1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу, которую я уже давно хочу прочесть перевод - 1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу, которую я уже давно хочу прочесть английский как сказать

1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу

1. Сегодня я, наконец, достал книгу, которую я уже давно хочу прочесть. 2. Вот человек, с которым вы хотите поговорить. 3. Я не люблю людей, которые ко всем придираются. 4. Я знаю девушку, которая удивительно хорошо декламирует стихи. Вчера она прочла стихотворение, которое мне очень понравилось. 5. Улицы, по которым он проходил, были узкие и грязные. 6. Старик постучал в дверь небольшого домика, окна которого были ярко освещены. 7. Когда Ольга вернулась домой, она увидела, что ее сестра разговаривает с человеком, которого она никогда прежде не видела. 8. Я нашла гостиницу, где мы жили несколько лет назад. 9. Письмо, которое она получила утром, расстроило ее. 10. Утром она получила письмо, которое ее расстроило. 11. Молодая девушка долго думала об удивительном открытии, которое она сделала. 12. На дороге они увидели большой камень, которого там раньше не было. 13. Я знаю адрес человека, которому вы хотите написать. 14. Дверь открыла женщина; в ней он сразу узнал оригинал портрета, который ему показал его приятель. 15. Она поехала в город, где жила ее дочь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Today I finally got hold of a book which I have long wanted to read. 2. here is the person with whom you want to talk. 3. I do not like people who all find fault with. 4. I know a girl that is amazingly well recites verses. Yesterday she read a poem which I really enjoyed. 5. Streets on which it was held, were narrow and dirty. 6. the old man knocked on the door of a small house, the window was brightly lit. 7. When She returned home, she saw that her sister is talking to the man whom she had never before seen. 8. I found a hotel, where we stayed a few years ago. 9. The letter that she had received in the morning, upset her. 10. in the morning, she received a letter that her upset. 11. young girl have long thought about the amazing discovery, which she did. 12. On the road, they saw a big stone, which was not there before. 13. I know the address of the person you want to write. 14. Door opened the woman; in it, he immediately recognized the original portrait, which he revealed to his buddy. 15. She went to the town where she lived her daughter.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 Today, I finally got the book that I have long wanted to read. 2 This is the person with whom you want to talk. 3 I do not like people who are all niggles. 4 I know a girl who surprisingly well recites poetry. Yesterday she read a poem that I loved. 5 Streets, which he passed, were narrow and dirty. 6 The old man knocked on the door of a small house, whose windows were brightly lit. 7 When Olga returned home, she saw that her sister was talking to a man she had never seen before. 8 I found the hotel where we stayed a few years ago. 9 The letter, which she received in the morning, upset her. 10 In the morning, she received a letter that upset her. 11 Young girl have long thought about the amazing discovery that she did. 12 On the road, they saw a large rock, which was not there before. 13 I know the address of the person you want to write. 14 The door opened by a woman; in it he recognized the original of the portrait, which he showed his friend. 15 She went to the city where her daughter lived.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Today, I am, finally, fed up with him a book, which I already have a long-standing wish to read. 2. These are people with whom you want to speak to you. 3. I don't like people that all wasn't allowed. 4. I know girl,Which surprisingly well recites poetry. Yesterday she read a poem, which I liked it. 5. The street on which it took place, were narrow and dirty. 6. Old Man Bozo talked further in the door a small lodge,The window which were brightly lit. 7. When she returned home, she saw that her sister is talking to a person, which she had never before seen. 8. I found hotel, where we had lived a few years ago. 9.Letter, which she had received this morning, defeated it. 10. This morning she received a letter, which it defeated. 11. Young Woman was long thought the fascinating open, which it has done. 12.On the road they saw a large stone, which I have not been before. 13. I know address of the person, to whom you want to write. 14. The door was opened by a woman; in it he immediately learned the original portraits, which he showed his buddy.15. She drove into the city, where she had her daughter.
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