С любовью к тебеДоброе утро, Hermann. Благодарю тебя за ссылку на фото перевод - С любовью к тебеДоброе утро, Hermann. Благодарю тебя за ссылку на фото английский как сказать

С любовью к тебеДоброе утро, Herman

С любовью к тебе
Доброе утро, Hermann. Благодарю тебя за ссылку на фотографии. Это именно то, чем я занимаюсь. Рада, что тебе понравились мои фотографии. Я себе придумала еще одно занятие - записалась на курсы йоги. Ты когда-нибудь занимался йогой? Мне посоветовала подруга и я решила попробовать. У меня было сегодня первое занятие. Йога — это уникальная система упражнений, которая помогает организму не стареть, бороться с болезнями и одновременно успокаивать нервы, снимать стресс. Йога подходит мужчинам и женщинам, молодым и пожилым, на практике убеждает в своей целительной силе. Заниматься йогой — значит привести в гармонию своё сознание и существование, понять смысл жизни, ощутить радость бытия и стать по-настоящему свободным от болезней, стрессов, негативного влияние окружения, от метафизических страхов. Осанка станет идеальной. Тело и душа обретают гармонию. В результате выполнения всего комплекса упражнений мышцы становятся сильнее, а тело приобретёт дополнительную гибкость. Конечно сразу это сложно, но со временем я уверенна у меня получится. Как твое настроение после выходных дней? Обнимаю тебя с любовью. Думаю о тебе, мой милый. До завтра.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
With love to you
good morning, Hermann. Thank you for the link to the photos. This is exactly what I do. Glad you liked my pictures. I came up with one more lesson-signed up for yoga courses. Have you ever practiced Yoga? I told the girlfriend and I decided to give it a try. I had my first lesson today. Yoga is a unique system of exercises, which helps the body do not grow old, fight disease and calm nerves, reduce stress. Yoga is suitable for men and women, young and old, to practice convinces in its healing power. To practice yoga is to lead in the harmony of his consciousness and existence, to understand the meaning of life, feel the joy of life and be truly free from diseases, stresses, the negative influence of the environment, from the metaphysical fears. Posture is perfect. Body and soul find harmony. As a result of the whole complex of exercises the muscles become stronger, and the body becomes more flexible. Of course once it is difficult, but with time I am sure I will make it. What is your mood after the weekend? I embrace you with love. Thinking of you, my dear. Until tomorrow.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
With love to you
Good morning, Hermann. Thank you for the link to the photos. That's exactly what I do. I'm glad you liked my pictures. I myself came up with another class - enrolled in yoga courses. Have you ever practiced yoga? I advised a friend and I decided to try. I was the first lesson today. Yoga - a unique system of exercises that help the body grow old, fight disease and simultaneously calm nerves, relieve stress. Yoga is suitable for men and women, young and old, in practice convinces in its healing power. Yoga - means to harmonize our consciousness and existence, to understand the meaning of life, to feel the joy of life and become truly free from disease, stress, negative influence of the environment, from the metaphysical fears. An ideal posture. Body and soul finds harmony. As a result, the full range of exercises the muscles get stronger and your body will become more flexible. Of course once it is difficult, but with time I am confident I can do it. What's your mood after the weekend? I embrace you with love. I think of you, my dear. Until tomorrow.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
To combat the disease and at the same time reassure nerves, to remove stress. Ascetic ideal for men and women, young and older, in practice convinces in its she conserves.With love to you
Good morning, Hermann. I thank you for the link to the photos. This is what I am doing. Happy that you liked my photos. I have coined another lesson - inscribed on the yoga courses.Do you ever deal with yoga? I advised girlfriend and I decided to try it out. I was today the first lesson. Vinyasa-flow Yoga - this is a unique system activity, which helps your body is aging,To combat the disease and at the same time reassure nerves, to remove stress. Ascetic ideal for men and women, young and older, in practice convinces in its she conserves.Doing yoga is lead in harmony their consciousness and the existence of a, to understand the meaning of life, feel joy and being to become a truly free from disease, stress, negative impact environment,From метафизических allaying fears. Posture is the ideal. The body and soul are gaining harmony. As a result of the entire set of exercises the muscles become stronger, and the body will become more flexible.Of course as soon as it is difficult, but over time i loveline cd i will do it. As soon as your mood after holidays? Hug you with love. Think of you, my hurry. Until tomorrow.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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