Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where r перевод - Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where r английский как сказать

Exercise 2. Translate into English,

Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).
(A) 1. Вы бы чувствовали себя лучше, если бы не ложились спать так поздно (to keep late hours). 2. Мы бы не опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси. 3. Мы могли бы, пойти на каток, если бы не было так холодно. 4. Если бы вчера не было так холодно, мы, возможно, пошли бы на каток. 5. Если бы вы не сидели на сквозняке (to sit in the draught),.вы бы не простудились. 6. Вы бы себя хорошо сегодня чувствовали, если бы приняли вчера лекарство. 7. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы больше проводил времени на открытом воздухе. 8. Вы бы лучше знали язык, если бы прочитали летом несколько английских книг. 9. Если бы не моя болезнь, я бы уже окончил университет. 10. Вы бы не разбили вазу, если бы были осторожны. 11. Мы, возможно, не заблудились бы, если бы ночь не была такой темной. 12. Я вернусь не позднее шести, если меня не задержат в университете. 13. Если бы не дождь, мы могли бы поехать за город. 14. Вы были бы уже здоровы, если бы вовремя обратились к врачу. 15. Если бы не ваша помощь, я бы не смог кончить вчера работу. 16. Предположим, мы были бы свободны сегодня вечером, куда бы мы пошли? 17. В случае, если пойдет дождь, я останусь дома. 18. Я бы не упал, если бы не было так скользко. 19. Если бы не такси, я, возможно, опоздал бы на поезд.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).(A) 1. Would you feel better if not went to bed so late (to keep late hours). 2. We would not have missed the train, if you would have taken a taxi. 3. We could go to the rink, if it weren't so cold. 4. If today was not so cold, we may go to the skating rink. 5. If you are not sat on draught (to sit in the draught), you would not catch cold. 6. Would you be in good health today felt had brought today medicine. 7. If I were in your shoes, I would have spent more time outdoors. 8. you'd better know the language, if read in the summer a few English books. 9. If it were not for my illness, I would have already graduated from University. 10. Would you not smashed a vase if you were careful. 11. We may not get lost if the night was so dark. 12. I'll be back no later than six, if I will not delay at the University. 13. If it were not raining, we would go out of town. 14. Would you be already healthy, if in time turned to the doctor. 15. If it were not for your help, I would not be able to finish the work today. 16. Suppose we would be free tonight, where would we go? 17. In case it rains, I'll stay at home. 18. I would not have fallen if it weren't so slippery. 19. If it were not for the taxi, I probably would have missed the train.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood WHERE required (conditional sentences).
(A) 1. Would you feel better if I had not gone to bed so late (to keep late hours). 2. We would not have missed the train if it took a taxi. 3. We could go to the rink, if it were not so cold. 4. If yesterday was not so cold, we could have gone to the rink. 5. If you do not sit in the draft (to sit in the draught) ,. you would not catch cold. 6. Would you feel good today, if accepted yesterday medicine. 7. If I was in your place, I would spend more time outdoors. 8. You'd better know the language, if read in the summer a few English books. 9. If it were not for my illness, I would have graduated from university. 10. You would not have broken a vase, if you were careful. 11. We may not be lost if the night was not so dark. 12. I will be back no later than six if I did not hold up at the university. 13. If it does not rain, we could go out of town. 14. You would have be nice if time to see a doctor. 15. If it were not for your help, I could not finish the job yesterday. 16. Suppose that we would be free tonight, where would we go? 17. If it starts to rain, I'll stay home. 18. I would not have fallen if it were not so slippery. 19. If there were no taxis, I might be late for the train.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Please note 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunсtive Mооd where required (conditional sentenсes) .
(A) 1. Would you feel better, if I did not put to sleep so late (to keep late hours). 2. We would not have missed the train, if you would have taken a taxi. 3. We could, to go to the skating rink,If it were not so cold. 4. If yesterday was not so cold, we might have gone to the skating rink. 5. If you are not sitting on the drafty places (to sit in the drаught) , .you would not live at Pantocrator Monastery. 6. You would be well today feel,If you have medicine yesterday. 7. If I were in your place, I would be no longer held time in the open air. 8. You would be better to know the language, if you would have read in summer a few English books. 9. If it were not my illness,I would have already graduated from the university. 10. You would not have broke a vase, if would have been careful. 11. We are, perhaps, not gone astray would be, if the night has not been such a dark color. 12. I'll be back no later than six, if I'm not there Pow at the university. 13.If it is not raining, we could go to the city. 14. You would already have been traced, if would be in time to see a doctor. 15. If you would not have your assistance, I would not have been able be finished yesterday. 16. Suppose, we would be free today in the evening,Where would we go? 17. In case, if it rained, i'll be staying at home. 18. I would not have fallen, if it were not so slippery today. 19. If it were not a taxi, I have, perhaps, came late to the train.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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