Неожиданные результаты получены при исследовании частотной зависимости перевод - Неожиданные результаты получены при исследовании частотной зависимости английский как сказать

Неожиданные результаты получены при

Неожиданные результаты получены при исследовании частотной зависимости МКЭ в сплаве Гейслера Ni2.07Co0.09Mn0.84Ga (Fig. 5). В этом сплаве мартенситный переход происходит при Tm=306 K, а магнитный переход ФМ-ПМ происходит при температуре TC=367 K [28, 29]. Величина МКЭ в поле 1.8 Тл и при частоте поля 0.3 Гц согласуются с литературными данными […] прямых измерений классическим методом (см. вставку на рис. 5). Видно, что в мартенситной фазе МКЭ не наблюдается, хотя в поле 18 кЭ небольшой эффект наблюдается вплоть до азотных температур. Но более всего заметна сильная частотная зависимость МКЭ почти во всей области наблюдения эффекта выше и ниже точки Кюри. При частоте магнитного поля в 20 Гц МКЭ почти полностью исчезает. Объяснить такое поведение МКЭ трудно. Сильную частотную зависимость МКЭ можно ожидать в области магнитоструктурных переходов. Но в исследованных в данной работе материалах обратимый магнитоструктурный переход не наблюдается в силу малой величины приложенного переменного магнитного поля и исследовать частотную зависимость МКЭ в области магнитоструктурных переходов не удается. Объяснить такую зависимость большими временами релаксаций процессов намагничивания/размагничивания трудно, так как эти времена обычно порядка наносекунд. Видимо, можно допустить, что магнитный переход ФМ-ПМ имеет некоторые особенности.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The unexpected results were obtained in the study of the frequency dependence of the FEA in alloy Geissler Ni 2.07 Co 0.09 Mn 0.84 Ga (fig. 5). This alloy martensitnyj transition occurs when Tm = 306 K and magnetic transition of FM-pm occurs when temperature TC = 367 K [28, 29]. The value of a FINITE ELEMENT in the box 1.8 THB and field frequency 0.2 Hz are consistent with the literary data [...] direct measurements of the classical method (see box on fig. 5). You can see that in the Martensitic phase MEE is not observed, although the field 18 EC small effect is observed until the nitrogen temperatures. But the most noticeable strong frequency dependence of MEE almost throughout the observation effect above and below the Curie point. When the frequency of the magnetic field in the 20 Hz MEE almost completely disappears. FEA is difficult to explain this behavior. Strong frequency dependence can be expected in the field of FEM magnetostructural transitions. But in the studied materials in this work magnitostrukturnyj there is no transition is reversible by virtue of the smallness of the applied alternating magnetic field and explore the frequency dependence of the FINITE ELEMENT METHOD in the field of navigation magnetostructural fails. Explain the dependence of large magnetization processes of the relaxations of the times/degaussing difficult as these times are usually on the order of nanoseconds. Apparently, it can be assumed that the magnetic transition of FM-PM has some peculiarities.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Unexpected results were obtained in the investigation of the frequency dependence of the MCE in Heusler alloy Ni2.07Co0.09Mn0.84Ga (Fig. 5). In this alloy, the martensitic transition occurs at Tm = 306 K, and the magnetic transition FM-PM occurs at TC = 367 K [28, 29]. The size of the finite element method in the field of 1.8 T and at a frequency of 0.3 Hz field are consistent with published data [...] direct measurements of the classical method (see. Inset in Fig. 5). We see that in the martensitic phase of the FEM is not observed, although the field is 18 kOe little effect is observed up to liquid nitrogen temperatures. But the most noticeable strong frequency dependence of the MCE in almost the entire area of ​​observing the effect above and below the Curie point. When the frequency of the magnetic field at 20 Hz FEM disappears almost completely. To explain this behavior FEM difficult. Strong frequency dependence of the finite element method can be expected in the area magnetostructural transitions. But in this paper investigated the materials magnetostructural reversible transition is not observed due to the small magnitude of the applied alternating magnetic field and investigate the frequency dependence of the MCE in magnetostructural transition fails. To explain this dependence relaxation time of the magnetization processes / demagnetization is difficult as these times are usually the order of nanoseconds. Apparently, it can be assumed that the magnetic transition FM-PM has some peculiarities.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
unexpected results obtained in the study of sce frequency dependence of fusion of гейслера Ni2.07Co0.09Mn0.84Ga (fig 5). this mixture of мартенситный transition occurs when tm = 306 ka magnetic transition fm pm occurs at a temperature tc = 367 k [28, 29]. the fea in the 1.8 тл and at a frequency of 0.3 hz fields consistent with literary data [], the direct measurement of the classic method (see para. the insert in figure 2. 5).see that in the мартенситной phase fea; while in the field of 18 ke little effect occurs until the nitrogen temperature.but the most visible strong frequency dependence of fea in almost all the monitoring effect of above and below the curie point. at a frequency of 20 hz magnetic field fea almost completely disappears.to explain such behaviour fea is difficult. the strong frequency dependence of fea can be expected in the area of магнитоструктурных transitions.but in the studied in this work. магнитоструктурный transition is not reversible, due to a small size package and analyze the frequency dependence of ac magnetic field fea in the fieldtransitions are not.to explain the dependence of large, sometimes релаксаций processes of magnetization / размагничивания is difficult, as these times are usually the order of nanoseconds. apparently you can affordthe magnetic transition fm pm has some characteristics.
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