1. Такую интересную книгу приятно перечитать. 2. Это слишком длинный р перевод - 1. Такую интересную книгу приятно перечитать. 2. Это слишком длинный р английский как сказать

1. Такую интересную книгу приятно п

1. Такую интересную книгу приятно перечитать. 2. Это слишком длинный роман, чтобы его можно было прочесть в два дня. 3. Это такая же светлая каюта, как та. 4. Я не могу ответить на такой странный вопрос. 5. Это довольно интересная статья. 6. Как вы могли упустить такой редкий случай? 7. Какое неле¬пое возражение! 8. Оба письма были отправлены утром. 9. Все бумаги подписаны. 10. Это слишком сложная проблема, чтобы ее можно было разрешить в такое короткое время. 11.Я не знала, что собака в комнате. 12. Я не знала, что в комнате есть собака. 13. Принесите муку. 14. Принесите муки. 15. Девушка подошла к окну. 16. К окну подошла девушка. 17. Утро было холодное и ветреное. 18. Был теплый летний вечер. 19. Настала ночь, и путешественники решили отдохнуть. 20. Он пишет с утра до ночи. 21. Он переночевал у приятеля. 22. Он провел бессонную ночь и был очень бледен. 23. Приятно поехать за город в ясный летний день. 24. И днем и ночью он думал об одном. 25. Было прекрасное утро — солнечное и тихое. 26. Было раннее утро, и все в доме еще спали. 27. Была ранняя весна. 28. Была дождливая, холодная осень. 29. Осень была исключительно теплая; стояла ясная, солнечная погода. 30. Мое любимое время года — лето. 31. Лето 1941 года было очень жаркое. 32. Она легла спать в три часа и встала с головной болью. 33. Почему вы так поздно вернулись из города? 34. Женщина по¬дошла к кровати и накрыла ребенка одеялом. 35. Она плохо себя чувствовала и провела весь день в постели. 36. Сегодня мне надо пойти в школу на родительское собрание. 37. Я провела все лето в городе. 38. Когда сестра окончила школу, она поступила в кон¬серваторию. 39. Мы провели несколько дней в маленьком городке на Кавказе. 40. Мы живем на даче, но часто приезжаем в город. 41. О. Генри был обвинен в краже, и, хотя он был невиновен, его посадили в тюрьму. Он сидел в тюрьме три года. 42. Мы позавтракали в восемь часов. 43. Завтрак состоял из хлеба с маслом, сыра и кофе. 44. Не опаздывайте к обеду. 45. Обед еще не готов. 46. Наши знакомые пригласили нас на обед.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. This book a pleasure to reread. 2. This novel is too long, so that it can be read in two days. 3. This is the same light as the one cabin. 4. I can't answer such a strange question. 5. It's a pretty interesting article. 6. How could you miss this rare case? 7. what objection OEK ¬ Nele! 8. Both letters were sent in the morning. 9. All papers signed. 10. This problem is too complex to be resolved in such a short time. 11. I never knew that a dog in the room. 12. I didn't know that there is a dog. 13. bring the flour. 14. bring the flour. 15. Girl came to the window. 16. girl came to the window. 17. Morning was cold and windy. 18. it was a warm summer evening. 19. It was night, and the travelers decided to rest. 20. He writes from morning till night. 21. He spent the night at buddy. 22. He spent a sleepless night and was very pale. 23. Nice to go outside the city on a clear summer day. 24. Day and night he thought about one thing. 25. it was a perfect morning is sunny and quiet. 26. It was early morning, and everything in the House is still asleep. 27. it was early spring. 28. it was rainy, cold autumn. 29. The fall was exceptionally warm; stood clear, sunny weather. 30. My favorite season is summer. 31. Summer 1941 year was very hot. 32. She went to bed at three o'clock and got up with a headache. 33. Why are you so late back from the city? 34. Woman ¬ came to the bed and covered baby blanket. 35. She felt unwell and spent the whole day in bed. 36. Today I need to go to school for a parent-teacher meeting. 37. I spent all summer in the city. 38. When sister graduated from high school, she enrolled at the con servatoriû ¬. 39. We spent a few days in a small town in the Caucasus. 40. We live in the country, but often come to the city. 41. O. Henry was accused of stealing, and although he was innocent, he was put in prison. He sat in jail for three years. 42. We ate breakfast at eight o'clock. 43. Breakfast consisted of bread with butter, cheese and coffee. 44. Don't be late for dinner. 45. Dinner is not ready yet. 46. Our familiar invited us for lunch.