В нашей жизни все происходит не случайно. И, то что я тебе сейчас пишу, это тоже не просто так. Это нащ шанс. Давай его не упустим. Давай используем его! Выбор за тобой...
In our lives, everything happens for a reason. And that I'm now writing, this is not just so. This is our chance. Let's not lose it. Let's use it! The choice is yours ...
In our life everything is not accidental. And what I'm writing now, this is not just. It nasch chance. Let's not miss it. Let's use it! The choice is yours...
in our life, everything happens for a reason. and, what i'm about to write, it's not just that. this нащ chance. let's not lose. let's use it! you choose...