По мнению известного лингвиста И.В. Арнольд (советский и российский ли перевод - По мнению известного лингвиста И.В. Арнольд (советский и российский ли английский как сказать

По мнению известного лингвиста И.В.

По мнению известного лингвиста И.В. Арнольд (советский и российский лингвист, специалист в области лексикологии, стилистики, риторики, основоположник научной школы стилистики декодирования; доктор филологических наук, почетный профессор РГПУ им. Герцена), синонимия свойственна всем языкам и служит показателем развитости языка, поскольку богатый разносторонне развитый словарный состав имеет сильно развитую систему функциональных стилей, а богатство стилей предполагает возможность отбора, а эта последняя известную взаимозаменяемость слов, т.е. синонимику.
Английский язык считается одним из самых богатых языков мира. Он обладает огромным количеством лексических единиц и выразительных средств, позволяющих сделать речь богатой и многогранной. Основу индивидуального авторского стиля могут составлять не только грамматические конструкции и стилистических приемов, но и выбор лексики.
При изучении синонимии английского языка установлено, что в английском языке велик процент заимствований, так как в силу исторических причин английский язык оказался более проницаемым, чем другие языки. Английский язык больше, чем какой-либо другой язык, имел возможность заимствовать иностранные слова в условиях прямого непосредственного контакта. Число исконных слов в английском языке составляет около 30%.
По источнику заимствования в словарном составе английского языка различают: кельтские заимствования; латинские заимствования первых веков нашей эры; латинские заимствования (VI-VII вв.); скандинавские заимствования эпохи скандинавских набегов (VII-X вв.); старые французские заимствования (XII-XV вв.); латинские заимствования (XV-XVI вв.); новые французские заимствования после (XVI в.); заимствования из греческого, итальянского, голландского, испанского, русского, немецкого и других языков, обусловленные экономическими, политическими, культурными и другими связями с соответствующими народами.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
According to a well-known linguist I.v. Arnold (Russian and Soviet linguist, a specialist in Lexicology, Stylistics, and rhetoric, the founder of the Scientific School of decoding stylistics; doctor of philological science, Professor Emeritus of WPPS IM Herzen), synonymy is inherent in all languages and serves as an indicator of development of language, since rich versatile advanced vocabulary has a strongly developed system of functional styles and richness of styles of involves the possibility of selection, and this last known interchangeability of the words , i.e. sinonimiku. English is considered one of the richest of the world's languages. He has a huge number of lexical units and expressive means, to make it rich and multifaceted. Basis of individual author's style can be not only grammatical structures and stylistic tricks, but also the choice of vocabulary.When examining the synonymy of the English language found that in English, the great percentage of loans, because for historical reasons, the English turned out to be more permeable than other languages. The English language more than any other language, had the opportunity to borrow foreign words in the face of direct direct contact. The number of native words in the English language is about 30%.According to the source of loanwords in English vocabulary are distinguished: Celtic borrowings; Latin borrowing from the first centuries of our era; Latin loanwords (VI-VII centuries); Scandinavian loanwords era Scandinavian invasions (VII-X centuries); old French loanwords (XII-XV centuries); Latin loanwords (15th-16th centuries); new French borrowing after (XVI c.); borrowing from Greek, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, German and other languages, due to economic, political, cultural and other relations with the peoples concerned.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The well-known linguist IV Arnold (Soviet and Russian linguist, a specialist in lexicography, stylistics, rhetoric, the founder of scientific school of style decoding, Ph.D., professor emeritus RSPU. Herzen), synonymy common to all languages ​​and serves as an indicator of the development of language as a rich diversified vocabulary has a highly developed system of functional styles, and a wealth of styles suggests the possibility of selection, and the latter a certain interchangeability of words, ie, synonymy.
The English language is considered one of the richest languages ​​in the world. It has a huge number of lexical units and means of expression that can make it a rich and multi-faceted. The basis of the individual author's style may be not only the grammar and stylistic devices, but also the choice of vocabulary.
While studying English synonyms found that English large percentage of borrowing, because for historical reasons, English has been more permeable than other languages. English more than any other language, was able to borrow foreign words in a direct immediate contact. The number of native words in English is about 30%.
According to the source of borrowing in the vocabulary of the English language are distinguished: Celtic borrowing; Latin borrowings of the first centuries of our era; Latin borrowings (VI-VII centuries.); Scandinavian Scandinavian raids borrowing era (VII-X centuries.); old French borrowing (XII-XV cc.); Latin borrowings (XV-XVI centuries.); French new borrowing after the (XVI c.); borrowing from the Greek, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, German and other languages, due to economic, political, cultural and other relations with the peoples concerned.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the view of the famous linguistics и.в. arnold (soviet and russian linguist, an expert in the field of лексикологии, stylistics, rhetoric, the founder of scientific school style decoding;doctor of philological sciences, professor emeritus ргпу. if синонимия), is endemic in all languages and is a measure of the degree of sophistication of the languageas a versatile of the vocabulary of the system has greatly developed the functional style, style wealth implies the possibility of selection.this is the last known interoperability of words). синонимику. speaking english is considered to be one of the rich world languages. he has a great number of lexical units and expressive means.in order to make it a rich and multifaceted. the individual author's style may be not only the grammatical structure and the stylistic techniques, but also the choice of vocabulary.in the study of english language синонимии found that english is the percentage of borrowing, such as historical reasons, english was more permeable than the other languages.the english language more than any other language, had the opportunity to borrow foreign words in the context of direct contact. the number of native words in the english language is about 30%.
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