Координационный комитет по многостороннему экспортному контролю (КОКОМ) сос-
тоит из представителей всех стран НАТО (за исключением Исландии и вновь принятых
стран) и создан для координации политики ограничения экспорта товаров, имеющих по-
тенциальную стратегическую ценность, в бывший Советский Союз и некоторые другие
страны. КОКОМ был образован в 1949 году и занимался не только рассмотрением вопро-
сов передачи военных технологий для определения необходимости введения эмбарго, но
также пытался предвосхитить "конечное использование" продукции, произведенной для
гражданских целей, например ЭВМ и транзисторов. В силу ряда причин, в частности из-за
распада СССР, а также с целью оказания поддержки экономическим и политическим ре-
формам в России и в новых независимых государствах, в 1993 году США и их партнеры
по КОКОМ договорились о прекращении режима "холодной войны", начиная с 31 марта
1994, и о подготовке к заключению нового соглашения, а также о введении дополнитель-
ных ограничений на экспорт обычных вооружений и сложных технологий в страны, чья
политика вызывает серьезные опасения, и в потенциально нестабильные регионы. Сущес-
твующие списки товаров и технологий, в отношении которых введены экспортные огра-
ничения, сохраняются и после 31 марта до тех пор, пока не будут заключены новые согла-
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The Coordinating Committee for multilateral strategic export controls (COCOM) SOS-toit from representatives of all NATO countries (except Iceland and the newly adoptedcountries) and created to coordinate the policy of restricting exports of goods, having on-tencial′nuû strategic value, in the former Soviet Union and some otherthe country. COCOM was established in the year 1949 and not only consideration of issuesowls of the transfer of military technologies to determine whether the imposition of the embargo, butalso tried to pre-empt the "end use" products manufactured forcivilian purposes, such as computers and transistors. For a number of reasons, in particular because of thethe collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as to support the economic and political re-forms in Russia and the newly independent States in 1993 year United States and their partnerson the COCOM regime agreed to a "cold war", since 31 March1994, and on the preparations for the conclusion of a new agreement, as well as on the introduction of additionaltional restrictions on the export of conventional weapons and sophisticated technologies to countries whosethe policy raises serious concerns and potentially unstable regions. CRE-ciated with the lists of goods and technologies for which introduced export limitedated after March 31 and remain until the new agreementdecision.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM) SOS-
toit representatives from all NATO countries (with the exception of Iceland and the newly accepted
countries) and was established to coordinate the policy of restricting exports of goods having Therefore
potential strategic value to the former Soviet Union and some other
countries . COCOM was established in 1949 and engaged not only in the consideration of issues
of military technology transfer owls to determine whether the embargo, but
also tried to anticipate the "end use" products produced for
civilian purposes, such as computers and transistors. For several reasons, particularly because of the
collapse of the USSR, as well as to support economic and political reform
forms in Russia and the Newly Independent States, in 1993 the US and its partners
on the COCOM agreed to terminate the regime "cold war" starting from March 31,
1994 and the preparations for a new agreement, as well as the introduction of additional
con straints on the export of conventional weapons and sophisticated technologies to countries whose
policies cause for serious concern, and in potentially unstable regions. Susches-
sponding lists of goods and technologies, for which introduced export confine
straints, saved and after March 31 and since then, until the new agreement will be concluded
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