1.На завтрак подали корнфлекс с молоком.Затем последовал поджаренный б перевод - 1.На завтрак подали корнфлекс с молоком.Затем последовал поджаренный б английский как сказать

1.На завтрак подали корнфлекс с мол

1.На завтрак подали корнфлекс с молоком.Затем последовал поджаренный бекон
2.Невозможно представить себе английский завтрак без тостов. Их намазывают маслом и джемом
3.Завтрак часто едят наспех,так как все спешат
4.Обед обычно состоит из 2 блюд.Мясное блюдо подаётся с большим количеством овощей.За ним следует компот.
5.Так называемый "большой чай" - весьма основательная трапеза.
6.Он всегда не прочь,как он выражается,"плотно закусить".
7.Ничего нет вкуснее земляники со сливками!
8.Биштекс вкусный?-По-моему,он недожарен.-А мне кажется,он как раз такой,как надо.
9.Что желаете на второе?-Какое-нибудь рыбное блюдо,как обычно.
10.Для меня ничего нет лучше жареной картошки,конечно,если она румяная и поджаристая
11.Сколько вам кусочков сахара?-Благодарю вас,я пью чай без сахара.Ломтик лимона,пожалуйста
12."Сколько раз в день Вы едите?"-спросил врач.-Регулярное питание очень важно для здоровья
13.Он съел полную тарелку каши,хотя говорил,что совсем не хочет есть
14.Сегодня в меню есть мясные блюда,тушёные овощи,сладкий пудинг,разные закуски и даже мороженое с фруктами на десерт
15.Сколько вам кусочков сахара?-Достаточно двух.
16.Не хотите ещё немного салата?-Благодарю вас,мне достаточно
17.Суп вкусный?-Я ещё не пробовала,он горячий.
18.Вы сказали сестре,чтобы она принесла чистую посуду?
19.Вы какой любите чай- крепкий или слабый?-Не очень крепкий,пожалуйста
20.Что сегодня на второе?-Жареная рыба с картошкой
21.Обед подан в столовой.
22.Тебе намазать хлеб маслом?-Да,и вареньем
23.У нас сегодня был лёгкий завтрак,и после прогулки мы проголодались.Было бы неплохо поесть
24.Он наскоро поужинал и принялся за работу
25.Она любит консервированные ананасы больше,чем свежие
26.В этом доме гостей всегда угощают совершенно особенным яблочным пирогом.он необыкновенно вкусен
27.Её муж любит,как он говорит,вздремнуть пол часика после сытного обеда.Это вредно для пищеварения.Ему лучше пройтись с полмили
28.Ты уже накрыла на стол?- Нет ещё.Не могу найти чистую скатерть
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The breakfast of cornflakes with milk filed. Followed by toasted Bacon 2. it is impossible to imagine English breakfast without toasting. They smear with butter and jam 3. Breakfast often eaten hastily, as all rush 4. Lunch usually consists of 2 meals. Meat dish served with lots of vegetables. Followed by stewed fruit. 5. the so-called "big tea"-a very good meal. 6. He is always not away, as it is expressed, "bite tightly". 7. There is nothing more delicious strawberries with cream! 8. Bišteks delicious?-I think it underdone.-and I think it's just as necessary. 9. What do you wish for a second?-any fish dish as usual. 10. For me, there's nothing better than fried potatoes, of course, if it is browned and crisp 11. how many pieces you sugar?-thank you, I drink tea without sugar. A slice of lemon, please 12. "how many times a day do you eat?" asked the doctor.-regular meals is very important for health 13. He ate a full plate of porridge, while saying that does not want to have 14. today, the menu includes meat, stewed vegetables, sweet pudding, assorted snacks and even ice-cream with fruit for dessert 15. how many pieces you sugar?-just two. 16. Do not want more lettuce?-thank you, enough for me 17. tasty Soup?-I haven't tried, it is hot. 18. you told her sister that she brought pure ware? 19. you some love tea-strong or weak?-not very sturdy, please 20. The second?-baked fish with potatoes 21. Lunch is served in the dining room. 22. you spread the bread with butter?-Yes, and jam 23. we have today was a light breakfast, and after the walk we hungry. It would be nice to eat 24. He had hastily and set to work 25. She loves canned pineapple more than fresh 26. In this House guests are always treated to quite special Apple Pie he unusually tasty 27. Her husband loves, as he says, take a NAP, Paul časika after a hearty lunch. This is bad for the digestion. It is better to go with a half-mile 28. you are already covered on the table?-no again. Can't find a clean tablecloth
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. On cornflakes breakfast is served with fried bacon molokom.Zatem followed
2.Nevozmozhno imagine English breakfast without toasting. They smeared butter and jam
3.Zavtrak often eat in a hurry, as all hurry
4.Obed usually consists of 2 blyud.Myasnoe dish is served with plenty of ovoschey.Za followed compote.
