Они сказали вам что-нибудь о вашем докладе? Не говори ему,пожалуйста,что мы скоро уезжаем. Не разговаривайте,пожалуйста. Слушайте своих товарищей,когда они говорят по-английски. Все,кроме вас,говорят,что спектакль был прекрасен. Кому вы сказали об этом?
They told you anything about your report?Don't tell him, please, that we will soon leave.Do not talk, please. Listen to his comrades when they speak English.All except you, say that the performance was great.Who did you say about that?
Did they tell you anything about your report? Do not tell him, please, that we will soon leave. Do not talk, please. Listen to your friends when they speak in English. All except you, say that the performance was perfect. Who told you about this?