1. Д- р Николас с трудом мог найти слова, чтобы ответить управляющему. 2. Вот письмо, подтверждающее наш телефонный разговор. 3. Молодой негр притворился, что не слышит слов белого, хотя они причиняли ему боль. 4. Вы можете получить пристанище в одном из этих домов. 5. «Не беспокойтесь, я сейчас выясню, забронирован ли для вас номер», - сказал мне мужчина средних лет, который встретил меня в вестибюле гостиницы. 6. «Не забудь послать Ивановым поздравительную открытку, скоро Новый год», - сказала мне жена. 7. Этот доклад не имеет никакого отношения к работе, проделанной вашими коллегами 8. Я могу дать вам изложение статьи, помещенной в этом журнале. – Спасибо, я предпочитаю прочитать ее полностью. 9. Извините, я толкнул вас. – ничего, это моя вина. 10. «Нам придется изменить программу вашей поездки, - сказал г-н Браун, пожимая мне руку. - В этом случае мы гарантируем, что вы сможете посетить все фирмы, которые вас интересуют» 11. Закончив говорить по телефону, администратор улыбнулся нам и сказал: «Заполните, пожалуйста, эти бланки» 12. Я надеюсь, он сдержит свое обещание.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Dr. Nicholas could hardly find the words to answer the Manager. 2. letter confirming our telephone conversation. 3. Young ebony pretended not to hear the words white, although they caused him pain. 4. you can get a home in one of these houses. 5. "don't worry, I will check now, booked the room for you," he said to me, a middle-aged man who greeted me in the lobby of the hotel. 6. "don't forget to send Ivanov greeting card, new year is coming," said my wife. 7. This report has nothing to do with the work done by your peers 8. I can give you a summary of the articles posted in this journal. -Thanks, I prefer to read it in its entirety. 9. Sorry I pushed you. -anything, it's my fault. 10. "we may need to change your travel program," said Mr. Brown, shaking my hand. -In this case we guarantee that you will be able to visit all the companies that you are interested in "11. When you are finished talking on the phone, the administrator smiled at us and said, "Please fill out these forms" 12. I hope he will keep his promise.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Dr Nicholas could hardly find words to answer the manager. 2. Here is a letter that confirms our phone conversation. 3. Young black man pretended not to hear the words white, though they hurt him. 4. You can get refuge in one of these houses. 5. "Do not worry, I'll find out if the room is booked for you," - said to me, middle-aged man who met me in the lobby of the hotel. 6. "Do not forget to send a birthday card Ivanov, soon the New Year," - said my wife. 7. This report has nothing to do with the work done by your colleagues 8. I can give you a summary of an article in this magazine. - Thank you, I prefer to read it completely. 9. I'm sorry I pushed you. - Nothing, it's my fault. 10. "We have to change your itinerary, - said Mr. Brown, shaking my hand. - In this case, we guarantee that you will be able to visit all of the company that you are interested in "11. After finishing talking on the phone, the administrator smiled at us and said:" Please fill out these forms, "12. I hope he keeps his promise.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. dr. nicholas could hardly find words to answer the. 2. here"s a letter confirming our telephone conversation. 3. young boy pretended not to hear the words of white, although they caused him pain. 4. you can get a place in one of these houses. 5. "don"t worry, i"ll find out, if you have a number, said i was a middle-aged man who met me in the lobby. 6. "don"t forget to send a postcard ivanov, soon the new year, said my wife. 7. this report has nothing to do with the work of your colleagues. i can give you a summary of the article, is placed in this magazine. thank you, i prefer to read it completely. 9. i"m sorry, i hurt you. - no, it"s my fault. 10. "we have to change the program of your trip, said mr. brown, пожимая me hand. in this case, we guarantee that you will be able to visit all the businesses that you интересуют» 11. when talking on the phone, the administrator smiled to us and said: "please fill these бланки» 12. i hope he will keep his promise.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..