Газеты держат людей в курсе новостей ежедневно. В России газеты появля перевод - Газеты держат людей в курсе новостей ежедневно. В России газеты появля английский как сказать

Газеты держат людей в курсе новосте

Газеты держат людей в курсе новостей ежедневно. В России газеты появляются ежедневно и еженедельно, а журналы они ежемесячно. Newspapers publish material about politics, on science, engineering, medicine and education. Many newspapers have publications about international events, about the life of the people in all parts of the world. People can find comments on the most exciting sporting events and matches. В конце газеты обычно пишут советы по садоводству, кулинарии, some funny stories, crosswords. Некоторые газеты публикуются на разные темы. Например, ТВ-программу, прогноз погоды, новости и поиск работы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The newspapers keep people up to date with the news daily. In Russia there are daily and weekly newspapers and magazines are monthly. Newspapers publish material about politics, on science, engineering, medicine and education. Many newspapers have publications about international events, about the life of the people in all parts of the world. People can find comments on the most exciting sporting events and matches. At the end of the newspapers usually write tips on gardening, cooking, some funny stories, crosswords. Some newspapers are published on a variety of topics. For example, a TV program, weather forecast, news and job search.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Newspapers keep people up to date with the news on a daily basis. In Russia, the newspaper appeared daily and weekly and monthly magazines are. Newspapers publish material about politics, on science, engineering, medicine and education. Many newspapers have publications about international events, about the life of the people in all parts of the world. People can find comments on the most exciting sporting events and matches. At the end of the newspaper is usually written advice on gardening, cooking, some funny stories, crosswords. Some newspapers are published on various topics. For example, a TV program, weather, news and search.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Newspapers are holding people to keep abreast of the latest news every day. The Russian newspaper appear daily, and weekly logs and they are on a monthly basis. Writes publish material about politics, on science, engineering, medicine and education. Chinese medicine writes procedural publications about international events,About the life of the people in all parts of the world. People can find соmments on the import exсiting kids' events and. At the end of newspapers usually write tips on gardening, cooking, some funny stories, сrоsswоrds. Some newspapers are published on a variety of topics. For example,TV program, weather forecast, news and search for work.
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