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. This interesting book pleasant to read. 2. This novel too long, so that it can be read in two days. 3. This is the same bright cabin as that. 4. I can not answer such a strange question. 5. This is a very interesting article. 6. How could you miss such a rare case? 7. What nele¬poe objection! 8. Both letters were sent in the morning. 9. All the papers are signed. 10. This is too complex problem that it can be solved in such a short time. 11.YA did not know that the dog in the room. 12. I did not know that the room has a dog. 13. Bring the flour. 14. Bring the flour. 15. She went to the window. 16. girl approached the window. 17. The morning was cold and windy. 18. It was a warm summer evening. 19. Night came, and the travelers decided to rest. 20. He writes from morning till night. 21. He spent the night at a friend's. 22. He spent a sleepless night and was very pale. 23. It's nice to go out of town on a bright summer day. 24. And in the afternoon, and he was thinking about the one night. 25. It was a beautiful morning - sunny and quiet. 26. It was early morning, and everything in the house was still asleep. 27. It was early spring. 28. It was rainy, cold autumn. 29. Autumn was extremely warm; It was clear and sunny weather. 30. What is your favorite time of year - summer. 31. Summer 1941 was very hot. 32. She went to bed at three o'clock and got up with a headache. 33. Why are you so late come back from the city? 34. po¬doshla woman to the bed and covered the baby with a blanket. 35. She was not feeling well and spent the whole day in bed. 36. Today, I have to go to school at the parents' meeting. 37. I spent all summer in the city. 38. When my sister graduated from high school, she enrolled in kon¬servatoriyu. 39. We spent a few days in a small town in the Caucasus. 40. We live in the country, but often come to the city. 41. O. Henry was accused of theft, and, although he was innocent, he was jailed. He was in jail for three years. 42. We had breakfast at eight o'clock. 43. Breakfast consisted of bread and butter, cheese and coffee. 44. Do not be late for dinner. 45. Lunch is not ready yet. 46. ​​Our friends invited us for lunch.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. such an interesting book to read. 2. it is a long story that can be read in two days. 3. this is a bright room, just like that. 4. i can"t answer such a question. 5. it"s quite an interesting article. 6. how could you miss such a rare case? 7. a неле¬пое objection! 8. both letters were sent in the morning. 9. all the papers are signed. 10. this is a very difficult problem to be resolved in such a short time. 11.я didn"t know that the dog in the room. 12. i didn"t know that there is a dog. 13. bring some flour. 14. bring some flour. 15. the girl came to the window. 16. a girl came to the window. 17. the morning was cold and swift. 18. a warm summer evening. 19. the night, and travelers to rest. 20. he wrote from morning to night. 21. he spend the night with a friend. 22. he spent a sleepless night, and was very pale. 23. to go to the country on a clear summer day. 24. day and night he thought of one. 25. it was a lovely morning, sunny and quiet. 26. it was early in the morning, and everything in the house was still asleep. 27. was an early spring. 28. it was a rainy, cool autumn. 29. autumn was very warm, there was a clear, sunny weather. 30. my favorite season is summer. 31. the summer of 1941, it was very hot. 32. she went to bed three hours and got up with a headache. 33. why are you so late back from the city? 34. a woman по¬дошла to the bed and covered the baby with a blanket. 35. she felt sick and spent the entire day in bed. 36. today i have to go to school for parent teacher conferences. 37. i spent the whole summer in the city. 38. when my sister graduated from high school, she enrolled in the кон¬серваторию. 39. we spent several days in a small town in the caucasus. 40. we live in the country, but often come to town. 41. oh. henry was accused of theft, and, although he was innocent, he was put in jail. he was in prison for three years. 42. we have breakfast at eight o"clock. 43. breakfast consists of bread and butter, cheese and coffee. 44. don"t be late for dinner. 45. dinner isn"t ready yet. 46. our friends invited us to dinner.
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