период между появлением первых людей на Британских островах и началом  перевод - период между появлением первых людей на Британских островах и началом  английский как сказать

период между появлением первых люде

период между появлением первых людей на Британских островах и началом письменной истории будущих Великобритании и Ирландии. Период до заселения территории островов родом Homo является частью геологии Британских островов. Традиционно началом истории Англии считается 43 г. н. э. , то есть римское завоевание Британии, хотя имеются немногочисленные исторические сведения, предшествующие данному периоду.

Доисторический период обычно разделяют хронологически на разные периоды, основываясь на использовании инструментов из камня, бронзы или железа, а также на изменениях в сфере культуры и изменениях климата, однако границы данных периодов довольно условны, и переход от периода к периоду происходил постепенно. Датировка периодов в Британии, как правило, отличается от датировки аналогичных континентальной Европы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
the period between the advent of the first people in the British Isles and the beginning of the written history of the future of the uk and Ireland. The period before settlement of the Islands originally Homo is part of the geology of the British Isles. Traditionally the beginning of the history of England is considered 43 a.d., that is, the Roman conquest of Britain, although there are few historical records prior to this period. Prehistoric period usually share chronologically into different periods, based on the use of tools from stone, bronze or iron, as well as on developments in the sphere of culture and climate, but rather arbitrary periods data boundaries, and the transition from period to period took place gradually. Dating periods in Britain usually differs from dating similar in continental Europe.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Between the appearance of the first people in the British Isles and the beginning of recorded history, the future of Great Britain and Ireland. Period to settling the islands is part of the genus Homo Geology of the British Isles. Traditionally considered the beginning of the history of England in '43 n. e. That is, the Roman conquest of Britain, although there are a few historical data prior to this period. Prehistory is usually divided chronologically into different periods based on the use of tools made ​​of stone, bronze and iron, as well as changes in the sphere of culture and climate, but the border these periods is quite arbitrary, and the transition from one period to another gradually. Date periods in Britain, as a rule, differs from the similar dating of continental Europe.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The period between the first people in the British Isles and the beginning of writing the history of Great Britain and Ireland.The period prior to settlement the islands come homo sapiens began is part of geology British islands. Traditionally the beginning the history of England is considered to be 43, A. E. , then there is a Roman conquest Britain,Although there are a few historical information, preceding this period.

Prehistoric period is usually shared by bound to different periods, based on the use of the tools of stone,Bronze or iron deficiency anemia, as well as on the changes in the sphere of culture and climate change, however, the boundary data periods quite rotatory movement, and the transition from period to period took place gradually. Next Entry periods in Britain,As a rule, is different from dating similar continental Europe.
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