Воспитанность,все-таки,нечто более глубокое,чем просто хорошие манеры.Уважение,внимание к другому человеку - основа вот этого "нечто". Воспитанный человек тот,который умеет разобраться с себе самом,в своих желаниях,возможностях,но он умеет понять и окружающих людей, уважать их интересы,желания,вкусы,привычки,настроения.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Manners, after all, something deeper than just good manners. Respect, attention to another person-the basis of this "something". Educated people the one that knows how to deal with yourself, in your desires, possibilities, but he can understand and surrounding people, respect their interests, desires, tastes, habits, moods.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Education, after all, something deeper than just good manery.Uvazhenie attention to the other person - that's the basis of this "something". Raised the man who knows how to deal with himself, in his desires, perhaps, but he is able to understand and the people around them, respect their interests, desires, tastes, habits, moods.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
niceness, after all, something deeper than just the good манеры.уважение, attention to another person is the basis of this "something". a well-educated person who knows how to handle himself in his dreamsopportunities, but he can understand other people, respect their interests, desires, tastes, habits, and attitudes.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..