С давних времен люди придавали большое значение символике цвета. Кажды перевод - С давних времен люди придавали большое значение символике цвета. Кажды английский как сказать

С давних времен люди придавали боль

С давних времен люди придавали большое значение символике цвета. Каждый цвет имел свое значение, что, отражалось в религии, астрономии, обычаях, в древних мифах, сказках, преданиях. Цвет влиял, как на социальное положение человека, так на психологическое состояние, выбор одежды, традиции, народных обрядах, сказаниях. Придание значения цвету у разных народностей - разное, но все они имеют свой смысл и толкование, дошедшее и до наших дней.
Красный цвет считается одним из самых значимых цветовой палитры.
Значение красного цвета очень многообразно, а иногда, противоречиво.
С одной стороны он символизирует любовь, радость, красоту, полноту жизни. Вспомним выражения «красна девица», «красно солнышко», красные сердечки на валентинках возлюбленных, красные воздушные баллоны на свадьбах, красные розы в подарок любимой, красное платье невесты на свадьбах в средневековой Европе.
На многих языках значение слова «красный» звучит одинаково. Слово «красный» - это синоним слова «возлюбленный», а в Китае про человека с добрым сердцем, скажут «у него красное сердце» у коварного врага – «черное сердце».
С другой стороны красный цвет символизирует огонь и кровь, революцию, агрессию, борьбу, месть. Во время войны Карфагенцы и спартанцы надевали одежду красного цвета, а китайские повстанцы, готовясь к бунту, называли себя «красными» воинами, «красными копьями», «красными сердцами».
Для многих народов красный цвет был символом власти и величия.
Широко применение красного цвета в искусстве, культуре.
«Красная строка» - нам хорошо знакомо это выражение, что значит, отступ перед абзацем, а «начать с красной строки»- значит, начать все с начала.
Хорошо всем известная «Красная книга» - это книга об исчезающих видах животных, растений и грибов. «Красная площадь» в Москве обозначает, центральная, красивая площадь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Since ancient times, people attached great importance to the symbolism of the colors. Each color had its value, which was reflected in the religion, astronomy, customs, ancient myths, fairy tales, legends. Color affects how the human social situation on psychological state, clothing choices, tradition, folk rituals, legends. Giving the values of color from different nationalities and different but they all have their meaning and interpretation, preserved to our days.The color red is considered one of the most important color palette. The red color is very diverse and sometimes contradictory.On the one hand it represents love, joy, beauty, fullness of life. Remember the phrase "krasna devitsa", "Red Sun", red hearts on Valentine sweethearts, red air tanks at weddings, Red Roses as a gift to a favorite red dress, the bride at weddings in medieval Europe.In many languages the word "red" sound the same. The word "red" is a synonym for "beloved" and in China about a man with a good heart, "he will say red heart" at the treacherous enemy, "black heart".The Red symbolizes fire and blood, revolution, aggression, control, revenge. During the war, the Karfagency and the Spartans wore red clothes and Chinese rebels, preparing to revolt, called themselves "red", "red Spears warriors", "red hearts".For many people the red color was a symbol of power and Majesty. Widespread use of red color in art and culture.The "red line"-we are well familiar with this expression that means spacing before a paragraph, and "start with a red string"-means, start all over again.Well all the famous "Red Book" is a book about endangered species of animals, plants and fungi. Red square in Moscow means Central, beautiful area.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the symbolism of color. Each color had its own value, which was reflected in religion, astronomy, customs, in the ancient myths, fairy tales, legends. Color affects how the social position of the person, on the psychological state, the choice of clothing, traditions, folk rituals, legends. Making color values ​​in different ethnic groups - different, but they all have a meaning and interpretation, and come down to the present day.
The red color is considered one of the most important color palette.
The value of red is very diverse and sometimes contradictory.
On the one hand it symbolizes love, joy, beauty and fullness of life. Let us recall the expression "fair maiden", "red sun", red hearts on Valentine 'lovers, red air balloons at weddings, red roses in a gift favorite, red dress bride at weddings in medieval Europe.
In many languages, the word "red" sounds the same. The word "red" - is synonymous with the word "lover", and in China about a man with a good heart, say "his red heart" from the insidious enemy - the "black heart".
On the other hand the red color symbolizes fire and blood, revolution, aggression , fighting, revenge. During the war the Carthaginians and the Spartans wore red clothes, and the Chinese rebels, ready to revolt, called themselves "red" warriors "red spears", "red hearts."
For many people the color red was a symbol of power and greatness.
Widely use red color in art and culture.
"Red Line" - we are well familiar with this expression, which means before the paragraph indent, and "start with red lines" - then start all over again.
Well everybody knows "Red Book" - a book about endangered species of animals, plants and fungi. "Red Square" in Moscow means central, beautiful area.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Since ancient times people have attached great importance to symbols color. Each color had its value, that was reflected in religion, astronomy, customary practices in the ancient myths, ethic, Bishop Lazarus. The color influenced,As well as on the social situation, so the psychological condition, selection of clothes, traditions, folk rites, Winston could. The color values from different nationalities - Miscellaneous,But all of them have their meaning and interpretation, and my dream has come true and up to our days.
red color is considered to be one of the most important color palette.
The color red is very well aware, and sometimes contradictory.
On the one hand it symbolizes love, joy, beauty, full of life. Recall of expression "red bier", "red art print on canvas --- agniart.ru", red trinkets inâ the валентинках lovers, red air cylinders at the wedding,The red roses in the gift your favorite, the red dress on the bride's wedding in the medieval Europe.
in many languages the meaning of the word "red" sounds equally. The word "red" is a synonym for the word "beloved",And in China ABM treaty rights, with a good heart, you say "the red heart" the insidious enemy - "black heart" .
on the other hand red color symbolizes fire and blood, revolution, aggression, fighting, revenge.In time of war Carthaginians, who were skillful traders and Spartans achieved wore clothing red color, and the Chinese rebels, in preparing for the rioting, called themselves "red" wars, "red spears", "red hearts" .
For many people of color red was the symbol power and greatness.
It is widely the use of red in the arts, culture.
"red line" - we are well aware that the expression, that is, before the paragraph indent,A "start with a red line" - that is, to start all.
well all the known "Red Book" is a book about endangered species, plants and mushrooms. The "Red Square" in Moscow indicates, center,This is a nice area.
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