Вы не бойтесь любить и быть в чувствах щедрее...Счастлив тот, кто любо перевод - Вы не бойтесь любить и быть в чувствах щедрее...Счастлив тот, кто любо английский как сказать

Вы не бойтесь любить и быть в чувст

Вы не бойтесь любить и быть в чувствах щедрее...
Счастлив тот, кто любовь раздаёт без конца...
Ведь от скупости чувств наши души скудеют...
А от скудности душ - так грубеют сердца...
ДЭвид , запомни !Хорошие мужчины дают женщинам необыкновенную уверенность в себе, а плохие учат ценить хороших…
Давайте, будем бережней друг к другу:
Не говорить жестокие слова,
Не требовать расплаты за услугу
И не плести интриги-кружева.
Давайте обходиться без подвохов,
На чьих-то нежных чувствах не играть.
Не нужно превращаться в скоморохов
И без умолку льстить врагам и лгать…
Давайте, будем честными друг к другу,
И не пускать для «блага» пыль в глаза,
Не делать из товарища прислугу,
Почаще нажимать на тормоза…
Давайте же ценить чужое время,
Не заставлять людей напрасно ждать.
И уважать ошибочные мнения
И никогда других не осуждать.
И в утвержденьях будьте осторожны.
Не нужно вешать сразу ярлыки.
Обидеть человека так несложно,
На то они и злые языки…
Но сколько же страданий и несчастий
Приносим самым близким, дорогим.
Сквозь зубы цедим равнодушно: «Здрасьте».
И сеем зло с намереньем благим…
Давайте станем чуточку добрее,
Чуть проще, чище, бережней к другим.
И станет все прекрасней и светлее.
Мы новый мир любовью создадим.
Внимание! Если я нахожусь онлайн, то это совершенно не означает, что я сижу возле монитора!
В это время я уехала на такси на работу, еще на другую работу, в ателье за костюмом -забрать -позвонили, выбросить мусор на контейнерную площадку, поливаю цветы комнатные и ухаживаю за цветами- подкормку делаю... или вообще после такой нагрузки надо принять душ...
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
You will not be afraid to love and be in more generous feelings.Happy is he who gives love without end ...Because parsimony senses our souls grow scanty.But from the lack of a shower-so grubeût heart ...David, remember! Good men give women an unusual self-confidence, learn to appreciate the good and bad.Let's, let's berežnej to each other:Not to say harsh words,Not require a reckoning for the serviceAnd do not weave the intrigue-lace.Let's go without hard knocks,On someone's tender feelings did not play.No need to turn into buffoonsAnd run on flatter enemies and lie ...Let's be honest with each other,And do not allow for "good" dust in the eyes,Do not do it from a friend of the workers,Often press on brakes ...Let us appreciate someone else's time,Don't force people to wait in vain.And respect for the views of the erroneousAnd ever other not to judge.And utveržden′âh be careful.No need to hang right shortcuts.Offend so easily,Then, they are evil tongues ...But how much suffering and miseryBring the closest, dearest.Through their teeth: "indifferently Centre Hi.And sow the evil with the good firm.Let's become a little kinder,Slightly easier, cleaner, berežnej to others.And will become more beautiful and lighter.We have a new world of love create.Attention! If I am online, it doesn't mean that I sit near monitor!At this time I went by taxi to work more on other work in the Atelier for suit-pick up-call, throw garbage in the container area, put flowers and look for flowers-feeding ... or even after such a burden must take a shower.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Do not be afraid to love and to be generous feelings ...
Happy is the one who gives out love without end ...
After all, feelings of avarice skudeyut our souls ...
And from scarcity shower - so grubeyut heart ...
David, remember! Good men give women an extraordinary self-confidence, and learn to appreciate the good the bad ...
Come on, we will Berezhnaya each other:
Do not speak harsh words,
do not require paying for a service
and not intrigue-lace.
Let's dispense with the dirty tricks,
at someone else's tender feelings are not play.
You do not need to turn into buffoons
and incessantly flatter enemies and lie ...
Let's be honest with each other,
and not to allow for the "good" dust in the eyes,
does not make a fellow servant,
more often to press on the brake ...
Let us appreciate other people's time ,
do not make people wait in vain.
And respect the erroneous opinions
and never did not blame others.
And in the approval be careful.
You do not need to hang up immediately labels.
so easy to offend people,
Then, they are gossips ...
But how much suffering and misery
We bring the closest , expensive.
tsedim indifferently through his teeth: "Hello."
And to sow evil intention is good ...
Let's be a little kinder,
a bit easier, cleaner carefully to others.
And it will become more beautiful and brighter.
We will create a new world of love.
Attention! If I'm online, it does not mean that I'm sitting next to the monitor!
At this time, I went by taxi to work, even to another job in the studio suit -zabrat -pozvonili, throw trash on the container yard, watering the flowers room and I take care of feeding tsvetami- do ... or even after a load is necessary to take a shower ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You do not be afraid to love and be feelings happen ...
Happy is the one who love weekends without the end of the ...
because of stinginess feelings our souls the crowned royals Nicholas ...
a paucity of shower - so грубеют heart ...
David, remember!Good men give women extraordinary confidence in themselves, and the poor are taught appreciate good ...
let us, we will gladly slandered to each other:
not to speak cruel words,
not to require reckoning for the service
And not problems unknown before the lace.
let us dispense with Russians used,
the fact that the subtle feelings do not play.
do not need to be converted to Sergey Ivanovich
and ‘HOW criticize enemies and lying ...
let us, let us be honest to each other,
And do not start to "good" dust in eyes,
not to do so from the comrade workers,
frequently depress the brake ...
let us appreciate Barack Obama time,
not forcing people to wait for vain.
and respect the erroneous views
And never other do not condemn.
AND in утвержденьях be careful.
do not need to hang up immediately labels.
offending rights is easy,
at the they and the evil languages ...
but how much suffering and misery
sorry the closest, expensive.
Through the teeth цедим indifference: "beads" .
and sow evil from the намереньем pious ...
let us become little misapprehension,
a little easier, cleaner, restore woodlands to other.
and will be all "vision and lighter.
we love will create a new world.
Attention!If I am online, it is absolutely does not mean that I am sitting near the monitor!
in this time, I had gone on a taxi to work, even on the other work, the ateliers for costume -pick -calling,Throw debris in the cargo area, поливаю flowers room and help", Svyatlana Shleg for colors, you won't need doing ... or not at all after such a load must be to take a shower ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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