5.Tak called "high tea" - a very thorough meal .
6.They always off, as he puts it, "tight bite."
7.Nichego no delicious strawberries and cream!
8.Bishteks delicious? -In my opinion, he nedozharen.-And I think it is just the same as necessary.
9. What you wish for a second? -What a fish dish, as usual.
10.Dlya have nothing better fries, of course, if it rosy and crispy
11.Skolko you lumps of sugar? -Thank you, I drink tea without sahara.Lomtik lemon, please
12. "How many times a day do you eat?" - asked vrach.-regular diet is important for health
13.On ate a plateful of porridge, but said that did not want to eat
14.Segodnya menu there are meat dishes, stewed vegetables, sweet pudding, various snacks and even ice cream with fruit for dessert
15.Skolko you lumps of sugar? sufficiently two.
16.Do not want some more salad? -Thank you, me enough
17.Sup delicious? - I have not tried, it's hot.
18.Vy sister told her to bring clean dishes?
19.Vy like a tea-strong or weak? -Not very sturdy, please
20.Chto today for the second? -Zharenaya fish with potatoes
21 .Obed served in the dining room.
22.Tebe spread butter on bread? Yes, and jam
23.U us today was a light breakfast, and after a walk, we would do well to eat progolodalis.Bylo
24.On a quick supper and went to work
25.Ona loves canned pineapple more than fresh
26. In this house guests are always treated to a very special apple pirogom.on unusual taste
27.Eё husband loves, he says, take a nap half an hour after a hearty obeda.Eto harmful to pischevareniya.Emu better to walk half a mile
28 .Ty already laid the table? - No eschё.Ne can find a clean tablecloth
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. at breakfast, served with grilled bacon корнфлекс молоком.затем follows
2.невозможно imagine english breakfast with toast. their намазывают butter and jelly
3.завтрак often eat together, so hurry
4.lunch usually consists of 2 блюд.мясное dish is served with a large number of овощей.за follows the compote.
5.так called "high tea" - a very solid meal.
6.он always away, as he put it,"big eat".
7.ничего no better than strawberries with cream.
8.биштекс delicious? - i think he недожарен. - i think he's just like you.
9.что you for a second? any fish meal, as usual.
10.for me there is nothing better than french fries, of course, if she's pink and поджаристая
11.сколько you pieces of sugar? - thank you, i drink tea without сахара.ломтик lemon, please
12. "how many times a day do you eat?" asked the doctor.- regular diet is important to health. 13.он ate a full plate of porridge, while said don't want to have. 14.сегодня menu is тушёные meat dishes, vegetables, sweet puddingdifferent snacks, and even ice cream with fruit for dessert. 15.сколько you pieces of sugar? - enough for two.
16.не want more salad? - thank you, it's enough for me. 17.суп delicious? i haven't tried it, it's hot.
6.you told your sister that she has clean dishes?
19.вы what you like tea strong or weak? - not too strong, please. 20.что today for a second? - fried fish and chips. 21.обед is served in the dining room.
22.you put some bread and butter? - yeah, and jam
23.у us today was a little breakfast, and after the walk, we проголодались.было would be good to eat. 24.он toronto dinner and set to work
25.she likes canned pineapple more than fresh
26.в this house guests are always very special very tasty apple пирогом.он
27.её husband loves what he saida half an hour after the filling обеда.это bad for пищеварения.ему better to take half a mile. 28.ты already put on the table? - no ещё.не can find a clean cloth.
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