4. Пока я раздумывал, покупать это пальто или нет, кто-то пришёл и купил его. - Ты примерил его?
- Да. Я примерял его несколько раз, и оно мне очень нравилось. - Так почему же ты его не купил?
- Я надеялся найти что-нибудь дешевле.
5. Когда мы встречались последний раз, ты сказал, что не собираешься приезжать в Англию снова. Что заставило тебя изменить своё решение? - Моя работа.
6. Что ты делал в это время вчера? - Я просматривал свой альбом со старыми фотографиями.
7. Утро было прекрасное, солнце ярко светило; но постепенно темнело, ветер усиливался, и сейчас идёт дождь.
8. Я открыл дверь и увидел, что за дверью стоит женщина. Она, несомненно, слышала, о чём мы говорили. Когда я спросила, что она здесь делает, то она ответила, что ищет своего кота.
9. В то время как бабушка вязала носки, а мать пела песню, ребёнок пытался уснуть.
10. Когда мы приехали на вокзал, Анна ждала нас. На ней было голубое платье, и выглядела она очень нарядно.
11 В то время как бабушка поливала цветы, начался дождь. Она раскрыла зонтик и продолжала работать. Я с удивлением смотрела на неё, ничего не говоря.
12. Когда отец копал грядки в саду, он нашёл золотое кольцо. Интересно, кому оно принадлежало
и как оно туда попало.
13. Когда я видел её последний раз, она спешила на вокзал. Я спросил ее, куда она едет. "В Лондон",- ответила она. Но я не поверил ей, так как в то время уже не было поездов в Лондон
Результаты (
английский) 1:
4. While I was pondering whether to buy a coat or not, someone came and bought it. -You have tried it?-Yes. I've been several times, and I really liked it. -So why have you not bought?-I was hoping to find something cheaper.5. When we met last time, you said you are not going to come to England again. What made you change your mind? -My work.6. What did you do at this time yesterday? -I was browsing your album with old photographs.7. Morning was great, the Sun was shining brightly; but gradually getting dark, the wind was picking up, and now it is raining.8. I opened the door and saw that behind the door stands a woman. It will no doubt have heard what we were saying. When I asked what she was doing here, she replied, looking for her cat.9. While Grandma knitting socks, and his mother sang the song, he was trying to fall asleep.10. When we arrived at the station, Anna was waiting for us. It had a blue dress, and it looked very elegant.11 while Grandma watered the flowers, it started to rain. She opened the umbrella and continued to work. I stared at her, saying nothing.12. When the father was digging the beds in the garden, he found a gold ring. I wonder to whom it belongedand how it got there.13. When I saw her last, she hurried to the station. I asked her where she's going. "In London," she said. But I didn't believe her, because at the time there was no trains to London
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
4. While I was thinking to buy this coat or not, someone came and bought it. - You tried it?
- Yes. I tried on a few times, and I really liked it. - So why did you bought it?
- I was hoping to find something cheaper.
5. When we met last time, you said that you are not going to come to England again. What made you change your mind? - My job.
6. What were you doing at this time yesterday? - I was looking through the album with old photos.
7. The morning was beautiful, the sun was shining brightly; but gradually grew dark, the wind increased, and now there is rain.
8. I opened the door and saw that the door is a woman. It is, of course, heard about what we talked about. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, was looking for her cat.
9. While grandmother knitting socks, and his mother sang a song, the child was trying to sleep.
10. When we arrived at the station, Anna was waiting for us. She was wearing a blue dress, and she looked very elegant.
11 While Grandma is watering the flowers, it started to rain. She opened her umbrella and went to work. I stared at her, saying nothing.
12. When the father was digging the beds in the garden, he found a gold ring. I wonder who it belonged to
and how it got there.
13. When I saw her for the last time, she hurried to the station. I asked her where she was going. "In London," - she said. But I did not believe her, because at that time there was no train to London
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
4. Until that time, I just wonder if they, buy this coat or not, who is found and bought it. - Are you Sharof Holmamatov it?
- Yes. I примерял it several times, and I liked it. - So, why don't you have bought?
- I had hoped to find something cheaper.
5. When we met the last time, you said that, not you're going to come to England again. That led him to change his decision? - My work.
6. What were you doing at this time yesterday?- I viewed their album with the old photos.
7. Morning was beautiful, the sun bright flagstones; but gradually dishornest, wind intensified, and now it is raining.
8. I opened the door and saw that the front door is a woman. ItThere is no doubt, heard of what we have been saying. When I asked, that she is doing, she replied that, looking for its kota.
9. At the time, as well as a scientist's grandmother socks, and the mother sang a song, the child tried to fall asleep.
10.When we arrived at the station, Anna waited for us. It was a blue dress, and looked like she was very ornately.
11 while the grandmother haven't watered them for a whole flowers, it started to rain. It unmasked umbrella and continued to work.I was surprised to glared at it, nothing not to mention.
12. When father Kopal seedbeds in the garden, he found the golden ring. It is interesting, to whom it belonged
and how it get there.
13. When I saw her the last time, she got her wallet at the station.
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