я думаю, что даже один день без гаджетов для подростков на сегодняшний день окажется весьма разносторонним. кто-то займется более важными делами, уделит время семье, сходит в музей, кино, в театр. но для кого-то это может оказаться некой "ломкой". это может начаться с нервоза и закончится истерическими припадками. современные дети , большинство из них, очень зависимы от каких-либо гаджетов, будь то компьютер, телефон, планшет или игровая приставка. многие родители пытаются бороться с этой болезнью 21 века.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I think that even one day without gadgets for teens today would be very versatile. someone will deal with more important matters that will give time to the family, going to a Museum, cinema, theatre. but for someone it could be a "fragile". It can start with neurosis and hysterical fits. today's children, most of them very dependent on any gadget, whether computer, phone, Tablet, or game console. many parents try to deal with this disease 21 century.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I think that even a single day without gadgets for teens today would be very versatile. someone will more important things, devote time to his family, goes to a museum, cinema, theater. but for some it can be a kind of "brittle". it may begin with nervosa and end fits of hysteria. today's children, most of them very dependent on any gadget, be it a computer, mobile phone, tablet or game console. many parents are trying to deal with the disease of the 21st century.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i think even one day without screens for teenagers today is very diversified. who's got more important matters, will give the family, to go to the museum, a movie in the theater. but for some it may be a kind of "breaking down". it may start with нервоза and ends истерическими seizures. the children, most of them are very dependent on any gadgets, whether the computer, cell phone, tablet, or video game consoles. many parents are trying to combat this disease of the 21st century.
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