Во главе русской национальной школы демократической живописи во второй половине XIX века стояли художники, объединившиеся в «Товарищество передвижных художественных выставок». В него входили И. Н. Крамской, И. Е. Репин, В. И. Суриков, В. Г. Перов, В. Д. Поленов, А. К. Саврасов, И. И. Шишкин, В. М. Васнецов, А. И. Куинджи, И. И. Левитан и другие. Они находились под влиянием передовых взглядов русских писателей-демократов В. Г. Белинского и Н. Г. Чернышевского. Официальная дата образования Товарищества — 1870 год.
Однако история его уходит в 60-е годы, период обострения политической борьбы в России в связи с отменой крепостного права в 1861 году.
Они вместе работали, ездили по всей России и рисовали с натуры. Из самой глуши художники привозили небольшие картины, в которых изображалась суровая правда жизни: бедные деревеньки с избами, покрытыми соломой, нищие крестьяне… Так сложилось товарищество, которое решило посвятить свое искусство народу.
По убеждениям художников нового направления, живопись должна быть правдивым, реалистическим отражением народной жизни, показывать тяжелое положение бедных и призывать к справедливости.
Передовое реалистическое искусство в России всегда было связано с демократическим движением.
И они устраивали выставки, которые перевозили из города в город. Поэтому их содружество и получило название «Товарищество передвижных художественных выставок», а сами участники его называются передвижниками.
Передвижники вошли в историю русской культуры как прекрасные мастера живописи, они дали России Репина и Сурикова. Для художников-передвижников излюбленным стал бытовой жанр.
В этом отношении характерны картины В. Г. Перова. Например, его полотно «Тройка». У русского человека слово «тройка» вызывает представление о трех лошадях (на тройках ездили богатые люди в каретах, на санях). Но на картине мы видим, что в сани впряжены не кони, а люди, а к тому же — маленькие, слабые дети! Художник показывает жизнь детей бедняков, которым приходится выполнять непосильную работу. Они, надрываясь, тянут тяжелую, обледеневшую бочку с водой. Отданные в обучение в город к жестоким и грубым хозяевам, они проводят свою жизнь в непосильном труде. Не только содержание картины, но и сам характер живописи не похож на парадное светское искусство: здесь нет ярких, веселых красок; скупые средства выражения как бы подчеркивают безысходность жизни бедноты, беспросветность нищеты.
Большое значение художники-передвижники придавали портрету, который позволял им раскрыть характер человека, его душевные переживания. Кисти передвижников принадлежит множество портретов русских писателей, художников, общественных деятелей.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Essay: RUSSIAN ARTISTS-PEREDVIZHNIKI At the head of the Russian national democratic school of painting in the second half of the 19th century were artists, grouped in the Association of traveling art exhibitions ". It included i. n. Kramskoi, Ilya Repin, v. i. Surikov, v.g. Perov and v.d. Polenov, a. k. Savrasov, i. Shishkin, v. m. Vasnetsov, a. i. Kuindzhi, i. Levitan, and others. They were under the influence of advanced views of Russian writers Democrats v. g. Belinsky and n. g. Chernyshevsky. The official date of Foundation of company-1870 year. However, its history goes back to the 60 's, a period of political struggle in Russia in connection with the abolition of serfdom in 1861 year. They worked together, traveled across Russia and painted from nature. From the depths of the artists brought small paintings that depicted the harsh truth of life: the poor villages with smoke rooms, covered with straw, the poor farmers of ... Historically partnership that decided to dedicate his art to the people. On beliefs of artists of a new direction, painting should be truthful, realistic reflection of people's life, show the plight of the poor and call for justice. Advanced realistic art in Russia has always been associated with the democratic movement. And they organized exhibitions, which were transported from city to city. Therefore the Commonwealth and has been called "the Association of traveling art exhibitions, and the participants themselves are called wanderers (Peredvizhniki). Peredvizhniki entered in the history of Russian culture as a great master of painting, they gave the Russian Repin and Surikov. For artists-Peredvizhniki favorite became the genre. In this regard are the paintings of v. Perov. For example, his painting "troika". The Russian word troika calls the idea of three horses (on threes went rich in a carriage, sleigh rides). But in the picture, we can see that in the sled pulled by horses, but not humans, and moreover is small, the weak children! The artist shows the lives of poor children who have to perform an impossible job. Sharing, they pull heavy, content onto the frozen cask with water. Given the training to the city to the cruel and brutal masters, they spend their lives in labouring. Not only the content of the picture, but the very nature of painting does not look like a ceremonial and secular art: there is no bright, cheerful colors; meager means of expressing how would underscore the desperation of poor besprosvetnost′ poverty. The importance of artists-Peredvizhniki gave the portrait, which allowed them to reveal the nature of man, his spiritual experiences. Brush the wanderers has many portraits of Russian writers, artists and public figures.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Composition: RUSSIAN Peredvizhnik
headed Russian national school of painting democratic in the second half of the XIX century artists were united in "Peredvizhniki". It included Kramskoy, Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, Vasily Perov, Vasily Polenov, Savrasov, Ivan Shishkin, Viktor Vasnetsov , AIKuindzhi, Isaac Levitan and others. They were under the influence of advanced views of Russian writers Democrats VG Belinsky and Chernyshevsky. The official date of the formation of the Association - 1870.
However, its history goes in the 60s, during the exacerbation of the political struggle in Russia in connection with the abolition of serfdom in 1861.
They worked together, traveled throughout Russia and painted from life. From the wilderness of the artists brought small paintings, which depicted the harsh truth of life: the poor villages with huts covered with straw, the poor peasants ... It happened a partnership, which has decided to devote his art to the people.
On the convictions of artists new direction art should be truthful, realistic reflection the people's life, to show the plight of the poor and call for justice. Advanced realistic art in Russia has always been associated with the democratic movement. And they organized the exhibition, which was transported from city to city. Therefore, their fellowship and was called "Peredvizhniki" and members of his own called the Wanderers. Wanderers went down in history of Russian culture as a great master of painting, they gave the Russian Repin and Surikov. For artists, the Wanderers became a favorite genre. In this respect, characteristic paintings by Vasily Perov. For example, his painting "Troika." The Russian human word "three" is an idea of the three horses (troika drove rich people in a carriage, sleigh rides). But the picture we can see that in his sleigh pulled by horses are not, and people, and to the same - small, weak children! The artist shows the lives of the children of the poor who have to perform an impossible job. They are straining, pulling hard, icy barrel of water. Suggested as a study in the city to cruel and rude owners, they spend their lives in hard labor. Not only the content of the picture, but also the very nature of painting is not like ceremonial secular art: there is no bright, cheerful colors; meager means of expression seem to underline the despair of the poor, poverty, hopelessness. Great value Peredvizhnik gave the portrait, which allowed them to disclose the nature of man, his spiritual experiences. Brushes Wanderers owns many portraits of Russian writers, artists and public figures.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Essay: RUSSIAN ARTISTS-only enriched AÂ SELECT
in chapter of the Russian national school of painting the democratic in the second half of the nineteenth century were artists,Together as the "unlimited mobile художествен got industrial exhibitions". It included. h. Birch Grove, and. e. Repin, in. And. Surikov, in. Mr.. grandmother, in. D. Polenov, as well. To the. Art print on canvas --- agniart.ru, and. And. Shishkin, in. M. Vasnetsov, as well. And. Arkhip Kuinji, AND. And.Levitan and others. They were under the influence advanced views writers-democrats in. Mr.. quays and H. Mr.. Def got нышевского. The official date education partnerships - year 1870.
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