Про себя могу сказать, что я отличаюсь от брата и сестры. Потому,что они четко знают, чего хотят в этой жизни. Мне 19 лет, а я все еще колеблюсь в том чего хочу, не могу точно выбрать, что мне надо. О себе могу сказать, что я творческий творческий человек. Увлекаюсь рисованием уже 5 лет, год назад поняла, что надо менять стиль рисования и сейчас рисую портреты. В данный момент у меня есть достижение, о котором не могла и думать 5 лет назад. Нарисовала портрет оперной певицы Анны Нетребко и она оценила его! Для меня это лучшее, чего я достигла в этой жизни. Не каждому начинающему художнику, удается лично получить похвалу от оперной певицы. А я смогла и это, послужило для меня стимулом развивать в себе то, что у меня хорошо получает. Хочу отметить, художественную школу не заканчивала, а училась рисовать сама!
Так же занимаюсь фотографиями. Знаю многое в этой сфере и у меня есть идеалы, которые вдохновляют меня. Учусь на работах других фотографов. Но главный человек, который дарит мне вдохновение - это Йошихико Уеда. Японский фотограф, в его работах я нахожу таинственность, от чего замирает сердце. Один раз посмотрев на его работы, больше никогда не забудешь их.
В этом году, я собираюсь начать учить японский язык. Так как хочу уехать жить в Японию, как закончу университет. Для в этого стоит очень постараться, но думаю у меня получится. С родителями летом мы обычно ездим в разные страны, и побывали во многих местах. Но Япония покорила меня. Один раз побывав там, никогда не забудешь то, что увидел. Какие там толерантные люди, ценят свои обычаи, ценят жизнь, природу. Со мной и моей подругой, случилась неприятная ситуация, умудрились потеряться, но хорошо, что я всегда имею карточки с разными словами. И у меня был адрес гостиницы, где мы остановились. Спросив прохожего, как туда добраться, я думала, он просто скажет нам, как туда пройти. Но нет! Молодой человек довел нас до входа в гостиницу! Японцы очень терпеливые и добрые.
В заключении хочу сказать, что надо ценить то, что имеешь. Поддержку находить в семье, потому,что она всегда будет рядом и не отвернется. И где бы ты не был, семья будет всегда рада тебе.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Myself, I can say that I am different from my brother and sisters. Because they clearly know what they want in this life. I am 19 years old and I'm still wavering in what I want, I can not choose what I need. About myself, I can say that I am a creative creative person. I like drawing already 5 years year ago understood, that we must change the drawing style and now I paint portraits. At the moment I have the achievement, which was unable to think 5 years ago. I drew a portrait of opera singer Anna Netrebko and she appreciated it! For me this is the best of what I have achieved in life. Not every novice artist, I can personally get praise from the opera singer. And I was able to and this was the impetus for me to develop in itself that I have good gets. The art school is not finished, and she studied to draw herself! So do photos. Know much in this area and I have ideals that inspire me. Study on the works of other photographers. But the main person who gives me the inspiration is Yoshihiko Ueda. The Japanese photographer, his work I find weirdness, which stops the heart. Once looking at his work, never forget them.This year, I'm going to start learning Japanese. As I want to go live in Japan like finish University. For in this is very hard work, but I think I could. With parents in the summer we usually go to different countries, and visited many places. But Japan has conquered me. Once having visited there, will never forget what I saw. There are tolerant people, appreciate their customs value, nature of life. Me and my girlfriend was an unpleasant situation, managed to get lost, but the good thing is that I always have cards with different words. And I had the address of the hotel where we were staying. Asking a passerby, how to get there, I thought, he just tells us how to pass. But no! A young man brought us up to the entrance to the hotel! The Japanese are very patient and kind.In conclusion I would like to say that we should cherish what you have. Find support within the family, because it will always be there and not turn them away. And where would you not, the family will be always glad to you.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
About myself I can say that I was different from his brother and sister. Because they clearly know what they want in this life. I am 19 years old and I'm still hesitating in what I want, I can not choose exactly what I want. About myself I can say that I am a creative person creative. My hobbies are painting for 5 years, one year ago I realized that it is necessary to change the style of drawing and now I draw portraits. At the moment, I have the achievement of which could not even think 5 years ago. Drew a portrait of opera singer Anna Netrebko and she appreciated it! For me it is the best that I have achieved in this life. Not everyone is a beginner artist manages to personally receive praise from an opera singer. And I could and that was the impetus for me to cultivate what I'm good at. I want to mention an art school is not finished, and learned to paint itself!
Just do photos. I know a lot in this area and I have ideals that inspire me. Study on the work of other photographers. But the main person who gives me inspiration - it Yoshihiko Ueda. Japanese photographer, his works I find the mystery of what stops the heart. Once looking at his work, will never forget them.
This year, I'm going to start learning Japanese. Because I want to go live in Japan, as a graduate of the University. For a lot of hard work is worth it, but I think I can do it. With parents in the summer we usually we go to different countries and visited many places. But Japan has captivated me. Once been there, never forget what I saw. What sort of tolerant people, their customs value, appreciate life, nature. Me and my girlfriend, there was an unpleasant situation, managed to lose, but it's good that I always have a card with different words. And I had the address of the hotel where we were staying. Asking a passer-by how to get there, I think he just tell us how to get there. But no! The young man brought us to the entrance to the hotel! The Japanese are very patient and kind.
In conclusion I want to say that we should appreciate what you have. Find support in the family, because it will always be there and will not turn away. And wherever you are, the family will be always glad to you.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
A i can say that I am bluckbaster from his brother and sister. Because,that they clearly know what they want in this life. I am 19 years old, and I am still колеблюсь in that what I wish, I cannot accurately select, what I want. I can tell,That i creative creative people. I learn English drawing is already 5 years old, a year ago had understood that they should change drawing style and now paint portraits. At the moment I have a achievement,Which is not to be able to think about 5 years ago. Had painted portrait opera singer Anna Netrebko and she appreciated it! For me it is the best, which I reached in this life. Not everyone realizes their guesses,Unable personally to get praise from opera singer. And I was able to and it is, served as an incentive for me to develop, the fact that I was well received. I would like to point out, an art school is not this bulletin,And she draw itself!
The same am photos. I don't know much in this area and i have ideals that inspire me. Learning to work other photographers. But the main people,Which gives me inspiration - this Йошихико Ueda. Japanese photographer, in his work i find galleries, which stops the heart. One time by looking at his work, no one would ever forget your their.
in this year,I'm going to start to learn Japanese language. As I wish to leave to live in Japan, as well as finishing university. For this is a very to try, but I think I will do it. With parents in summer we usually move in different countries,And visited in many places. But Japan conquer me. Once having been there, never drunk that I saw. There understood people, appreciate their customs, appreciate life, nature. With me and my girlfriend,Hold unpleasant situation, mint condition be misplaced, but it is a good thing that I always have cards with different words. And I had a hotel address, where we are staying. Awhere spasm, how do i get there, I thought I was,He simply tells us how to get there. But there is no! A young man brought us up to the entrance to the hotel! The Japanese are very patient and good.
in the conclusion I would like to say that we appreciate the fact that humility. Support to find the family,Because,that she will always be near, and not abandon. And where would you have not been, the family will always be happy to you.
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