42. Вы бывали здесь раньше? – Да, я провел здесь свой отпуск в прошлом году. – Вы хорошо провели время? – Да, погода была хорошая, было весело. 43. Извини, что я опоздал. Ты давно ждешь? 44. Виктора сегодня нет на работе. Он уже две недели болеет. 45. Ты не знаешь, они уже заказали номер в гостинице? – Думаю, что да. 46. Что ты делала все утро? – Работала в саду. Я только что пришла. 47. Ты видел сегодня Роберта? – Да, он недавно приходил сюда и вскоре ушел. 48. Ты купил продукты, о которых я просила? – Да, я ходил за покупками после обеда. 49. Экзаменаторы уже пришли; три студента уже готовятся отвечать. 50. Я никогда не забуду вашу доброту. Вы всегда были так внимательны ко мне. 51. Я знаю его много лет; он всегда был мне хорошим другом. 52. Где вы купили этот чудесный ковер? – Он у меня с тех пор, как я переехал на эту квартиру. Я купил его три года назад в Центральном универмаге.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
42. Have you ever been here before? -Yes, I spent my vacation last year. -You had a good time? -Yes, the weather was good, it was fun. 43. I'm sorry that I was late. You wait for a long time? 44. Victor today at work. He was already two weeks ill. 45. you do not know, they have already booked a hotel room? -I think so. 46. What have you been doing all morning? -Worked in the garden. I just came. 47. you've seen today is Robert? -Yes, he recently went here and soon left. 48. you bought products that I have requested? -Yes, I went shopping after lunch. 49. Examiners have already come; three students are already preparing to answer. 50. I will never forget your kindness. You were always so attentive to me. 51. I know him for many years; He's always been a good friend to me. 52. Where you bought this wonderful carpet? -I have it since I moved to this apartment. I bought it three years ago in the Central Department store.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
42. Have you ever been here before? - Yes, I had spent my vacation last year. - Did you have a good time? - Yes, the weather was good, it was fun. 43. I'm sorry I was late. Have you been waiting for? 44. Victor today there is at work. He was sick for two weeks. 45. You do not know they have already booked a hotel room? - I think yes. 46. What have you been doing all morning? - Work in the garden. I have just come. 47. Did you see today, Robert? - Yes, he recently came here and left soon. 48. You bought a product that I have requested? - Yes, I went shopping in the afternoon. 49. Examiners have already come; Three students are preparing to respond. 50. I will never forget your kindness. You were always so attentive to me. 51. I've known him for many years; he was always a good friend to me. 52. Where did you buy this wonderful carpet? - I have it since I moved to this apartment. I bought it three years ago in the Central department store.
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