1. Преподаватель раздал наши тетради после того, как объяснил все наши перевод - 1. Преподаватель раздал наши тетради после того, как объяснил все наши английский как сказать

1. Преподаватель раздал наши тетрад

1. Преподаватель раздал наши тетради после того, как объяснил все наши ошибки. 2. Когда мой сын был ребенком, он очень увлекался игрой в футбол, и я боялась, что он испортит (to strain) себе сердце. 3. Я помню, что слышал что-то об этой пьесе. Стоит ли ее посмотреть? — да, я бы советовал тебе это сделать. Собственно говоря, это один из лучших спектаклей театра. 4. Почему вы возра жаете против немедленного обсуждения вопроса? Было бы неразумно откладывать его рассмотрение. 5. Почему вы настояли на том, чтобы Петрова назначили начальником этой группы? В то время было бы полезнее оставить его в этом отделе (a department). 6. На вашем месте я бы отказался от этого приглашения. Я не люблю, когда меня приглашают куда-либо в последний момент. Я предпочитаю договориться обо всем заранее. 7. Перестань говорить мне об одном и том же (= об одной и той же вещи)! Я могу сделать работу и без многочисленных напоминаний (= без того, чтобы мне напоминали несколько раз). 8. Петр случайно увидел Бориса на улице и прошел мимо, не спросив его о занятиях. На его месте я остановился бы, чтобы поговорить с ним.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The instructor gave our notebook once explained to all our mistakes. 2. When my son was a baby, he is very fond of playing football, and I was worried that it would ruin (to strain has been carried out) heart. 3. I remember that heard something about this play. Is it worth seeing? Yes, I would advise you to do it. Indeed, this is one of the best performances of the theatre. 4. Why did you zhaete the objection against the immediate discussion? It would be unreasonable to delay its consideration. 5. Why you insisted that Petrova was appointed head of the Group? At that time it would be more useful to leave it in that Division (a department). 6. In your place I would have refused the invitation. I don't like when I am invited somewhere at the last moment. I prefer to agree on everything in advance. 7. Stop talking to me about the same (= the same thing)! I can do the job and without many reminders (= without being reminded me several times). 8. Peter accidentally saw Boris in the street and walked past, asking him about the lessons. In his place I would have stopped to talk to him.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The teacher gave our notebook after all explained our mistakes. 2. When my son was a child, he was very fond of the game of football, and I'm afraid he will spoil (to strain) Statement heart. 3. I remember hearing something about this play. Is it worth it to see? - Yes, I would advise you to do so. Strictly speaking, this is one of the best performances of the theater. 4. Why do you vozra zhaete against immediate discussion? It would be unwise to postpone its consideration. 5. Why do you insist on that Petrova was appointed head of this group? While it would be useful to keep him in that department (a department). 6. In your place I would have refused the invitation. I do not like it when I am invited somewhere else at the last minute. I prefer to arrange everything in advance. 7. Stop talking to me about the same (= about the same thing)! I can do the job without numerous reminders (= without having to remind me several times). 8. Peter Boris accidentally saw on the street and walked by without asking him for lessons. In his place I would have stopped to talk to him.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the teacher handed out our notebooks after explained all our mistakes. 2. when my son was a baby, he is addicted to playing football, and i was afraid that it would ruin the (causes) of a heart. 3. i remember hearing something about the play. if it's worth a look? - yeah, i'd advise you to do it. as a matter of fact, it's one of the best plays theater. 4. why do you возра жаете against immediate discussion? it would be unwise to postpone its consideration. 5. why do you insist that petrov was appointed the chief of the group. at that time, it would be better to leave him in this department (department). 6. if i were you, i would have refused the invitation. i don't like it when i do something at the last minute. i prefer to agree about everything in advance. 7. stop talking to me about the same (= one and the same thing). i can do the job without numerous reminders (= but i reminded several times). 8. peter saw boris on the street and walked past him without asking him about school. if i were him, i would've stopped to talk with him.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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