Российско-японские отношения чуть было не дали трещину, когда российск перевод - Российско-японские отношения чуть было не дали трещину, когда российск английский как сказать

Российско-японские отношения чуть б

Российско-японские отношения чуть было не дали трещину, когда российская береговая охрана задержала два японских рыболовных траулера в проливе Лаперуза, между северным японским островом Хоккайдо и российским Сахалином.

Японские официальные представители согласились с заявлением России о том, что траулеры находились в российских территориальных водах; капитан одного судна был ранен и отправлен в сахалинский военный госпиталь. По утверждению российских властей, всего было обнаружено 10 японских кораблей-нарушителей.

Это уже шестой инцидент за текущий год во время которых были ранены три японских рыбака. Меньше чем 3 месяца остается до парламентских выборов в России, и подобный конфликт может сыграть на руку националистически настроенным политикам.

Популярной темой текущей предвыборной кампании стали требования возрождения утраченного Россией политического и военного лидерства; настороженность российского дальневосточного населения к Японии и другим азиатским странам все усиливается.

В наши дни японская рыболовецкая промышленность испытывает сильное коммерческое давление – это-то и толкнуло капитанов траулеров на заход в спорные воды. Поиск японскими траулерами новых рыболовецких территорий вновь возродил спор о территориальной принадлежности Курил, омываемых богатыми рыбой водами.

Россия усиленно охраняет свою 12-мильную пограничную зону и требует от Японии платы за право рыболовства в зоне спорных островов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Russian-Japanese relations was not given a crack when the Russian Coast Guard detained two Japanese fishing trawler in La Perouse Strait, between the Northern Japanese island of Hokkaido and the Russian island of Sakhalin.Japanese officials agreed with the statement that Russian trawlers were in the Russian territorial waters; one of the ship's captain was wounded and sent to Sakhalin military hospital. According to Russian authorities, only 10 were detected Japanese ships-offenders.This is the sixth incident for the current year during which wounded three Japanese fisherman. Less than 3 months left before parliamentary elections in Russia, and such a conflict could play into the hands of nationalist configured policies.A popular theme of the current campaign have become the requirements of the revival of the lost Russia's political and military leadership; wariness of Russian far eastern population to Japan and other Asian countries is growing.In our days the Japanese fishing industry experiences a strong commercial pressure is something and pushed captains trawlers at sunset in the disputed waters. Search Japanese trawlers during its pre-independence period new fishing territories newly revived debate about territorial Kurils, washed by fish-rich waters.Russia strenuously protects its 12-mile border zone and demands that Japan pay for fishing right in the zone of the disputed islands.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Russian-Japanese relations had almost given crack, when the Russian coast guard detained two Japanese fishing trawler in the La Perouse Strait, between the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido and Russia's Sakhalin Island.

Japanese officials have agreed with the Russian statement that the trawlers were in the Russian territorial waters; the captain of the vessel was injured and taken to the military hospital Sakhalin. According to Russian authorities, only 10 Japanese ships-violators were found.

This is the sixth incident of the current year during which three Japanese fishermen were injured. Less than 3 months left before the parliamentary elections in Russia, and such conflict could play into the hands of nationalist politicians.

A popular topic of the current election campaign began to demand the revival of the lost Russian political and military leadership; caution the Russian Far East to the population of Japan and other Asian countries increasingly strong.

Today, Japanese fishing industry is experiencing strong commercial pressure - it was this that prompted the captains to trawlers docked in the disputed waters. Search Japanese fishing trawlers new territories again revived the debate about territorial affiliation Kuril Islands, washed by the waters rich in fish.

Russia strenuously protects its 12-mile border zone and Japan requires payment for the right of fishing in the zone of the disputed islands.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
russian japanese relations almost gave way when the russian coast guard detained two japanese fishing trawler in the strait between the island of hokkaido лаперуза, japanese and russian сахалином.japanese officials agreed with the statement of russia that trawlers were in russian territorial waters; the captain of a ship, was wounded and sent to a military hospital in sakhalin. according to the russian authorities, only had 10 japanese ships - violators.this is already the sixth incident for the current year in which injured three japanese fisherman. less than 3 months left before the parliamentary elections in russia, and this conflict can play into the hands of a nationalist politicians.the popular theme for this campaign were the demands of russia"s political and military leadership of the russian far east population; reluctant to japan and other asian countries is widening.nowadays, the japanese fishing industry is a strong commercial pressure is then pushed in the round in the disputed waters of trawlers. search japanese fishing fleets of new fishing territories once again revived the dispute of territorial affiliation smoke around the fish rich waters.russia was guarding its 12 mile blast the border zone and requires japan to pay for the right of fishing in the disputed islands.
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