I. Read the text.Tony Redford was a journalist. He wrote articles for  перевод - I. Read the text.Tony Redford was a journalist. He wrote articles for  английский как сказать

I. Read the text.Tony Redford was a

I. Read the text.Tony Redford was a journalist. He wrote articles for a magazine called Business News. He was a young man, of medium height. He had rather long, dark brown hair and a small moustache. There was always a very serious look on his face. He looked even more serious that morning. He was in his boss's office. His boss was called Liz Davis and she was the editor of Business News.«Well, Tony. Your first article about the electronics industry is going to the printer's this afternoon. It's very interesting. But what about your second article? Are you sure you can write two articles about the electronics industry? I mean, isn't one enough? » she asked. «Listen, Liz, I tell you that the second article is going to be more interesting than the first! Far more interesting! »«I am going to get some information this evening about a small company called Shandor Electronics. The director is probably one of the best electronics engineers in the world. But nobody knows very much about him. Not even where he comes from. He lives on a yacht. He never visits his factory in Southampton. Someone goes to the yacht from the factory every morning in a helicopter. Now... I know an engineer who works at that factory. His name is Presley, and Presley tells me that Shandor has plans for a new kind of electronic brain. It's much smaller but far better than any other electronic brains on the market today. I'm going to meet Presley in Southampton this evening. I am going to use the information I get from him in my second article. Presley says Shandor is going to make some new kind of robot, too. But he doesn't know very much about that. It's one of the company's biggest secrets! »Liz Davis looked more interested than before.«All right, Tony. Go ahead with your second article. But finish it no later than the end of next week! Do you understand? I must have it at the end of next week! No later than that! »II. Mark the following statements as True or False.Tony Redford was a journalist who wrote articles for a magazine called Moscow News.Liz wasn't sure that they needed two articles on the same topic.The director of the Shandor Electronics company went to his factory by helicopter.Tony was going to get some important information from one of the factory's employees.Presley is going to make some new kind of robot, too.III. Write answers to these questions.What was Tony's first article about?When was Tony going to get some information about the Shandor Electronics company?What plans did the Shandor Electronics company have?When did Liz Davis want to have Tony's second article?IV. Correct the following statements according to the text.1. Tony Redford wrote articles for a newspaper.The company's director was probably one of the best managers in the world.Tony Redford's acquaintance knew all about the company's new plan.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I. Read the text. <br><br>Tony Redford was a journalist. He wrote articles for a magazine called Business News. He was a young man, of medium height. He had rather long, dark brown hair and a small moustache. There was always a very serious look on his face. He looked even more serious that morning. He was in his boss's office. His boss was called Liz Davis and she was the editor of Business News. <br>«Well, Tony. Your first article about the electronics industry is going to the printer's this afternoon. It's very interesting. But what about your second article? Are you sure you can write two articles about the electronics industry? I mean, is not one enough? »She asked. «Listen, Liz, I tell you that the second article is going to be more interesting than the first! Far more interesting! "<br>«I am going to get some information this evening about a small company called Shandor Electronics. The director is probably one of the best electronics engineers in the world. But nobody knows very much about him. Not even where he comes from. He lives on a yacht. He never visits his factory in Southampton. Someone goes to the yacht from the factory every morning in a helicopter. Now ... I know an engineer who works at that factory. His name is Presley, and Presley tells me that Shandor has plans for a new kind of electronic brain. It's much smaller but far better than any other electronic brains on the market today. I'm going to meet Presley in Southampton this evening. I am going to use the information I get from him in my second article. Presley says Shandor is going to make some new kind of robot, too. But he doesn ' t know very much about that. It's one of the company's biggest secrets! "<br>Liz Davis looked more interested than before. <br>«All right, Tony. Go ahead with your second article. But finish it no later than the end of next week! Do you understand? I must have it at the end of next week! No later than that! » <br><br>II of. Mark the following statements as True or False . <br><br>Tony Redford was a journalist who wrote articles for a magazine called Moscow News. <br>Liz was not sure that they needed two articles on the same topic. <br>The director of the Shandor Electronics company went to his factory by helicopter. <br>Tony was going to get some important information from one of the factory's employees. <br>Presley is going to make some new kind of robot, too. <br>III. Write answers to these questions. <br><br>What was Tony's first article about?<br>When was Tony going to get some information about the Shandor Electronics company? <br>What plans did the Shandor Electronics company have ? <br>When did Liz Davis want to have Tony 's second article? <br><br>IV. Correct the following statements according to the text . <br><br>1. Tony Redford wrote articles for a newspaper . <br>The company's director was probably one of the best managers in the world. <br>Tony Redford's acquaintance knew all about the company's new plan.