моя дорога в школу Моя школа находится довольно далеко от дома. Если е перевод - моя дорога в школу Моя школа находится довольно далеко от дома. Если е английский как сказать

моя дорога в школу Моя школа находи

моя дорога в школу Моя школа находится довольно далеко от дома. Если ехать на автобусе, то нужно выходить на третьей по счёту остановке. Но мне больше нравится ходить пешком, это занимает двадцать минут. Дорога идёт прямая, под горку. Она широкой лентой пересекает один из крупных районов нашего города. Вдоль шоссе растут деревья, иногда плотной стеной закрывают проезжую часть кустарники. Но вот что меня особенно притягивает по дороге в школу — это два пруда слева от шоссе. Они небольшие, с заросшими берегами и не очень чистой водой, но утки там живут с ранней весны до поздней осени. Они плавают, словно кораблики, кормятся мальками и хлебом, который бросают прохожие. И я всегда останавливаюсь здесь ненадолго, любуюсь уточками, у кромки берега оставляю им еду. Мимо несутся машины, бегут прохожие, мелькают окна домов. Я иду в школу и ду­маю: «Это мой город, я его люблю. Когда вы­расту, обязательно останусь здесь и вычищу эти пруды, укреплю берега, поставлю скамей­ки. Пусть эта красота сохранится для следую­щих поколений!» (156 слов)

Больше сочинений и гдз на: http://vsesochineniya.ru/sochinenie-na-temu-moya-doroga-v-shkolu.html
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
my road to school my school is pretty far from home. If you go by bus, get off at the third stop in a row. But I like to walk, it takes twenty minutes. The road goes straight downhill. It is a broad band crosses one of the major areas of our city. Along Highway trees, sometimes dense wall close road shrubs. But that's what I was particularly attracted to the road to school is two ponds to the left of the highway. They are small, with high cliffs and not very pure water, but ducks live there from early spring to late autumn. They float like boats, fed bread, malkami and who throw the passers-by. And I always stop here briefly, like utochkami, at the edge of the shore leave them food. By rushing cars, passers-by fleeing flit Windows of houses. I go to school and do the IBA: "this is my city, I love him. When you grow, make sure you stay here and vychishhu these ponds, strengthen Bank put the pews. Let this beauty will continue to follow Tal generations! " (156 words)More essays and welcome to TP-link at: http://vsesochineniya.ru/sochinenie-na-temu-moya-doroga-v-shkolu.html
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
my way to school My school is pretty far from home. If you go by bus, you need to go to the third stop on the account. But I like to walk, it takes about twenty minutes. The road goes straight downhill. It is a wide ribbon crosses one of the major areas of our city. Along the road there are trees, sometimes a solid wall closed roadway shrubs. But that's what attracts me especially on the way to school - two of the pond to the left of the highway. They are small, with overgrown banks, and not very clean water, but the ducks live there from early spring to late autumn. They float like boats, feed the fry and bread that passersby throw. And I always stop here for a while, admiring the ducks, at the shore edge leaving them food. Past the rushing cars, passers-run, flashed the windows of houses. I go to school and think, "This is my city, I love him. When I grow up, I am sure to stay here and am going to clean the ponds, will strengthen the bank, put the bench. Let this beauty is preserved for future generations "(156 words)!

More essays and to GDZ: http://vsesochineniya.ru/sochinenie-na-temu-moya-doroga-v-shkolu.html
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my way to school, my school is far away from home. if you go on a bus, you have to go to the third row bench. but i like walking, it takes about twenty minutes. the road goes straight, under the hill. it's the tape passes one of the major areas of our city. trees along the highway, sometimes dense wall closing the carriageway shrubs. but what particularly attracted me on the way to school are two of the pond on the left side of the highway. they are small, with the overgrown shores and not very clean water, but the ducks live there from early spring to late autumn. they are like ships, feeding on мальками and bread, which are civilians. and i always stay here a while, admiring the уточками, at the edge of the shore leave them food. passing through the car, run all the windows, their homes. i go to school and ду­маю: "this is my town, i love him. when вы­расту, you stay here and clean it up these ponds, and bank, put скамей­ки. let this beauty will continue to следую­щих generations! "(156 words)more essays and гдз at: http: / / vsesochineniya.ru / sochinenie-na-temu-moya-doroga-v-shkolu.html
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