как малые так и большие предприятия нуждаются в дополнительном капитал перевод - как малые так и большие предприятия нуждаются в дополнительном капитал английский как сказать

как малые так и большие предприятия

как малые так и большие предприятия нуждаются в дополнительном капитале для инвестиций и расширения своего дела. зачастую они не могут довольствоваться лишь реинвестированием полученной прибыли и вынуждены либо заимствовать деньги в банках, либо выпускать акции для продажи на фондовой бирже.
предприятия, находящиеся в единоличностной собственности , имеют ряд недостатков, но экономисты полагают, что лишь они являются столь важными точками роста любой экономики
ежегодное собрание акционеров оао ронекс состоялось в прошлую средц. на нем был представлен ежегодный отчет,который подтвердил слухи о том, что компания практически обанкротилась. в эой связи был избран новый совет директоров,который назначает членов административного руководства компания, и одобрен план сокращения штатов, себестоимости производства и расширения продаж.
в соответствии законов великобритании о компаниях в товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью могут входить несколько партнеров, но хотя бы один из них должен быть полным партнером и нести юридическую ответственность за долги фирмы
владелец одного маленького завода жалуется что когда дела идут хорошо он не может найти материалы для производства продукции с низкой себестоимостью , а когда дела идут плохо, он не может найти клиентов на рынке.
нсмотря на большое число изобретений и открытий, создаваемых научно-исследовательскими отделами больших акционерных обществ, времена талантливых одиночек, создающих небольшие предприятия, еще не прошли
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
as small and large businesses need additional capital to invest and expand their business. often they cannot be satisfied with reinvestment of profits and forced to either borrow money in banks or issue shares for sale on the stock exchange.edinoličnostnoj enterprises ownership, have a number of disadvantages, but economists believe that they alone are the most important points of growth in any economyannual meeting of shareholders was held in roneks last sredc. It had before it the annual report, which confirmed rumors that the company almost went bankrupt. in èoj was elected the new Board of Directors, which shall appoint the members of the Executive management of the company and approved plan of retrenchment, cost of production and sales.under the UK companies laws limited liability partnership may consist of multiple partners, but at least one of them must be a full partner and be legally responsible for the debts of the firmone small factory owner complains that when things go well, he could not find the materials for the production of low cost, and when things go wrong, he could not find clients on the market.nsmotrâ a large number of inventions and discoveries generated by research divisions of large companies, times of talented individuals, creating small businesses, have not yet been
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
both small and large companies need additional capital to invest and expand their business. often they can not be satisfied with the reinvestment of profits, and are forced to either borrow money from banks or issue shares for sale on the Stock Exchange.
Company located in edinolichnostnoy property has a number of shortcomings, but economists believe that only they are so important points of the growth of any Economics
annual meeting of shareholders of roneks held last sredts. it annual report was presented, which confirmed rumors that the company almost went bankrupt. in eoy connection elected a new board of directors, which appoints the members of the administrative management of the company, and approved a plan to reduce the state, production costs and expand sales.
according to UK company law in a limited liability partnership may include multiple partners, but at least one of them must be a full partner and bear the legal responsibility for the company's debts to
the owner of a small factory complains that when things are going well, he can not find the materials for the production of low cost, and when things go wrong, he can not find customers in the market.
nsmotrya at large the number of inventions and discoveries, created by the research departments of large corporations, the time of talented individuals, creating small enterprises, has not yet passed
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
both small and large enterprises are in need of additional capital for investment and expand his business. often they can"t just settle for the reinvestment profit obtained and must either borrow money from banks or issue shares for sale on the stock exchange.enterprises located in the единоличностной property to have a number of shortcomings, but economists believe that only they are such important points of growth in any economythe annual meeting of shareholders of the ронекс took place last средц. it had before it the annual report, which confirmed the rumors that the company almost went bankrupt. in эой was elected a new board of directors, which appoints the members of the leadership of the company, and approved a plan to reduce staffing costs and expand sales.under the laws of british companies in the limited liability partnership may consist of several partners, but at least one of them must be a full partner, and bear the legal responsibility for the debts of the companythe owner of a little plant complains that when things are going well, he can"t find the materials for the production of products with low cost, and when things go wrong, he can not find customers in the market.нсмотря on a large number of inventions and discoveries by the research departments of large joint-stock companies, the talented individuals, creating small businesses have not yet
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