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I. Read the text.<br><br>Tony Redford was a journalist. He wrote articles for a magazine called Business News. He was a young man, of medium height. He had rather long, dark brown hair and a small moustache. There was always a very serious look on his face. He looked even more serious that morning. He was in his boss's office. His boss was called Liz Davis and she was the editor of Business News.<br>"Well, Tony. Your first article about the electronics industry is going to the printer's this afternoon. It's very interesting. But what about your second article? Are you sure you can write two articles about the electronics industry? I mean, isn't one enough? She asked. "Listen, Liz, I tell you that the second article is going to be more interesting than the first! Far more interesting! »<br>"I am going to get some information this evening about a small company called Shandor Electronics. The director is probably one of the best electronics engineers in the world. But no one knows very much about him. Not even where he comes from. He lives on a yacht. He never visits his factory in Southampton. Someone goes to the yacht from the factory every morning in a helicopter. Now... I know an engineer who works at that factory. His name is Presley, and Presley tells me that Shandor has plans for a new kind of electronic brain. It's much smaller but far better than any other electronic brains on the market today. I'm going to meet Presley in Southampton this evening. I am going to use the information I get from him in my second article. Presley says Shandor is going to make some new kind of robot, too. But he doesn't know much about that. It's one of the company's biggest secrets! »<br>Liz Davis looked more interested than before.<br>"All right, Tony. Go ahead with your second article. But finish it no later than the end of next week! Do you understand? I must have it at the end of next week! No later than that! »<br><br>II. Mark the following statements as True or False.<br><br>Tony Redford was a journalist who wrote articles for a magazine called Moscow News.<br>Liz wasn't sure that they needed two articles on the same topic.<br>The director of the Shandor Electronics company went to his factory by helicopter.<br>Tony was going to get some important information from one of the factory's employees.<br>Presley is going to make some new kind of robot, too.<br>Write answers to these questions.<br><br>What was Tony's first article about?<br>When was Tony going to get some information about the Shandor Electronics company?<br>What plans did the Shandor Electronics Company have?<br>When did Liz Davis want to have Tony's second article?<br><br>Iv. Correct the following statements according to the text.<br><br>1. Tony Redford wrote articles for a newspaper.<br>The company's director was probably one of the best managers in the world.<br>Tony Redford's acquaintance knew all about the company's new plan.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I.Red the text.<br>Tony Redford is a journal. He writes for a magazine called business news. He is a young man, the height of the media. He had a long time, dark brown hair and a small moustache. There was a very serious look at his face. He even looked more serious in the morning. He is his boss's office. His boss was called Liz Davis and she was the editor of business news<br>“Well,Tony. Your first article on the electronics industry is after printing. It's very interesting. But what's your second rule? Are you sure you can write two articles about the electronics industry? I mean, is that enough? "She asked. "Listen, Liz, I tell you, the second one is more interesting than the first one! More interesting! the United Nations<br>"I want to get some information about a small company in this event called shandor electronics. The director is probably one of the best electronics engineers in the world. But no one knows a lot about him. Not even where he came from. He lives in a yacht. He never visited his factory in Southampton. Someone went to yacht from the fact that every morning in hell. Now. I know an engineer in fact works. His name is Presley, and Presley told me that shandor has a new electron beam project. This is a big smaller, but obviously better than any other e-commerce today. I'm going to meet that day in south hampton. I want to use my information from him in my second article. Presley says shador is going to make some new robots, too. But he didn't know much about it. This is a big secret of the company! the United Nations<br>Liz Davis looked more interested than before.<br>"All rights," Tony. Go with your second article. But in the end, it's not more than next week! Do you understand? I have to finish next week! There's nothing more! the United Nations<br>Two. Mark the following statements as true or False.<br>Tony Redford is a journal who wrote articles for a magazine called Moscow News.<br>Liz was't sure that they need two articles on the same topic.<br>The director of the Shandor Electronics company went to his factory by helicopter.<br>Tony was going to get some important information from one of the factory's employees.<br>Presley is going to make some new kind of robot,too.<br>Write answers to these questions<br>What is Tony's first rule?<br>When Tony goes to get some information about shader Electronics?<br>What plan is made by shandor Electronics?<br>When Lisa Davis wants Tony's second?<br>Correct the following statements according to the text<br>1. Tony Redford wrote articles for a newspaper.<br>The manager of the company is the problem of the best manager in the world.<br>Tony Redford's acquaintance know all the company's new plan.<br>
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