write and talk at the same time. I do not have a minute to spare. Do you mind if I turn on the radio? - Perhaps the mind
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
come in, please. don't look at the mess. i just do комнате.кто cooks in your family? - yes, mother. - where do you usually eat lunch? i usually eat lunch at home, but sometimes in the dining room in the factory.i usually go to the cinema on saturday or sunday, as in the rest of the week i'm very занят.вы don't mind if i smoke? - no, not at all. do you want a cigarette? - thank you, i don't smoke. how much time do you need,in the morning to cook breakfast? i don't cook breakfast in the morning, as i always have a little time. i drink a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich. i prefer to eat during the day and in the dining room. as a rule,in the morning i can sweep the floor, wipe the dust and wash the dishes. i just clean the bed and i open the window to air the room. who is your mom home? we all help her as we can, but, of course,mom goes shopping and cooking, so as we work during the day. when you go out in the morning from home? is exactly a quarter to eight. i live close to the factory. therefore, in any weather, i go to work on foot. we don't have much time.the train arrives at the station in полчаса. - don't worry. we still have enough time. where is your library? is not far from here, just around the corner. i go there twice a month. don't ask me questions.i can't write and talk at the same time. i don't have any free time. do you mind if i turn on the radio? - i object
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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